Friday, November 30, 2007
just because i shop a lot it doesn't mean that i don't love domokun anymore. in fact. he's the one who's there to look at my buys when i reach home and take them out of the shopping bags, only to throw them onto him like he's some sort of a table on my bed. ahaha.
well then, domokun always gets a big hug (actually a squeeze) and a kiss when i get home. and this is like an everyday affair :X!
i love domo~ i love domo~ oh my domo i love you~
you are so big you are so fat oh my domo i love you~
that was a song! haha~ poor domo :X!
anyway, here's a pic of domo-momo, as he is affectionately called.
and apparently, he's trying to check my teeth like a dentist.

Say "Ahhh"!
i seriously must get another one of these domo-momo plushies if i ever set foot in Japan again.
bee at 6:58 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Monday, November 26, 2007
w00tie w00tie w00t w00t.
met up with approx ten others (on Sunday) who used to play my beloved game Elancia~ which has since closed down due to the rise of 3D games. but aww.. that one one game which quit before i did, so i never really got enough of it. i miss it so T_T! i get lost in 3D games like WOW (the mad people's game which i so so so dislike) and Fiesta.
it was amazing, cos there was a couple who were husband and wife and they have like 3 kids but they're so into gaming :X these are the parents who can "train" their children's in-game characters for them while they're at school haha~ and more importantly, gaming'll become another common topic to add on to the list~ so cool! the younger ones like us were saying that its great cos then you get to know what your kids are doing online at the same time as well~
anyway, they went to sing K after that and i just sat there the whole time because 1) K is not my type of thing, though i must admit it looks somewhat fun. 2) i am so shy that i don't sing in front of people i don't know well enough. oh gawd, am i antisocial or what :X well basically i find it difficult to read chinese FAST (as in fast enough to sing it, because my cognitive processing in that area is really slow:X) and its just weird to sing old english songs with funny MTVs. i won't even call those MTVs haha! but i don't know what else to call those oldie vids.
when it comes to big group social situations i tend to just take a backseat and let the others whom i can trust do the talking, whether or not i'm with my parents, or whether or not i'm with doodoo. for some reason i'm happier listening to what others have to say, and its not that i wish to be left alone because i don't want to. in fact, its like watching real-life situations without that glass TV screen, and it seems entertaining that way to me. well of course i would be more than happy to talk when i have something to say, and there are times when i feel so guilty because i yak on and on and i feel as if i don't give others enough speech time :X! this is so a**istic, if you ask me. the consolation is that this only happens to people whom i'm comfortable with. haa :X
went to work for a talk today on occupational therapy.. and after that we had a lunch with everyone from both branches. the head treated us to a buffet @ sakura.. and that was just so nice of her! my colleagues insisted that they pay for the cab rides as well~ which doesn't help to make me feel any better :X but ahh well, i have nothing to complain about since it was such a nice gesture yea.
met up with jiahui on monday for some shopping and talking, basically a lot about our current jobs now. (she wore this really pretty floral dress and it really is pretty when i say it is cos i'm a person who doesn't usually like prints and floral motifs). we also did our hair - she did a wavey "perm" and i requested for some styling :) i had swirly victorian curlsss which had to be messed about before they turned fab. so fun! haha~ and while we were walking around the mall, a pair of pinkie-beigey glittery princess shoes with a satin ribbon by the side caught my eye, but since they're heels jiahui bought them to match the clothes she's going to wear for her friend's wedding instead. ahh, i changed my leopard flats into a pair of gold ballet pumps (which are so versatile) and jiahui went to pick up her HOT jap-style patent boots. i call it jappy because she modelled it for me with her floral dress + white cardigan and that just looked so jap!!! she agreed, saying that s'poreans hardly dress that way~ ahha! and i also picked up a chilli red metallic 'corset' belt, an addition to the black, gold, bronze and silver ones i have now! i've been trying to stop myself from buying impulse, and apparently the term 'control' here does not necessarily guarantee a hundred percent success rate (well nobody's perfect) so what i do is i try to shop less :P instead of getting 3 dresses i get 1.. and leave the remaining 2 at the back of my mind, in addition to the issue about work/studies (yes its still there!). currently people assume that i'm going to take up the bond offered by the company, and that only helps to make me feel worse. cos i don't know how to say no in their faces. the most i can express is an "i'm not exactly that keen at the moment" kinda thing. plus i know time's running out for me to confirm that NO.
