Friday, September 07, 2007
the long but interesting walk
i was at Suntec to buy a new wallet for doodoo (why does a 2% GST make prices go up by like 2x? haha)~ and i decided to walk the esplanade-underpass way to my bus stop cos there's aircon. haha. my other alternative was the under-the-sun route, which was shorter.
well anyway, i wanted to get back home ASAP.. but i found myself being intrigued with the installation art displays~ that i had to read what it was all about. i love the current one about Long Kang (the drain), which i understood better than the one beside it, though they were both equally well done and i am amazed at the creativity of using household items to make up an entire garden of lovely flowers. Long Kang (what a Singaporean term!) spoke about what it was like to be enclosed in buildings or architectural structures of conctrete all the time (just like how the entire display of everyday ground-plants just withered off and browned).. and those plants signify us.
its always good to see some sun and its so sad when we grow to be confined in our own stupid offices.
i'm glad i walked through that longer, but more interesting walk. it makes me wonder if it is ok to do the same thing in life. to walk the longer, but more interesting, more fufilling route.
i also met up with Shahfi, Reb and Jiahui yesterday~ for just a short while, but we just went on chatting about such fun stuff haha :X the stuff that girls would talk about in depth. about lesbians, friends, work, school, etc. etc.! i want to meet up with them again! oh and jiahui passed me my bday gift and card~ it looked like a simple book from the outside but i read the back and i think it could be something enlightening or perhaps even something that i could learn something from :X and the card was magnificent, another thing that's specially chosen i bet! it featured lingerie all over the small cover haha :X reminds me of our shopping trips to the jappy bra shoppe haha! and while she wished that all my wishes may come true, she listed down everything i wanted haha! though not specific items.. but yea~ its a general one that i should use to put up my next wishlist :X! yippee!
i don't know how it happened last evening as well, but i realised that my kind of fun was different from the kind of fun that the people at my workplace (at the particular branch i'm at). their kind of fun involves the ball sports that i HATE (actually i HATE all of 'em because i can't play haha :X), such as basketball and badminton and week after week i wonder how to scamper off like a little mouse. my kind of fun is sitting down and chit chatting. or go shopping for somebody's bday present. this sounds tame. or i wouldn't mind if they brought all their sports to Sentosa or something so at least we can have more fun in the water (anything else except swimming or wakeboarding, like kayaking or water-bicycling haha).
i suppose it is definitely time to go back to school next year. its ngee ann if i want to just get a degree over and done with within 2 years. its elsewhere if i don't mind staying for 3-4 years. but i still feel that 4 years is a freaking long time. and oh dear~ admission excercises all over again Z_Z!
bee at 10:48 AM