Sunday, June 29, 2008
back to school
i've stopped my nonsense for an entire week because i simply haven't had time to blog at all.
i've been doing homework at 4am everyday.. because there's homework everyday! and there's still work from work that's incomplete =/ that's an undergrad life for me.
i can't wait for this busy time to pass, and i can't wait to see doodoo.. and i can't wait for the day when i can slack again..
a couple of things i did this week:
x wore my sailor dress to school LOL. peeps called me sailormoon (yucks)..
x wrapped my phone in an unexpected white/black zebra print (i wanted silver/black). so now i hafta cover it up with crystals asap!
x did a painful eyelash extension which had horrid results cos it doesn't look like i did anything to my lashes at all. what a waste of time. next time, i'll definitely dare to request for the DRAMATIC ones i love.
x shopped and shopped.
x completed more than 10 pages of writing.
oh and i have to mention. my junior gave me a domo key holder which i absolutely LOVE. hehehe. i had to fix it on immediately! if i could bring domomomo to school everyday i probably would love school even more!
bee at 8:08 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
bless the balls with boughs of holly..
btw, i was just thinking to myself in bed (either last night or this morning - doesn't really matter does it?), why does everyone (incl the peeps in church) always seem to want to "BLESS THE WOMB" but they never ever say "BLESS THE BALLS?" or actually, "bless the testicles" since they're using "proper" terms? doesn't it take 2 hands to clap, and 2 people to make a baby?
we'll never get past the issue on equal rights and treatment and all of that for women until we settle something like this. the fact that people only speak of blessing "one side" means that they think that only one side needs to be blessed. which also infers that if everything fails, it is that one side that is at fault, because that was the one that needed the blessing and was given the blessing. wth seriously.
so what in the world is this. i say, we need to bless the balls too.
bee at 8:19 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
of goodbyes, happy chats and youth.
just yesteray i went for hi-tea (which was my lunch) at delifrance with my colleagues from both branches.
they presented me with a card (which i called a scrapbook cos everyone wrote on a piece of paper each) which didn't make me cry, but made me feel like it was so hard to smile during the post-meal, post-presentation photo-taking time.
and just before that i attended my exit interview, where i said it doesn't feel like it was 16 months ago that i stepped into the very same building for my first "entrance" interview. i also shared (once more) that i had gotten into this course a year ago, but i held back because i really wanted to give it a shot at this particular centre, and at that point in time, i wished i could still stay because i couldn't believe i was finally leaving.
anyway, back to hi-tea, i was all smiles.. (much to the dismay of some colleagues haha). i felt this was't a time to cry, but after the whole thing i really didn't feel like smiling either. the feeling was just undescribable. it's as if it's time to let go and i know i can but yet at the same time it's as if letting go requires some sort of getting used to. it's just weird.
i got a present as well - a voucher from digiskin (along with the free meal X_X had i known it was going to be free i would've ordered just dessert or something LOL). digiskin is the place i've always wanted to go to get my phone wrapped in that zebra-print skin which caught my eyes since the first time i visited the place. i looked through their designs on their computer yesterday when my colleague accompanied me to the store after the meal, and nothing else grabbed my attention. well, i've had 2 comments from people that it looks lian.. but who cares. it's just the phone that's lian right? hahaha. it may say sth abt me.. but i think it's pretty nevertheless. however, they warned that the sticker may not go too well with the slight rubber-texture of my phone and may damage it. heck. i'm never going to remove my skin unless it's screwed, and if that ever happens i'll just have to skin it again! :X as long as nothing gets INTO the phone to spoil it, i'm fine i guess. anyway i didn't get it done last night because the process'll take 2 hours, so i decided i'll go back another day.
i had to check out gramophone after digiskin as well, because they were playing olivia ong's songs :) i was so tempted to grab her CDs.. but considering how i broke i am and am going to continue to be, i decided against it. i've been shopping way too much for my own good, using my comeback to school as a valid excuse for buying tees and tanks - which are the things that make me feel younger (and are also the things that Ailay noticed i haven't been wearing ever since i started working, if i'm not wrong). my mom's credit card has suddenly become mine - or at least i'm treating it as though it is! woops.