and i really need to go back to work to save some of my files from the com there into my thumbdrive, so i can start working on individualised educational plans, as well as pack up my stuff so i can prepare for the move over to the east side. at the same time, reb's and ailay's meetups have been postponed and i seriously feel so paisae when i keep doing that =/ the 6 weeks holiday feels like its only 6 days while in actual fact its something like 20+ days.
there's just too much thinking going on in this usually braindead brain of mine.
bee at 10:27 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
some things i just had to have
horror of horrors. i did my nails just on Friday and i was walking around after that when i saw a girl trying on a pair of gorgeous shimmer leopard flats - i had to have them, so i asked for my size and measured them along my feet and of course i bought them. i couldn't try them on cos i didn't want to ruin them and neither did i want to wait till Monday to get them just in case my size runs out by then (all the big feet people always like the same thing).
and guess what? when i got home, they didn't fit. they were TOO SMALL! now i spent $30 for stuff i can't wear =/ and it just occupies space at home. argh. ah well the good news is i can probably bring it back for an exchange on Monday, I HOPE. that aside, i've been looking for this bottega veneta inspired dress in silver, and its so pretty because of its knotted back. i've only got the one in gold.. and i'm seriously yearning for the one in silver. :( can't take my mind off it (with the dilemma about work and school constantly being at the back of my mind of course!).
being mad about silly "corset" cinch belts, i purchased a bronze one in addition to the black, gold and silver ones i already have. and i thought those leopard flats'll match the bronze one perfectly well. alas! now i do not know what to wear the bronze one with.. and i don't have any bronze car bag either (because a car bag in bronze looks horrendous).
anyway, speaking of nails, christine (the manicurist) and i were talking about how i can keep changing colours because its my holiday now! :) so i can keep doing my nails to make up for the past 20 weeks of suffering from a lack of a pedicure. :X HOORAY! i should learn to be more adventurous like she said.. but i'm so afraid that bright, eyecatching colours will make my feet look funny since they're sort of like the most tanned part of my body :X~
bee at 6:32 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
mad about...
1. cinch belts
2. stockings
for now.
i bought this trapeze-cut gold dress with a knotted back.. and it gets too short when i cinch it up with a belt. as such, i now need stockings, for the first time in my life. i'm just worried that i'll be slipping in my own shoes when i wear them.
and oooh.. happy, happie, happiness blows me over when i think of the coming cruise trip in march~ the fact that we're going to sail balcony class cabin during the 3n trip to Penang/Phuket blows me over. what we now need to decide is what to wear for the Gala dinner as well as which ground tours to opt for when we reach the stopovers! argh. what i'm not looking forward to however is the 10 weeks that i have to slog out before i get to go for that trip.
the thought of purchasing an LV miroir alma has crossed my mind, but i'm not sure if i'll regret the purchase after that. because it'll probably just sit together with all the 8 car bags that i have after some time.. especially when new collections come up. what i love about it though, is its enchanting reflective surface that's ooh so shiny at the same time.
ahh i need more of these thoughts to take my mind off the stress i stress myself up with. its the holidays, but i'm still worrying and thinking more than ever. i've been given the option to take up a certificate but i said i didn't want to because i was considering a degree. then they said that the cert is going to be a requirement at work soon.. so now what's clearer than before is that its either i stay or i go forever. and if i do go, what should i do? do i try for that 4-year long course at NTU which provides an honours (Class Unguaranteed of course) which i feel i don't need? this is terrible, terrible, terrible! i don't even know if i should even think about the 2-year course anymore.. something which is about a field i most probably would not venture into after i graduate. this entire paragraph has been holling in my mind the entire afternoon since i got off work, and now, the entire night.
so tomorrow i'll go do what i wanted to do the entire week and make myself happy. grab a dior lipgloss.. do my fugly toenails.. buy a simple patrizia pepe inspired dress and hopefully get more sleep. then i can start planning to see the derm AGAIN and look forward to meeting the girls, jiahui, rebecca and ailay next week.
i went back to work 3 days this week, and spent my wednesday sorting out the huge parcel of TONS of clothes i received and trying them out one by one to decide what i want to keep and what i don't wish to keep~ the first week of the hols is almost gone.. and its seriously not even within the blink of an eye!
bee at 10:22 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
could slacking and shopping be my hobby?
a couple of days ago i remember calling up star cruises for the umpteenth number of time and to my dismay, all cabins for the march school hols 3n departure on superstar virgo are taken up. w00t? and once again i thought i was earlY!~!~ madness, i was thinking.. how could the entire ship be fully booked 5 months before the date of departure?
