Sunday, September 30, 2007
"i _____ the zoo".
for the first time in my entire life, i went on a zoo trip in a quiet bus full of kids.
now how surprising is that? well, at the same time, its funny how a 3-hour trip at the zoo can tire peeps out (with me having to reach the centre at 745am and make it back to the centre at 1245 so perhaps its actually more than just 3 hours). and i just thank my lucky sun (there weren't any stars as far as i could see at 1130am) for not letting me get wet with salty sea-lion water during their splashing, feeding time. :X!
and ooh~ monday is a holiday! its children's day~! the more holidays i have the more lazy i am to get back to work though :(
and i want the HURS bag and the telephone bag. hmm i wonder if HURS actually stands for "hers".
bee at 5:02 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Monday, September 17, 2007
another impulse buy
i can't resist shoes and bags. and shoes and bags. and shoes and more bags.
i am going to add a HURS suitcase in my wishlist.
and confess something right now.
i bought a pair of white auntie leather ribbon stumpy heels from substance at $23.90 and i regretted it almost instantly when i discovered auntie heels don't go with dressy dresses. cos either they cheapen ur dress ur they just look cheap on their own either way :( shoes should never be worn just for the sake of wearing shoes. we wear them for comfort and protection, or we wear them for the sake of beauty at the expense of pain: blisters. either way, wearing them for nothing is never an acceptable reason.
who cares that its only $23.90. the point now is, after purchasing it i think that it looks like its only $5.
its amazing how the outlook of THAT SHOP makes almost everything look good. even the men's shoes.
bee at 10:34 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
my weak, week update.
sometimes i really feel as though i want to be a quitter.
its amazing how parents could stress me up more than kids do. =/ and also how two-faced some people could be. and one of the hardest things to do is to boost my own confidence when trainee is my invisible middle name for now (of all things, this has to hit me after being with the co. for more than half a year).
but somehow or rather God chooses to end this week on a happpy note~ and so i can face the coming week again. 9 more "TGIF!"s to go.
a part of me wishes to move on and step out to something else that's more fun, but i don't have any answers in my head to tell me what exactly fun is apart from lazing around (the only people who wouldn't love this particular pastime are workaholics). yet the other part of me makes me hold on to what i'm doing and whatt i already have.
oh and i actually met a secondary school schoolmate of mine at work. she's a bandmate who's a year younger than me~ and i never figured that out until she asked if i was from crescent haha~ thankfully i could at least remember which instrument she played :X! she brings her super-cute niece down for lessons~ and OMG, even french-plaits her hair for her wonderfully. my colleagues have been bugging me to tie up my hair in any proper way but the only way i want to do it is to french-plait it, which one of my colleagues can do very well (like without having to look at a mirror at all?) and i can't - not even with a comb. haha
and i'm finally getting down to transferring stuff from my old hp to my new one (after a whole week :X). its taking ages and a whole load of battery to do that LOL. a new phone means new MP3s, new pictures to be taken and wheee~!
bee at 12:04 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
finally~ a new phone!
i finally got a new phone, the sony ericsson k800i~ in velvet black. it was so hard to find since the black was already sold out at ALL starhub branches.
argh and i feel so cheated now. there was this stupid bundle package that i took up (and because i have to pay for my own phone now, its irritating). the package cost me an aditional $68, which is almost half of what i paid for the phone, and includes a lithium battery, a desktop charger (cradle) so that i won't overcharge my phone and spoil the 3.2megapixel camera by overheating it, a screen protector and a crystal case. well, i actually didn't need the lithium battery. and the cradle wasn't a need~ furthermore its not authentic sony so i felt so cheated! :( original retail price of $68 my ass :( the screen protector was originally $12~ and the crystal case is useful but now my phone looks like what Amanda would call a kill-crab phone. cos its huge.
i was so sure that if i had gone to the official starhub centres (which i couldn't cos velvet black was sold out at their centres islandwide), i would've never had to purchase those extra things. ARGH! they might be useful, but they're not a need and they're just.. additional stuff to take up space at home :(
i was just thinking.. isn't it funny how in the past people wanted their phones to be smaller and slimmer? whereas now, we're kinda like over that and its the functions that people look at?