ah.. tomorrow is orientation day and i'm only half-looking forward to it. not much of a surprise, if you know me well. and what's even worse is that i got myself a horrendous haircut the day before yesterday. my hair's sticking out at all the wrong places because she cut it so that it ends just above my shoulder, at the place which i describe as the not-long not-short area! whenever my hair ends up there, i cannot help but feel as though it takes ages to grow past it. the last time my hair ended up there was in secondary one where everytime the hair hit that spot i'd go for a haircut because i couldn't tie it up, i couldn't not-tie it up as it was simply too fugly. i almost allowed myself to cut it yesterday, as i brought a pair of scissors along with me to the bathroom and plucked up my courage and everything to just snip away. pity though, as i looked at my bathroom mirror i realised i didn't know how to cut my hair at all, so i grudgingly dragged my feet back to my room to put the scissors back at exactly where they were from. now i can only wait, and wait in pain, along with the pain of my bruised toe - yes it still hurts badly and is swollen, after an entire week, so i've decided i've had enough of fugliness (the bruise isn't going to go away for a long time) and booked myself in for a pedicure.
something else that's really great to look forward to would be my meeting with Ailay later on this week, on Saturday, aka Slackurday *beams*. ailay suggested we do something different for once, instead of the usual shopping and eating, and i willingly agreed! i even expressed my utmost excitement and explained it all to her when she mentioned the word "Sentosa". HOHOHO yes i am that happy, because i am looking forward to slacking at coastes, watching the world go by, enjoying some salad (that's the only place where i ever eat salad) and.. PLAYING. play with what? with Ailay! on the LUGE! and chairlift! wahahaha. best of all? we can just walk around in comfy shorts.. and i can act cute with my heart sunglasses. what better way to spend a saturday! oh but i think i should steer clear and faraway from the CLEO shoot. there's 500 bikini babes there whom i do not want to meet because i'll just let their hotbods get the better of me. yesyesyes it's inferiority complex but i cannot help it. here i am - fat and flabby and there they are, slim and lanky or curvy and boobaceous. haha!
our initial plans were to go for dimsum.. probably at yum cha or shang palace (my current fav because they serve soft chee cheong fun with delectable sauce PLUS buns with a custard-eggyolk mix!!!!), and then head down to her neighbour's for me to alter the many clothes i have for alteration. :X! i've been going to a very expensive tailor, spending well over a hundred now for just extremely minimal alterations of 4 pieces of clothing, so i decided it wouldn't hurt to visit someone else who's equally trustworthy and who has the recommendation for great workmanship of one of my most trusted buddies. it really is worth a try, after hearing the raves of what she can do and has done! reb has also been to someone who works from home (a friend of her mother) and the work she did looks fab too. i'm amazed with all these tailors who work from home! it's so secret, so stashed away from town, so behind my naked eyes! anyway, to make our Sentosa plan work out, Ailay has cast aside her tuition session on that saturday morning, while I have hidden my desire for the alteration of my clothes (hehehe), and the both of us have put away our craving for dimsum to go to Sentosa to SLACK AWAY! (i don't like the term "chill" because i think it sounds so act-cool. i don't know why i used it when i was talking on the phone with Ailay, but slack is my right word to use - it's direct and clear, just SLACK).
i have planned my outfit for the day :D so now i just need to pray and hope that the weather'll turn out fine! there's shopping (after all) after Sentosa.. and i'm looking forward to it as well because Ailay's going to show me where exactly i can get extreme-moisturising shampoo and ice-cream and cupcake tank tops or tees. WOOOOOOT! ^^ just thinking of what Saturday'll be like makes me beam with all the glee and delight in this world now.