hoho and just last night i tried my luck again, hoping that some seats would've been released and when i asked for balcony class (oh why did i?) they said they had just 1 cabin left on the highest deck for cabins! (deck 11) weehee :) needless to say it was costly of course -.- hitting almost 2k thank you~ which is far more expensive than going to bangkok or hongkong or whatever. (how on earth am i going to get to Japan by end-May to early-June if i keep spending like this?)~
anyway i was so excited about the trip that i mindlessly started to plan my outfits with the rough itinery that i got from doo (because the army had a 3n trip planned for dec too). but i realised that AIYA no point in doing so, cos by the time march comes i'll have more new clothes again. i also realised something else. i'm going to have to pack loads of shoes in! because i have shoes to match different outfits and if i'm bringing all the different outfits i'll need the different shoes too! :X!
hmm. i'm going back to work in the east again next semester/year. for some reason it didn't feel like i'm leaving the west at all, and at the same time i keep imagining what being in the east again after a whole semester's break away from it would be like. and oh no i'm teaching 2 kids who are born in 2005 and i haven't met them yet (i'm going to, tomorrow) but i'm already anxious and nervous and panicky and frantic and God knows what.
i know i need to get back to school, but the experience really seems to be much more important here. furthermore i don't exactly know what i wish to study yet. there seems to be loads of fun things to study but a lot of things may not be what they seem to be~ and some of these things take an awful lot of time (4 years) and i don't want/need the honours unless its 1st class, which of course is never guaranteed no matter how leet studying English or any other language like French seems to be. i still hate taking risks even at this age.. well i guess some things just never change (like me repeating this entire paragraph every time this issue is in my mind). well of course the other easy option is to take the same old thing for 2 years and obviously whichever way i go i just would never know how or where i'd end up. life becomes a gamble for me whichever way i look at it - because i can't picture EXACTLY what things would be like if i studied this or that until i step into it myself, which of course by then it is too late to change (to me) and i wouldn't want to. i mean there are times when i think that to some extent a degree is just a degree and perhaps i could always venture into another field later on.. and to some other extent a degree is not just a degree especially when some people really look, stare and consider it. i am still in the same dilemna as i was in march, sad to say, but everyone goes through these decisions, just some spending less thought on it than others, and obviously me spending way too much thought on it. for now, i think i would still go ahead with the 'shorter' choice that is sort of obviously right in front of me and everyone else, though i wouldn't say it is the easier choice~
well what i would consider as fun for work which if these 'conditions' are met i don't think anyone would think of it as work anymore (since its too perfect for me), really:
starting work early (because i'm an early riser) and ending work early so i can go shop around~ OR having flexi-time so i can shop whenever i want to and get back to work later :P
being able to wear dresses or minidresses in any cut and style to work. (this is quite important because i don't like restrictions).
having a reasonable pay which would leave me with $$ for my shopping expenditure even after paying for the condo and car instalments (just kiddin', i doubt i'd ever drive, am rather happy with the beetle bags at the mo).
having colleagues that are about the same age so we have common topics to chat about ;)
NOW WHAT KIND OF WORK IS THIS? i can't let anyone who's going to employ me in the future see this definition.
bee at 9:01 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
the night safari
just two nights ago i was at gwc and so i'd pass a spinelli :X ooh they had my favourite strawberry cheese tart (its actually a cake) and i bought 3! whee.. me and my over indulgence in cakes, tarts and other sweeties!
anyway, doo and i were at the night safari last night~ and boy did we spend almost $200 there on admission, food, cab fares, etc.~ we went to ulu ulu for dinner, and their buffet spread was so small. the sushi however was fantastically fresh, the rice tasted so different and much more fragrant (or whatever you call it) than the other sushi restaurants in SG that serve regular plates of sushi at approximately $2+++ but taste the same as the ones sold at supermarkets. anyway, they also had super soft spongy cake with strawberry cream sandwiched in the middle of two layers of sponge and had some nut on top (was it almond?). HEAVENLY i must say~ the amount of sweetness and strawberryness was just right, and the sponge was SO SOFT. needless to say, the nuts were like seeds to me because i don't eat them. all along i kept thinking that the nut spoiled my appetite for the cake (but i still took like 4 pieces anyway!) and its so wasteful of me to just put it aside and refuse to eat it. but still! no means no in this case. the meal cost a bomb (more than our admission+tram fees) considering it was the usual local fare - satay (the mutton ones served here are far better than the chicken ones), sweet & sour fish, some indian dishes, papadum, roast duck (taste was not fantastic but the meat was tender) and loads of sushi - tamago, unagi, beancurdskin. quality wise its really not too bad for a buffet at all, but its such a pity the spread was small. well what to expect from a tourist attraction yea? the good thing however was they kept topping up the food~ :)
speaking of buffets, the waterfront copthorne hotel beside zouk was pretty good~ more expensive than the ulu ulu one but they had a better spread.