hmm. well i haven't started using the phone at all~ because i'm still busy overcharging it since its the first time the batteries are being charged. furthermore, i have no idea how to transfer those 30+ messages in my previous phone that can't be saved into my SIM card. i guess i really have to decide what stays and what goes~ this is all in addition to making space for 5 new dresses T_T!
i was just trying on some of my stuff that i haven't worn out before last night.. because i was so bored. so i busy-ed myself up by admiring the long f21 foley-inspired dress and some other clothings that fit well~ (i really have to do this before school starts and then i'd be dead beat and super moodilicious every single day again) and while i was doing that i was wondering why none of my friends were getting married so i could wear the loooong dress haha~! i suppose its all cos we're still only 20-21 (this is the only time i'd use the word 'only'. on usual occassions it'l be 'ALREADY').
i just can't believe it's Sunday. and i HATE Sundays because tomorrow's gonna be Monday. which means i'll have to slog it out and work work work for another 10 WHOLE WEEKS! :( i must admit its starting to be kinda like a drag. and nothing beats holidays - i wake up feeling free, i wake up knowing there aren't any demands for the day, and i wake up knowing that tomorrow would still be like today.
bee at 9:37 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, September 07, 2007
clothes, shoes.. what is it that i can never have enough of?
its so funny how rebecca and i kept bumping into each other this evening :) we met @ substance @ wheelock, my first trip there! as well as at borders! what a pleasant surprise :) blur me kept having to get called out to before i noticed that she's there! she brought her LV out with her today, and its me with my usual car bag, but in yellow~ as well as the very same dress she saw me in yesterday, but just that its in red instead of the previous black now~ and i think i have a feeling that sooner or later it'll be a well-known fact that i purchase the same things in different colours.
substance was selling some comfy leather shoes that are soft. and their prices are like so reasonable! most of their pairs are $39.90 and below~ the leather ones seemed tempting, but their designs still weren't as captivating as the patent ones, those i'm sad to say the patent ones looked mature. i did want a pair of cherry red leather slingbacks, but the were sold out of my size, which is so irritating! because i think they were so cute that the people with smaller feet wouldn't buy them for fear of looking kiddish. unfortunately people with big feet don't think that way since their feet are of a well-grown size, and so they're all snapped up :(
i bought a pair of black stumpy heels from substance. i thought i always needed a pair but when i brought them home, i thoroughly regretted this purchase. because i've bought 7 dresses ever since i got my last pay (excluding the f21 maxi foley-inspired dress since it is a gift from doodoo), which was just about a week ago, and out of which, 5 are black, which means, i would pair them with white shoes. and oh god, the new heels seem tighter than what they felt at the store itself :( what a boo-boo. well actually i just seem to have a stronger inclination to shop on impulse whenever doodoo's around :( when he sees something he likes on me when i try it on, he would encourage me to get it. nevertheless, the heels look cute and i am sure every girl needs a pair of basic, black heels right? (the same thing with the little black dress issue i suppose?) if its not now, it'll be next time! perhaps i should bring them to mr minit to have them enlarged in terms of their length.
haha i ripped a pic off sher's blog :X this is so bad of me~ well~ sher and i at her midnight bday surprise~ with the red chi-chi car bag taken from a somewhat tilted angle. i'll never forget the way she played with it along the floor.

i feel so silly when i'm around with doodoo, because i honestly think/say/do silly things that simply help to prove that i really could be a chinese blonde :( but what makes a guy still want to stick with a "chinese blonde?". :X
bee at 11:09 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
the long but interesting walk
i was at Suntec to buy a new wallet for doodoo (why does a 2% GST make prices go up by like 2x? haha)~ and i decided to walk the esplanade-underpass way to my bus stop cos there's aircon. haha. my other alternative was the under-the-sun route, which was shorter.
well anyway, i wanted to get back home ASAP.. but i found myself being intrigued with the installation art displays~ that i had to read what it was all about. i love the current one about Long Kang (the drain), which i understood better than the one beside it, though they were both equally well done and i am amazed at the creativity of using household items to make up an entire garden of lovely flowers. Long Kang (what a Singaporean term!) spoke about what it was like to be enclosed in buildings or architectural structures of conctrete all the time (just like how the entire display of everyday ground-plants just withered off and browned).. and those plants signify us.