in fact, yesterday i was smiling like a dope in public because i was trying to control my laughter. Ailay and i were talking about sexy shit, funny stuff which we never, or hardly ever talk about, and that was precisely what was replaying in my mind the whole time while i was out! we were laughing and laughing and laughing.. we were laughing at each other's reactions at certain moments where i cannot decide if whatever was funny because of our reactions alone or if it was because the reaction mixed in with the moment inappropriately enough to make it seem so appropriate for laughter! (my cold, calm "no" and her high-pitched "oh"). haha! anyway, Ailay and i hardly ever chat on the phone, and even her bf was surprised when she told him that WE were on the PHONE. thing is, i never knew it could be so enjoyable! ever since the internet came into my life, i hardly ever had a good, hour(s)-long chat anymore.
ailay and i also spoke about how crazy we were in terms of shopping. i don't want to think about defining a shopaholic, and whether or not we are shopaholics, but one thing that i'm quite happy (or maybe surprised as well) to know is that, both of us have a bed full of clothes! which means, WAHAHAHA i'm not the only one in the world, or in Singapore, with a bed full of clothes! well you see, both ailay and i have an extra bed each. i have an extra bed because my bro decided to take the hard bed after sleeping on the soft jumpy one for a while, so now i have 2 soft jumpy springy beds in my room. ailay on the other hand, has an extra bed now because her sister's gotten married and has moved out. so with common sense, we figured that's extra, convenient space for clothes - a love!! and with that, a thought just hit me - we could sleepover at each other's places! just the other day, i was thinking about the lack of girly, youthful sleepovers in my current 20-year-old life. aren't sleepovers the thing which makes girls feel like they're still 9 years old? ooh! how lovely. ailay and i briefly discussed sleepovers (i think some several years ago) but have never discussed it in greater detail as we just get busier and busier as we grow older (BOO :(!). well maybe on saturday (if i ever do remember) we could talk about it again (as we did years ago)! only thing is, it's been 4 years since the day i first met ailay, and i'm not sure if we'll end up feeling younger as we talk about an old topic, or if we'll actually end up feeling much older, having realised that as we re-visit an old topic, it means that.. we've grown to be as old as the topic for it to be called OLD, and that the fact that we have to RE-visit what we've talked about years before means, we're sorta RE-vising our youth. omg. now i can understand why i always write my age is 20+ and not 21.
because, i want to be 20 (twentie). i don't want to be in my twentieS. :)
bee at 12:01 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
it's been 2 days of eating.. just yesterday, we (my family and i) had our father's day lunch at the intercontinental's olive tree ^^ i got to eat tons of quail eggs HAHAHA. so nice :D their soon kueh was fab too. i liked their cheesecakes as well, for it's rich cheese flavour but yet at the same time it was light in a filling sense. ^^ after which, mom and i headed down to haji lane, where the whole world was playing olivia ong songs!
and today, as i had promised myself (well sort of), doo and i went down to dhoby ghaut to see if we could catch olivia ong. we had absolutely no idea when she was ever going to start singing, but we reached at about 10 and were just in time (she started at 1010 if i remember correctly). LOL :) she sang this funked (or is it phunked) up version of My Favourite Things, which is quite different from the one she recorded in one of her earlier albums, but i like it so. :) it kinda shows how much one can experiment with music i think. pity though, i was hoping to listen to the wispy side of her voice but for most of the songs she sang, she used the stronger side of her voice haha. i'm not sure if this makes sense but that's exactly what it sounded like to me.
well, after that doo and i went for some mango-durian dessert (fabfabfab!!!) and beef noodles. i love the beef noodles from ice monster.. because the beef is sooooooo soft that you'd think it'll get stuck in your teeth but it doesn't! also, the tendons (somehow woven in between the meat) are a must-eat! not that you'd have much of a choice if you want to eat the meat, but hey! this is coming from a person who previously-strictly doesn't eat tendons. ^^. my bro recommended another taiwan beef noodles place, but i have yet to try it. hopefully i'll do so soon!
ooh it's only time for high tea and i'm already thinking about dinner X_X.
bee at 3:28 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, June 13, 2008
this is just fab.