anyway, we went along a trail by foot before we went to catch the 'creatures of the night' show which had a very entertaining MC along with an otter who could sort recyclables! btw, i was so scared when we were walking along the trail mainly because i'm terrified of darkness and the place was so discreetly lit. thankfully, we met some otters along the way~ haha! in their watery 'enclosure' of course~ but they were so cute! they played follow the leader with one another, climbed up this skinny 'log', went along it a little bit (which meant that they were coming nearer to us) and stood up! its as if they came to say hi to us! they also made some indescribable noises which were cute. a.i.y.a they were just ADORABLE!!!~
ooh and we also caught a tribal dance together with a dart-shooting, fire-breathing and swallowing performance. the guys were so muscular, agile and funny haha! funny in terms of body language, not that they spoke in English at any point in time to the audience. instead, loads of gestures were used to round up some applause and stuff like that~
like anyone else, i'd say the $$ spent on ticketing was worth it ;) i like the decor very much and i love it more than the zoo!~ though i'm not exactly sure when i'd go back again. perhaps when i find out how to see the tigers face to face i'd go back sooner than expected, cos that was something others told me they experienced but i didn't cos i didn't know where to go for that and we were running short of time was we reached there just before 8 (and i was mad at doo for giving the taxi uncle an extra $1+ not only because it was $1+ (yes i can be kiam at times because doodoo has a habit of rounding up taxi fares and a habit means it occurs and recurs so this time rounding up by the dollar is too much!!) but also because the guy dropped us at the zoo and we had to walk to the night safari!). small matter, but o well~
oh yes, and we were on the tram, we really could see some of the animals up close! it was really cool~~~! they didn't seem to care about the tram going past.. and i was wondering why~ haha. must be a common sight to them~ at some point in time, they tried to create suspense and at another point in time during the ride we were driven past the empty enclosure of the asian rhino.. which apparently means that he's X_X. i felt so sad when the live commentor said that was what extinction looked like. T_T!
bee at 10:35 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
food werks for mee~
when doodoo and i feel lazy after a day of work, we like to sit in front of the computer and watch (one of) our favourite animes: bleach~ in addition to that, when we don't order takeaways, we turn into fans of home delivery =) and that's cos its soo convenient.. other than deciding on what we want to eat, the only other thing we have to do is to make a phone call. speaking of which, just the other day when i dialled the delivery hotlines of one of the fastfood restaurants, someone unknowingly answered my call and all i heard was crappy yet vain singing. -.- what a waste of time! haha :X
well anyway, we tried out mcdelivery's mccafe gourmet meals and it turned out they were simply microwaveable meals. X_X those two bowls of salmon + vege cost us twice as much as our usual mcdelivery meal~ and oh they've raised their delivery charge to $3.. i didn't realise till yesterday~ i guess we'll be sticking to nuggets and fries from now on!
for the price we paid for the mccafe gourmet meals, i'd say offers better stuff though of course, the waiting time may be much longer depending on where you stay~ we love for the geylang goodies which we lazy folks wouldn't purchase ourselves because we prefer to be served at our doorstep whenever possible HAHA. well actually its just too out of the way for us to go down for it especially when its evening time & we just wanna slack~ well anyway, thanks to's service, i was able to try out carrot cake with prawns as well as beef hor fun with super strong wok hei, thick and chewey slabs of hor fun and very tender beef! whee! delightful!! hopefully dabao won't keep getting so 'xiao zhang' cos otherwise their prices will continue to skyrocket due to demand for their services i believe and obviously that wouldn't be to the benefit of us!
ooh! food glorious food! i just thought of donuts as well and i used to think i wouldn't like any other donut except for donut factory's strawberry heart (with my FAVOURITE white chocolate coated on the top and strawberry jam fills it up!). but doodoo and i tried munchy donut's donuts (because i thought it was the same as the munchy donut cafe @ expo which used to serve corn dogs that i love) and we like the oreo donut :) nice crunchy oreo bits (like what you get from a mcflurry icecream) with the sweet whitish creamy thing (actually is that white chocolate?) lining the donut. whoo..~ if i'm not wrong doo likes the coffee cream donut too, but i haven't tried it yet.