its always good to see some sun and its so sad when we grow to be confined in our own stupid offices.
i'm glad i walked through that longer, but more interesting walk. it makes me wonder if it is ok to do the same thing in life. to walk the longer, but more interesting, more fufilling route.
i also met up with Shahfi, Reb and Jiahui yesterday~ for just a short while, but we just went on chatting about such fun stuff haha :X the stuff that girls would talk about in depth. about lesbians, friends, work, school, etc. etc.! i want to meet up with them again! oh and jiahui passed me my bday gift and card~ it looked like a simple book from the outside but i read the back and i think it could be something enlightening or perhaps even something that i could learn something from :X and the card was magnificent, another thing that's specially chosen i bet! it featured lingerie all over the small cover haha :X reminds me of our shopping trips to the jappy bra shoppe haha! and while she wished that all my wishes may come true, she listed down everything i wanted haha! though not specific items.. but yea~ its a general one that i should use to put up my next wishlist :X! yippee!
i don't know how it happened last evening as well, but i realised that my kind of fun was different from the kind of fun that the people at my workplace (at the particular branch i'm at). their kind of fun involves the ball sports that i HATE (actually i HATE all of 'em because i can't play haha :X), such as basketball and badminton and week after week i wonder how to scamper off like a little mouse. my kind of fun is sitting down and chit chatting. or go shopping for somebody's bday present. this sounds tame. or i wouldn't mind if they brought all their sports to Sentosa or something so at least we can have more fun in the water (anything else except swimming or wakeboarding, like kayaking or water-bicycling haha).
i suppose it is definitely time to go back to school next year. its ngee ann if i want to just get a degree over and done with within 2 years. its elsewhere if i don't mind staying for 3-4 years. but i still feel that 4 years is a freaking long time. and oh dear~ admission excercises all over again Z_Z!
bee at 10:48 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
a little fun under the sun
doodoo and i went to Sentosa yesterday :)~ for some lovely fun with the luge, phototaking and etc.
i've been really lazy to upload pictures lately.. not even those of the clothes.. but this is a real exception :)
we headed down to 4D magix first.. and they were showing some pirate show~ only 15 mins long, and it cost us more than a movie obviously, in case anyone was wondering haha. altogether with the islander membership =/ while we were waiting to go in, i wanted to have some pics of us taken in specs~ one was taken with the light shining directly at our faces and the other wasn't~ but i couldn't decide which looked better~ because i thought the one that actually looks better is the one with a little of my fringe that fell onto my face =/ you might've guessed that i have terrible self-phototaking skills so i couldn't get doodoo's hair in the photo - or he should've taken the photo for me instead since he's taller! i know the pics are blur~ that's cos my phone camera sucks. and i wanted to change my phone to a k800i but damn :( all the velvet black ones are sold out!
one thing about the 4D magix that i didn't like was the moving chairs. its irritating because i'm not viewing the show like i'm the one who's getting hit by a log. so i felt that the bumps were inappropriate at times and they were far too often. an interesting thing was that the bees were right in front of my eyes (hello friends!) and i was so scared of getting stung. the wind did feel like wind since they managed to make it blow from left and right (no worries about getting your hair undone though, it isn't that violent haha).. and i thought that was actually cool, though of course, nothing beats the real thing right?

then tralala we went on as usual to play the luge~ they have that combo deal back again, but the membership perks are still better than that i suppose~ why did they have to remove the combo deal the last time we went T_T! we also took a walk down the beach to take a look at cafe del mar. that's the first time i've ever been there and i personally find it surprising. cos we've known about it ever since the time they started promoting themselves (which is wayy before they opened) and i've never actually gone down to take a look (not even during their opening haha!).