heheh i'm so happy.
doo told me that he heard on the radio at work that olivia ong's back in Singapore for good (for now), and she brought along with her her band from Japan (which is cool cos i've heard they were professional??).
anyway, that's fab news. PLUS she's performing at dhoby ghaut on Sunday (prob is i don't know what time because it's not stated anywhere at all) and i am so going to catch it because i have missed all her previous performances! seriously.. it's still so hard to get info about her upcoming performances. argh. but of course i'm hoping that it'll become easier as more and more people get to know about her locally. :D
whee!! now i don't know whether or not to want Sunday to come sooner, because i want to get to see and hear olivia ong sooner, but doo's leaving on monday and that can wait. let me just hope that Sunday lasts longer then, for once at least!
onto something else that's equally fab: it's amazing how not working full-time and rushing from school to work on several days can induce a weight loss of 4kg. funny thing is i still got all that arm fat, thigh fat and tummy fat so i'm rather puzzled as to where the 4kg came and went from.
nevertheless, i'd like to think that i might be on my way to getting back to my original weight of 42kg. ;) if this goes on and i lose another 4kg in 3 weeks, OOH. haha. thing is school's starting and so the assignment's start piling up. this means i might start eating more again due to the stress that i'll be experiencing.
a so-called friend that i haven't met in the past 3 years commented that i look like a happily married woman with 2 kids. i must admit it did feel like it was so, except that i had 3 kids, not just 2. 3 kids in school, i mean :) haha.
anyway, admist my boredom, i finally had a great idea! which is to read, read and read. i'm currently browsing through tracy quan's diary of a manhattan call girl and i think it's amazing how people brave themselves up for this job. sure it pays well, but i'm just not too sure exactly how, if i were in a call girl's shoes, would feel after every service. i shudder at the thought of that.
i have another book (among tons of others in my want-to-read list) which i have in my hands now.. Remember Me? by sophie kinsella, which isn't her real name btw X_X. this fairytale book.. oh.. i'm expecting it to be as fairytale-like as the entire shopaholic series. why do women cloud themselves from reality by looking at what fantasy's all about? and in my case.. reading about it. and i can't believe i actually used to think that i was a fan of reality. fact is, i now realise i'm no different from the girls who love fantasy-themed movies for all that those are worth but i think that's all bullcrap when i see what goes on in reality sometimes. it turns out though, that now, i myself too, am a huge fan of being clouded from the true world at certain points in my life, which i like to believe gives us some comfy time, even if time refers simply to just a moment.
bee at 8:05 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
the fears of today. are these actually fears at all?
i'm just home from skool, and i think my my writing skills have just gotten poorer.
i feel as if i've lost my own style.. and my grades for my writing assignments fell (from 2 As, to a B, to what i perceive on my own as a C! but i can't be sure till 2 weeks later).
today we had one last essay to write before class ended (which actually is a re-write of our very first essay), and i felt that it's the worst essay i've ever written - with cancellations all over the place, i don't see or feel any confidence.
everyone in the class was assured that this feeling of awkwardness would be temporary and it's only there because we're not used to writing formally.
i think i'm feeling weird, awkward and all not because i'm not used to writing formally but because i always felt that writing has to be enjoyed, even if it was for an assignment. we should write according to our flow of thoughts of our views and opinions, and not allow our thoughts to control the way we write when our thoughts are of what's the right and wrong way of writing, and of trying to conform to a so-called proper style that isn't mine, but that i have to make mine.
why do we go to school to have things drilled into our heads? maybe it's so we can stand up for ourselves, test our inner strength and see if it wavers or if it's stubbornly unwavering. or perhaps it's so we can ask ourselves and realise in the end what's right or wrong, comfortable or plain uncomfortable. or is it just me who's being a barbaric writer who needs to be tamed (either willingly or unwillingly)?
