Wednesday, June 11, 2008
more wedding invitations to come... :X
just last night, a crazy thought hit me while i was trying to figure out why a girl's wedding day is always termed as her HAPPIEST one.
and perhaps the reason was clear, just that it isn't always told: because the days after that may probably never be as happy as that HAPPIEST day. haha! (well i mean, for some peeps, not all).
which brings me to something the pastor (is that what you'd call the person reciting the marriage vows and all in church?) at my colleague's wedding mentioned, which i thought was quite funny:
during the first year of marriage, the husband speaks, and the wife listens.
during the second year, the wife speaks, and the husband listens.
when they get to their third year of marriage, they both speak, and the neighbours listen.
anyway, years ago, when i first met doo, i told him that i believe in co-habitation and not marriage. that's wrong, or unacceptable as a long of people may think or say, but i think that's better in a way actually - that one can walk away from a relationship simply by packing and leaving. it's that literal, i'd think, especially if you're able to manage your emotions, and perhaps being able to leave without all that paperwork is far easier, and much more convenient than getting a divorce.
whatever's more convenient, whatever's easier may not always be the right thing to do. but people still do it anyway, as long as it's what they want.
well 6 years down the road and my attendance at the first wedding with my name on the invite (OMG) later, i can't tell if i'm back to my old self of not wanting to get married. sure - every girl loves a fairytale, only that i can't seem to assure myself or have anyone assure me that fairytales do exist. it's not so much of whom i'm with, or trusting that person actually. it's just me KNOWING there isn't such a thing at all because nobody's perfect and should things happen, how much of it can i take before i call it quits? (or how much can a partner take?). a marriage involves commitment (obviously from both the girl and the guy), and the lack of it is the key to a broken one. it's the same with any relationship really, only that without the marriage certificate, it is much easier to pack and go in every physical aspect.
and so, this is why i can't imagine getting married and i just wonder if anything would happen along the way to make me change my mind. (other than aging hehe, which apart from being a natural process of allowing gravity to make your skin sag, is also the possible cause of making singles go crazy about getting hitched!).
hmm this is weird. i thought that usually girls want to get married even more after attending weddingssss. maybe i should attend more then. haha!
bee at 8:46 AM