Friday, November 30, 2007
just because i shop a lot it doesn't mean that i don't love domokun anymore. in fact. he's the one who's there to look at my buys when i reach home and take them out of the shopping bags, only to throw them onto him like he's some sort of a table on my bed. ahaha.
well then, domokun always gets a big hug (actually a squeeze) and a kiss when i get home. and this is like an everyday affair :X!
i love domo~ i love domo~ oh my domo i love you~
you are so big you are so fat oh my domo i love you~
that was a song! haha~ poor domo :X!
anyway, here's a pic of domo-momo, as he is affectionately called.
and apparently, he's trying to check my teeth like a dentist.

Say "Ahhh"!
i seriously must get another one of these domo-momo plushies if i ever set foot in Japan again.
bee at 6:58 AM