i've been stuffing myself with good ol' honeystars + milk (the honeystars came with our KFC delivery meals) as well as indulging in Han's Peach Tarts which were more than fab this time around because their crusty pastry was crustier than usual :) yummy! i've become a glutton!
bee at 8:10 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
i detest acne.
doodoo and i caught the bee movie on thurs and sugar & spice today~
sugar & spice made me kinda sad for quite some time while the bee movie was rather heartwarming at the end when all the bees were so united. speaking of movies, we watched army daze last week and i was so amused when having a change of underwear during their week-long field camp is good news. well i guess when u're in that situation, you'd think of the millions of civilians out there who get to change their underwear at least once a day and that would probably sound like a luxury. LOL
anyway, we went down to orchard in the first place because i wanted to look at shoes. and so i ended up buying 2 pairs of flats (one zebra print pair and another is a simple pair of black leather pumps with a mesh petapouffy flower which doodoo seriously CANNOT stand). for some reason i proved to myself that white shoes seem to look better on me~ maybe because my the lower part of my legs (including my feet) are tanned due to my daily dressing-down of cropped 3/4-length jeans. the 3rd pair, which was bought on total impulse because the hot pink satin one that i wanted was completely out of stock in my size (yes i am so upset about it and i'm still not over that fact). well anyway, of all things, it was a pair of black patent heels which i would never wear. so now i have a truckload of shoes (well actually its just 5 pairs) from substance and believe it or not i have not worn a single pair out yet. so what if they're cheap. they're a waste of my $$ and they take up space :( seriously i wonder why i buy shoes to keep them. ahh and i just remembered i bought a pair of leopard heels too, which obviously would not be worn out as well.
well at least i've finally discovered a shop in real life which sells the car bag. honestly i wouldn't be surprised if the shops at far east plaza or bugis started selling them too. X_X especially after i told that auntie at bugis where mine were from T_T!
and now, i have good news for myself~ i am finally sick of shoes (except for the hot pink satin pair) and maybe when the 20 or so pieces of clothing (inclusive of 3 car bags) arrive in late november i would be sick of some other things to shop for too. i wonder if that'll ever happen. i just feel that despite buying so many things, i still feel like i have nothing to wear.
bee at 7:14 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
worrying unnecessarily amounts to nothing else but more stress
"life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away" - annonymous.
saw that quote on a teeshirt.. and i kinda like it. LOL.
hmm. i realised things get easier when we learn to take it easy. its usually easier said than done.. but i've found that it really helps, especially when i'm such an expert worrier *rolls eyes*
i got a scare earlier this week when some $$ i mailed out more than a week ago hadn't reached the personal shopper :X and i can be so immensely worried that its hilarious because like doo said, there isn't much of a point in worrying at all -.- thankfully it was found just yesterday~ so i'll be able to get ALL the 20 or so items i purchased (as well as 1 for jiahui!) :)
apart from jotting down what to do during the hols on which day and when i'm meeting my friends (yes this is how much i'm looking forward to it! who could resist holidays!!!!!!!~!), i've actually come up with some other places i wish to visit in Japan when i manage to book a trip for June next year (actually its just 1 addition). i would love to go to HK/TW/Japan now but fashion trends that are based on winter wouldn't allow it (long sleeves and overly thick coats - what for in this weather would i need those?.. X_X!). anyway, some of the places on my list are: sea world, jesus diamante, the bra shop, shibuya 109 & shopping district (rienda please!), an NHK Merchandise Store(domodomo!), this hot spring place that serves pretty food and disneyland i suppose? thing is i'm considering HK too (maybe a stopover'll be great haha). i heard HK disneyland's boring, and i know the Tokyo one's fantastic (at least that was the case when i went there several years ago). but HK's shopping is good if i find out where to shop at i guess? well stuff there's definitely is cheaper than what you get in Japan yea?! ((ooh i don't know why i'm suddenly thinking of heels that i would never wear out because they're heels))~
oh and whee! it's deepavali tomorrow! i don't celebrate the festival, but i celebrate the fact that it's a public holiday haha! and Thursday is a lovely day to be a public holiday because its a 2-session day.. and i'll come back on Friday to just 1 session! XD! which also marks the end of week 19 of semester 2, and that means next week is the last teaching week for the year! woohoo~! it seems that i have a new tradition on my blog now - ending off a post with a countdown.