that aside, the other issue that's bugging me is that of my toe. i don't dare to get them painted at all now, because once they are, the fugliness of the bruised toe would be hidden, along its progress in terms of the healing process. furthermore, it's so painful i can hardly walk without limping, and there i was trying to walk normally in school (but i was dragging my feet a lot more). in class, my writing clinic clique advised me to see a doctor to ease the bruise or it might just end up bruised forever (which reminds me of Jiahui's bruised toe which has been bruised for over a month!). oh.. what a nightmare :(
the fact that i can't walk around as much as i want to means instead of getting the shopping i want from the streets, i'll have to settle for shopping around online shops which have nice but SOLD OUT stuff, which is equally depressing if you ask me.
ohh i guess for now i'll just have to look forward to receiving my entire collection of heart sunglasses in various colours (yes i want them in yellow, red, white, black and pink! OLD HABITS DIE HARD!). with them, i'll never need to shop for sunglasses in my entire life! also, i'm thinking of giving caffe cova at paragon a visit after reading a review of it from the new paper. :) some good stuff to look forward to i believe!
bee at 2:06 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
i tripped and hurt my toe and it hurts like hell.
i don't even need to walk to feel the pain on my big toe.
and yes, anyone could've guessed by now that it is bruised.
if only i didn't take off my still-perfect nail polish. but i couldn't fend off my own curiosity on finding out exactly how badly it was bruised because i was so afraid that it'd be so horribly, tragically bruised that my toenail would fall off.
well, now i have absolutely now idea how i'm going to get them painted back, considering it hurts even when i just touch the toenail. T_T.
my poor toe.. :( anyway, now it's time to hobble off to school with it.
bee at 7:29 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
more wedding invitations to come... :X
just last night, a crazy thought hit me while i was trying to figure out why a girl's wedding day is always termed as her HAPPIEST one.
and perhaps the reason was clear, just that it isn't always told: because the days after that may probably never be as happy as that HAPPIEST day. haha! (well i mean, for some peeps, not all).
which brings me to something the pastor (is that what you'd call the person reciting the marriage vows and all in church?) at my colleague's wedding mentioned, which i thought was quite funny:
during the first year of marriage, the husband speaks, and the wife listens.
during the second year, the wife speaks, and the husband listens.
when they get to their third year of marriage, they both speak, and the neighbours listen.
anyway, years ago, when i first met doo, i told him that i believe in co-habitation and not marriage. that's wrong, or unacceptable as a long of people may think or say, but i think that's better in a way actually - that one can walk away from a relationship simply by packing and leaving. it's that literal, i'd think, especially if you're able to manage your emotions, and perhaps being able to leave without all that paperwork is far easier, and much more convenient than getting a divorce.
whatever's more convenient, whatever's easier may not always be the right thing to do. but people still do it anyway, as long as it's what they want.
well 6 years down the road and my attendance at the first wedding with my name on the invite (OMG) later, i can't tell if i'm back to my old self of not wanting to get married. sure - every girl loves a fairytale, only that i can't seem to assure myself or have anyone assure me that fairytales do exist. it's not so much of whom i'm with, or trusting that person actually. it's just me KNOWING there isn't such a thing at all because nobody's perfect and should things happen, how much of it can i take before i call it quits? (or how much can a partner take?). a marriage involves commitment (obviously from both the girl and the guy), and the lack of it is the key to a broken one. it's the same with any relationship really, only that without the marriage certificate, it is much easier to pack and go in every physical aspect.
and so, this is why i can't imagine getting married and i just wonder if anything would happen along the way to make me change my mind. (other than aging hehe, which apart from being a natural process of allowing gravity to make your skin sag, is also the possible cause of making singles go crazy about getting hitched!).
hmm this is weird. i thought that usually girls want to get married even more after attending weddingssss. maybe i should attend more then. haha!
bee at 8:46 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
i ♥ domo

i really had nothing better to do this morning when i woke up. everyone's off to Boston, doo's headed to taiwan next week, and so poor me would be absolutely bored.