well anyway, we decided to catch the songs of the sea, which is, sorta like the new musical fountain. when we bought the tickets, we had more than an hour before the show started and were considering going to vivo for dinner. but instead we had coffee bean.. and then we still had loads of time to kill when we finished our meal. so beach tram beach tram! i wanted to go on the beach tram, cos it looked much nicer than those at the zoo (LOL) and while we were queuing up, doodoo noticed that the queue to enter the premises of Songs of the Sea was tremedously long! (especially when we were 40 minutes away from the start of the show). so we dropped our beach tram plans and went to queue. it was rather boring standing there and waiting endlessly but guess what? there was free entertainment by the tourists! there were these sparkley, crystal-like lights embedded in the ground, and if you keep your eyes on them long enough, they change colour or something i think. and so some silly peeps actually bent down and started to try and dig those lights out! blimey! those were LIGHTS. i bet they thought they were crystals! but still, did they think crystals on the ground at Sentosa were going to be a naturally lovely souvenir? well maybe i suppose. and hello~ why would Sentosa embed those crystals in the ground if they could be stolen by some digging fingernails? HAHA. worse still, it wasn't just like 1 person doing it, there were different people doing it at different times.
ok enough of the queueing bit. when we entered and sat down, there was a picturesque view of the sunset. i told doodoo that it is so unfair. even the sunset at Sentosa is nicer than any other part of SG (like our homes or something). hmph. haha~ for a moment i thought that watching the B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L sunset was what i paid for. (i never caught the sunset at the musical fountain, as far as i remember?) then the longer i stared, the more i felt that the whole sky looked like a painting of a clear blue background with paintbrush dabs and swishes of dark greys of different shades for clouds, combined with sunsetty-hues of yellow, orange, red and purple~ it was so lovely, there wasn't much of the bright golden-yellow sun so for a few seconds i didn't realise it was the sunset haha :X i simply thought the sky just looked SO PRETTY and started snapping away. well some pics i took were of the sky alone, some with the audience's boppy heads in the foreground and others with the kelongs, or palm trees. well anyway, after a while, i even told doodoo that i felt like i was in a dome, just like the one in The Simpsons Movie. except that this dome was painted clear blue at the top and coming downwards it was all those other colours of the sunset. i was simply absorbed into this painting, and it felt like whooo.. doodoo and i were part of it. doodoo said the sky looked like a perfect painting. how true! and it is REAL, its not some photoshopped picture that you find on the net haha :X oh gawd i just can't stop talking about it~ well this was what i could capture with my phone cam:

about the show, i would describe it as so-so, but the ending was the best, cos that was where the climax of all the water spraying was haha! for some reason i loved the pink&orange and purple&gold comboes. the ending was without a doubt the best, because there were fireworks. and so it was only at the end when i realised why we had to pay to watch this. haha! now we can see small-scale fireworks right in front of our little eyes any and everyday~ :)
bee at 8:28 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
the Foley & Corinna dress gift from doodoo~ :D just what i've been waiting for~ silk chiffon outershell - that's ooh, soo, delicate.
i can just imagine walking along the beach, arm in arm / hand in hand.. and sifting the sand with my toes if i'm barefooted~ haha
and well, it actually looks fab as a pregnant woman dress haha. well, as much as i feel the term 'pregnant WOMAN' sounds extremely auntie-ish.
i must applaud F21 and TOPSHOP for coming up with designer inspired stuff that look rather similar to the real thing, like the lanvin dress wheehee~. well of course, the fact that topshop got sued for one of their dresses wasn't very nice. but still, the consumers benefit. though actually sometimes i ask myself what in the world am i paying for when there's a $89 tag to a dress that just looks plain and yet mature. =/ i should continue to bomb myself with questions before i make any purchase, so that i won't just become a mindless brand whore.
watched Evan Almighty last weekend with ailay and eric and doodoo. sad to say it was rather disappointing as i thought that it wasn't as entertaining as i had expected it to be. by entertaining i also mean funny. anyway i missed the whole point of the show i think, cos at the end of it i asked doodoo in justification of why it is a lame show: why would God get a guy to build a massive boat over months just to crash it into the white house in the end? haha :X i didn't see that God was trying to save Evan. ah stupidity always kicks in at the wrong time when you're plain stupid. :X
doodoo and i also caught Hairspray~ i love the clothes in there.. and the PONG PONG HAIR!!! nice, tame and yet pong pong!
as of teachers' day, i am a confirmed staff. is that good news? it means more work work work more responsibilities more expectations. :(~ i can't help but look forward to going home time every day.. or even the weekend. new kid coming in next term.. a little girl, turning 3, and has short-attention span. dealing with short attention spans is the worst thing that could ever happen to me. HELP! 4 more days to enjoy before the work blues are back T_T~
bee at 8:10 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!