bee at 2:24 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, November 02, 2007
much appreciated ;)
its really nice to receive a note from dear rebecca at a time where it is least expected :)
thank you so much for the photo, the words, your wonderful thought, and the love!
bee at 9:26 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
still full of complaints as usual
i realised i don't bring work home but i bring a hell lotta stress home.
today was an exception though. i'm still worrying about what'll happen tomorrow (that's just the kinda person i am - worry worry worriessss), but at least i feel happier after playing with this super pretty girl that i teach. i never knew it was so fun to play with her haha. spinning her around. playing this silly "zzz game" which really is silly but it makes her happy and its nice to see that such a little thing could make her smile. well obviously this wasn't during the demandful 1on1 teaching time but at the end of the day where perhaps i was more relaxed as well :X
well its no fun being watched when i'm teaching.. or rather observed all the time. X_X it worries me and i panic with a kind of fear that grips my heart, causing it to either beat even faster or to make me struggle with breathing -.- oh gawd. this is exactly how i felt about art classes in secondary 3.. its the uncertainty and maybe insecurity (see, maybe is already a sign of uncertainty) that makes one so anxious and scared that one could cry. i don't know if i should say that i feel relieved after reading jiahui's sms the other day cos now i know that i'm not the only one who feels like crying when it comes to work~ :X why work when play is waiting.
ahh. and the wonders of fall lie not in the clothes but in the BAGS. i L.O.V.E the big bags i see all over the place and i feel so tempted to purchase them.. but my cowhide shopper is already on its way!.. so maybe its better to start looking out for spring 08 bags instead~ just in case i get sick of the cars by then. oh and btw is it just me or is it that the big bags i see these days are ALL YSL muse inspired? -.- cos that's what makes them look all the same :X
and also, i know i don't wear heels but i love, love love LOVE the maryjane heels from christian louboutin. i've been eyeing them for a while now~ but i bet they're all sold out in black cos they're just too lovely. i think those heels are dressy and sexy and i'd love to have them for the sake of just having them as a "there's bound to be an occassion which requires me to wear these" kinda thing. pity i don't think i look good in black heels though =/ speaking of maryjane heels, the vivi (as in jap magazine vivi, not the vivocity vivi) version with the double-strap actually looks good too, but i can't find those anywhere anymore. another pair that i've been thinking about is the melissa one from novo with the ribbon at the front. it comes in a ballet pink too~ and i believe black is sold out completely sold out at the Marina Square branch now since there wasn't a single pair on display last weekend =/ the first time i saw 'em they were already sold out in my size.
i could just go on and on about shopping. i was at miss selfridge last weekend looking at accessories too~ i would've almost spent a hundred bucks on accessories if not for doodoo's call which got me dashing down to raffles city as i didn't want to keep him waiting for too long for dinner at cafe cartel + taking a peek at what royal caribbean cruises have to offer. well anyway, it was frustrating though because as i finally discovered an absolutely GORGEOUS ring which i had to get, i realised it was sold out in a size small after taking a 2nd look. argh :( that was so pretty and i can't get it outta my head. also i decided to drop everything after receiving his call partly because the size S ring was sold out and so i felt i didn't feel like getting anything anymore :X actually the bracelet and the other ring that i saw too. but those are just timeless pieces. the absolutely GORGEOUS ring was a different thing altogether. it was just simply gorgeous. maybe i really should just go get it in a bigger size and figure something out after that. haha~
hmm. this month, doodoo and i seem to be spending more on food than anything else. every restaurant bill is at least $60+~ and if we go for dessert then it'll be something like $80+~ well whatever to take the stress of our work~ plus spending time together is priceless so spending a little more on food isn't too bad~
looking forward to hugs and more hugs from doodoo this weekend after his night duty and every other day~ it keeps me going when i feel like quitting & calling it a day especially when demands and expectations rise. its difficult for us to totally understand exactly what kind of stresses and difficulties we face at work (i don't deny that i don't always understand), but it always helps when we talk about it to find out more and see the common need for a hug for some comfort. seriously its not even about the $ that i stay on at work and it never was because it can't be. LOL~ i think its about what i want to do as a person. and so when i want to keep going and when i do get enough rest i don't feel the stress but its just the immense pressure i get (either from myself or that i sort of pick up from others) during that 8-9 hours a day that sometimes makes me tell myself that I NEED A HOLIDAY NOW. i'm not the only one who feels tired and panicky cos everybody needs a break some time or other.. and mine is seriously on its way in 2 weeks' time. but it feels like its so near yet so far~!!!
bee at 12:07 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!