so i played around in my big shirt with domo momo.. and sorta camwhored (more like cam-cute) for a while, which is something i never ever do. with no make up, no styled hair, i took pictures of what's just me. not that i style my hair or put on make up when i go out anyway X_X
and i can't help but think to myself while looking at these photos.. that ooh! i love my eyelash extensions. if only they were permanent haha. well i guess they're not exactly visible from these pictures here, unless you have my HUGE, original copy of these photos haha! all taken with the courtesy of my phone cam ZZZ.
and a lot of these poses r the same. with the only diff being open or closed eyes. haha! well what to do. i just love domo why would i think of as many ways as possible to hug him when i just want to hug him already? XD!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
bee at 1:06 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Emotional Price Tags and all that baggage.
they say that nothing ever comes free, and i fully agree.
it may always seem that love or rather, being in love comes free when it is mutual. and that part of it i think is true. but when things sour, the existence of the emotional price tag which has all along been hidden in the bag of love suddenly pops up. and then we realise, nothing ever comes free.
i'm not sure if i've touched on this before over here. but i've always been amazed at how naturally different males and females are, in ALL aspects. there always seems to be some general traits which apply to the majority of each gender, and that really is quite something, considering God probably had that all planned out on purpose. haha.
apart from all the differences i've ever noted, the most amazing ones are those which involve our minds (like what makes us tick and what doesn't). for example, men in general seem to lie because they themselves would rather be lied to when sth bad happens, whereas women would "die-die" want to know the truth even if it hurts (it kinda always does, (otherwise we wouldn't always be dying to know) because we ourselves probably wouldn't lie about cheating, or that it wouldn't matter to us if the men found out.
while this may seem like a gender-dfference thing, i'm actually wondering if it could have been developed in us because of the way each of us were brought up? that's cos i truly believe that we always expect others to treat us in the same way that we treat them. for example, a kind person who expect others to treat him/her kindly (but unfortunately that's not how society is and so the truth hurts), and a meanie probably treats others meanly because he expects them to treat him meanly (i'm not surprised if his mindset would be sth like this: be mean to them before they're mean to you).
well i can't decide if these are simply gender differences or a matter of how we were brought up, but it could be former because i have yet to meet a woman who does not always seek the truth (even if she knows it's going to hurt). on the outside it may seem like she doesn't want to know (because knowing hurts) but deep down inside, we're probably all seeking answers. then again, people are all different and for all i know, there probably are loads of women out there who would rather be kept in the dark and not know, and lie to themselves and be lied to by others.
whatever it is, i'm touching on this because i think that no matter what we do, sometimes the right and wrong is so subjective that we ourselves are unclear and confused about it. is it right to lie when you don't want to hurt a person? is it okay when one doesn't lie to a person you know would rather not know the truth(people who would rather be lied to)? is it alright to lie when you know the person you're gonna hurt actually hates to be lied to?
the word 'hurt' keeps appearing, so matter what we do, right or wrong, yes or no, there's always an emotional price tag attached to it.
and while some people may think that being single and loveless is a good thing because you won't have to experience more hurt than there already is through an additional relationship in one's life, i think not. i think that being single and in love hurts as much as being in a relationship with someone.
so i am just wondering, in whatever we do, in whatever circumstances, how much of an emotional price am i prepared to pay for whatever situation i choose to put myself into?
bee at 10:14 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, June 06, 2008
oh i suck at bowling, as expected.
but nvm, that day is over.
today, reb and i met up for lunch at sakae. amazingly, i only had 2 $2.29 plates for lunch + a can of qoo white grape. then we went to substance, where she's currently working at, and it was this afternoon that i learnt the pay there's actually commission based. LOL. anyway, it was pretty fun just sitting there for over an hour, watching the world go by in a shoe shop. i could say that i was people watching while rebecca was busy tending to them.
i spotted the fugliest things, such as people who tried on the shoes and left them on the floor, making the entire shop look SO messy. reb called that action rude, but on second thought, i think it's simply unrefined. i couldn't stand it, so i picked up the shoes after the woman left the shop and left it on the counter for reb.
