Friday, September 07, 2007
clothes, shoes.. what is it that i can never have enough of?
its so funny how rebecca and i kept bumping into each other this evening :) we met @ substance @ wheelock, my first trip there! as well as at borders! what a pleasant surprise :) blur me kept having to get called out to before i noticed that she's there! she brought her LV out with her today, and its me with my usual car bag, but in yellow~ as well as the very same dress she saw me in yesterday, but just that its in red instead of the previous black now~ and i think i have a feeling that sooner or later it'll be a well-known fact that i purchase the same things in different colours.
substance was selling some comfy leather shoes that are soft. and their prices are like so reasonable! most of their pairs are $39.90 and below~ the leather ones seemed tempting, but their designs still weren't as captivating as the patent ones, those i'm sad to say the patent ones looked mature. i did want a pair of cherry red leather slingbacks, but the were sold out of my size, which is so irritating! because i think they were so cute that the people with smaller feet wouldn't buy them for fear of looking kiddish. unfortunately people with big feet don't think that way since their feet are of a well-grown size, and so they're all snapped up :(
i bought a pair of black stumpy heels from substance. i thought i always needed a pair but when i brought them home, i thoroughly regretted this purchase. because i've bought 7 dresses ever since i got my last pay (excluding the f21 maxi foley-inspired dress since it is a gift from doodoo), which was just about a week ago, and out of which, 5 are black, which means, i would pair them with white shoes. and oh god, the new heels seem tighter than what they felt at the store itself :( what a boo-boo. well actually i just seem to have a stronger inclination to shop on impulse whenever doodoo's around :( when he sees something he likes on me when i try it on, he would encourage me to get it. nevertheless, the heels look cute and i am sure every girl needs a pair of basic, black heels right? (the same thing with the little black dress issue i suppose?) if its not now, it'll be next time! perhaps i should bring them to mr minit to have them enlarged in terms of their length.
haha i ripped a pic off sher's blog :X this is so bad of me~ well~ sher and i at her midnight bday surprise~ with the red chi-chi car bag taken from a somewhat tilted angle. i'll never forget the way she played with it along the floor.

i feel so silly when i'm around with doodoo, because i honestly think/say/do silly things that simply help to prove that i really could be a chinese blonde :( but what makes a guy still want to stick with a "chinese blonde?". :X
bee at 11:09 PM