also, there was a korean family that came in and purchased 8 pairs of shoes. i kinda like the laid-back yet dressed-up style of the girl in that family. she had these black/silver heels, which i eyed in amazement as she walked around in them. well, another thing i was looking at was the mother, who repeatedly stamped down hard on the floor each time she tried on a pair of heels, which honestly was rather scary. thankfully the ground was made of marble, and not of anything weaker. haha :) and i'm afraid i'm still unable to figure out her reason for doing that to every pair of heels, but i kept thinking to myself.. about how that aggression might damage like 1% of the shoes and how i wouldn't ever want to be the person buying shoes that were damaged by that kind of aggression. also, the woman of the family asked for a further discount for a pair of shoes which had a slight defect. with an additional 5% discount, she took them, but asked for MORE. she asked the staff if a discount since she's purchasing in bulk and can pay in cash -_- i wanted to laugh at the entire absurdity of it all.
i've learnt that people watching's actually quite fun, especially when it takes place in a shoe shop! it's like watching a fashion show.. people model the shoes and walk around, and then i decide whether or not i want to purchase them in my size. LOL. anyway, i'm so proud of myself for not buying anything from substance today. haha. i used to buy at least a pair or two or three each time i visited that shop. :X apart from that, another thing which surprised me was that perm staff at substance actually said i look familiar :X now i wonder, is that a sign which tells me i've been buying too many shoes from substance? haha. i think i've calmed down a lot in a shoe-buying sense though, perhaps it was just a shoe-craze phase?
that perm staff asked if i'd like to work as well. :X so i put down my info for employment, hopefully in october when my hols start. wheehee!
bee at 10:14 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
i survived!
on monday my first writing class. and in fact, i find it more interesting than what i had expected it to be :) i now know like 3 out of 59 of my schoolmates.. haha, so hopefully i'll get to know more of 'em soon.
went to work after that.. to see everyone eating KFC lol. damn i am gonna miss that place like mad. not because of KFC or whatever, but simply being there as a team together with everyone else. i so miss that place already that i'm not even complaining of the tiredness of going to work.
and just yesterday i went to work again. i noticed that time past so quickly as i spent some time cleaning and clearing up the classroom + teaching area and talking to my colleagues.. and i'm still not done with work yet. my table in the staff room's still full of things, some of which were left by my previous colleague (whom i was pretty close to as well) when she left in december 07. i think to myself that i'm going to miss this place for a lot of things, namely the people in the environment. they are pretty much non-threatening. plus u get a large handful of cute kids to work with, as compared to a small number in mainstream schools, but anyway that's beside the point.
hmm. plans for today: to head down to east coast park (a very unfamiliar location) to bowl (actually i intend to be a spectator, but i'm so sure i'll be forced to bowl, which sucks), and to cycle or blade (both of which i do not do). i requested for kayaking but my colleagues said it's too physically-vigorous an activity and some people might not be able to take it. well, i think bowling + cycling/blading are physically exhausting for me as compared to kayaking, which if done for at least 8-9 hours at a time will secure you a bag of instant muscles on each upper arm. heheh.
oh and it's writing clinic again tomorrow. and after that i have a home visit to do! my very first on the job. how interesting. =) plus i'll be meeting reb on Friday, the new substance girl! :D ooh it's so exciting, but i can't imagine myself shopping for shoes when the one who's assisting me is actually a friend :X! not that it's bad or anything, it's just that it's never happened before. ooh!
bee at 8:45 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
hairy issues
i've met up with sher, jane, cheryl, jiahui and ailay.. and oh god i missed them so much! 4 of 'em r flying off to boston next week, while i start my writing classes on monday.
i'm waiting to see how 4 writing classes will manage to improve my english, or writing for that matter.
anyway, i did my eyelashes as well - extensions, for a 2nd time actually. they look great! supposedly termed as the 'dramatic' or drama version, they still look pretty alright, with no fan-effect (like a thick black opened fan). much better looking than the 'natural' ones i did the previous time, where there was no diff except for the extension of the length of my original lashes or something. haha! hmm one thing i always wonder when i'm sitting there for an hour or so and getting them done, how exactly do they do it? what is the process? because i'm not a first-timer, nobody ever tells me. and i don't remember anything from the first time. :X
well i did threading as well, and little did i know she was at trainee stage in threading. i know everyone has to be a student or trainee at least once in their entire lives, but in this case, it really hurt. it felt like PLUCKING. haha, which i cannot help but feel is a hundred times more painful than skilled threading. actually, i thought i was supposed to be in for tweezing, but ah well, i'm not complaining since the shape and everything else's fine - just the PAIN. T_T! the best thing was she said she knows it is painful for first-timers. but it isn't my first time threading!! :X
i went for an upper lip wax too, and surprisingly it didn't hurt =/ i didn't realise that it didn't hurt until the therapist asked me if it did. LOL. maybe i am getting used to it o_O! i hope! but one thing i hate about all this hair removal regimes is that they claim to pave the way for a smoother, shorter, finer regrowth, it's actually all bullcrap! i have a moustache now! (i mean when the hair grows back).
and since we're on such a hairy issue, i might as well speak about how upset i am abt the hairdresses i like - because they have all left the salons where i met them at and i don't know where to find another who's as good as the 2 that i knew. :( well so the other day i desperately needed a haircut as i had to take an instant passport sized photo (seriously those kinda pics NEVER ever turn out well unless they're edited or sth) and i didn't want to have one taken without a haircut. so there i went, to jantzen at great world as it was the closest to home and OH it turned out horrid. the next day i went to work and one of my colleagues noted the CHANGE. mind you the previous time i cut my fringe i got splendid comments and this time around, as she hesitated on what to say and gave a grown, i reacted first by giving a "crying" face and she returned that with a totally-understanding and sympathetic look and assured me the hair would grow out soon. now, 2 weeks down the road it looks much better but still not as good as what i got before from a previous hairdresser who LEFT T_T!
hairy issues aside, i think i've got something going on with Olivia Ong's music. i should've written about this a long time ago when i first started listening to her music on my handphone sooo frequently, especially when i'm going home from work (happy mah) haha. anyway, i'm still listening to her music (the non-jap ones) though just yesterday i have come to accept her singing in jap, which has all along been difficult because the english accent was so strong and i guess i wasn't exactly used to that. it sounded different from the usual, true jap songs, whatever that meant, and well, the more i listen to it, the better it is and that accent thing is fading away into the song itself ;) i'm talking about a song entitled Sweet Memories, which has an english verse in between all the jap ones, and all of a sudden that english verse now sounds weird to me haha. OMG, i am so confoosed but what i know now is hey! i actually like that song ^^. anyway, sad to say, i've missed all of her performances locally, because i never knew about them in the first place! she has an official website but nothing past 2006 is updated in there, and there isn't a single site that's dedicated to her performance dates and locations, which is kinda unfortunate, because then i can only watch it on youtube :( and the only way in which one can get to know of her performances is if one frequents that venue often, but thing is venues for performances change all the time so how would i ever know :( furthermore, she's an export to Japan, so she's based there. T_T ah well. i just hope she releases a new English record soon, because i happened to chance upon her singing "Apologise" live, and i liked it (plus i think the jap albums are just so not-her-style as compared to the Bossanova ones!)! so hopefully if that happens, that song'll be in it :D & apparently, a friend of mine says he got 'sentimental' after listening to her singing "sometimes when we touch". :X i've enjoyed her songs so much that i don't think any of her songs have made me tear.. so i find that kinda funny :X LOL.
on another note, here's some of the pics doo and i took with my phone's cam while we were up on the flyer, with and without zoom. the usual s'pore lights, except that they're all seen while we're high above the ground.

2 durians and a mandarin. how oriental ;)

the highwayssss

another view of the skyscrapers or office buildings, as i'd call 'em.

the little toy cars.

the fullerton hotel on the left.
bee at 3:02 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!