Tuesday, May 29, 2007
everyone's carrying a coach these days...
the title has absolutely nothing to do with this entry, i'm just stating what i've been noticing when i walk along the streets these days.
yesterday, i brought ailay to the bra shoppe that i frequent~ and woohoo! i'm so glad i found a partner who shares my interest :) we love the same kinda print, and the same colour, and we hate the same colour too. haha! luckily we're of a different size, cos the shoppe only carries 1 piece per size per design. :X! and i signed up for a $500 package too.. which isn't exactly good.. cos that's the 2nd package that i signed up for with my latest paycheck! oh gawd~ just signed up for a $300 the day before. luckily ailay comforted me by sharing her craziness with me~ i felt so unalone when she told me that she too signed up for some package - a hair treatment one that cost her $400~ looks like temptation got the better of me. hmm~ apart from all this.. going out with ailay makes me wonder: am i very selfish? do conversations that we have revolve around me, me and only me now? haven't asked her that yet actually =/ but it was just sth i thought about.
bought a pink bra again. i realised that every piece that i purchased from the japanese lingerie shoppe has got at least a wee bit of pink on it. whether or not its just the lace trimming, just the straps or whatever.. the point is there's always a little bit of pink somewhere. well, then what makes this one different from the previous 6 sets is that it looks like a D cup before you actually try it, while its tagged size is obviously, actually smaller. which was why, when i arrived before the store was open and saw that that was the only piece left, i felt devastated cos i thought it would never be able to fit. (i was there slightly after 1pm and i didn't know they open late, but anyway the shopkeeper told me she went to the NLB to grab a book, apparently i saw the word "japan" on the cover ^^). i'm not sure if its surprising, but that (the part about 'looks of its size are deceiving') was actually one of the reasons why it is a hot selling item, as cited by the store owner. i guess i am definitely still learning new things everyday, even though i'm sorta off-the-proper-job now.
i'm finally getting tired of spreeing and keeping track of what i've spreed for. sometimes the wait is so low that i end up forgetting what was it that i purchased =/ thing is, i'm now ordering stuff on my own~ they cost more.. but at least i know and can remember what i'm waiting for. in fact, they cost so much more that i had to plan which items exactly i wished to purchase before i even got my pay. haha. thank god for credit cards, but unfortunately and sadly, they ain't always accepted by all merchants.
ailay recommended this book that has SHOPAHOLIC on its title. we couldn't find it at the library :( but i'm rather keen on reading it to see the nitty gritties for myself. from Ailay's description of the book, there seemed to be certain parts of it that she felt sounded like her sister and me, especially the part about buying a top in many different colours. i want to read it cos the author wrote about the shopaholic in herself from the time she was single to the time she got married and till the time she had a baby. i wish to see what a shopaholic's life could possibly be like from the time she's 19 to 29. haha!
& today was eyelash extensions day! finally, i found a place that has glue which works on my uber sensitive eyes (though it felt itchy and my eyes naturally teared when i opened them). it was kinda funny too~ they had this mini fan to dry my eyes. haha! anyway, i opted for natural, instead of long, obviously fake lashes. yeah i know, what's the point of going through all that trouble for something that looks natural yea? well i don't know, but i was afraid of drastic changes (well yes i am). in this case, it takes time to embrace something that looks dramatically fake. i'll probably leave the longer ones for next time (if there is a next time).
after i had my lashes done, i wanted to do my nails (so desperately). so i gave polished divas a ring again. this time, they said they're fully booked till Sunday, which got me wondering.. why was it that i wasn't told this morning? if i was told this morning, i could've booked a slot for myself elsewhere much earlier on. argh~ so anyway, no harm~ i went off to far east plaza (which was near to Strip @ shaw) and put my dry nails in the caring hands of the manicurists @ exotic nails. its a small shop i know, but rather cosy and the service is FAST, and good (cos they're friendly). being me, i just sat there and waited for 1/2 hour for two ladies to finish their mani and pedi, while listening to all their girly nonsense. blimey, sometimes i think some sorta incurable inferiority complex is eating me up. i can understand what jw meant when she said that. they're all 28-30.. but i look older than them - no prizes for guessing correctly: it might be my complexion that gets me down at times. anyway, it was a rather enjoyable experience listening to the two girls (one of whom i believe is a transexual, who asked me where i got my black patent bag from and if i'd like to exchange it for her chanel - whatever that meant -.-). anyhow, they spoke so freely with each other about the cost of a boob job, the kind of men they liked (ang moh, chinese korkors/xianshengs, datuks?), smoking and supplments, slimming pills, tattoos down there and about "tahaning the pangsai". haha! i'm amazed really at how knowledgeable they are in these things.. some of which i've obviously never tried. plus i felt the transexual looked pretty good: a slim figure, slender feet that fit so perfectly into heels with narrow soles, a tall and lanky physique and reasonably sized boobs. haha! i haven't been staring, but her dress was lowcut enough for all to see. why am i not surprised that people nowadays equate beauty to artificiality?
well i am tired now~ so i'm going to rest. i haven't had lunch.. nor dinner.. so i'm FAMISHED! thinking of sweet and spicy drumlets from pizza hut.. laksa.. fried chicken wings...!~
bee at 9:42 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Monday, May 28, 2007
boredom threatens to kill me. x_X!
im starting to feel really bored at home. but holidays are always better than workdays.
been coming up with silly ideas on how domokun got that face while he's in the swimming set outfit: red and white striped float, yellow flippers and oversized goggles. that freaking cute thing actually costs close to SGD$30.00. well something twice or thrice its size would cost me twice or thrice as much anyway =/
i think.. 1.~ he saw a shark but he doesn't know how to swim fast enough to get away. (actually i think domokun can't swim) or 2.~ he met the pirates of the carribean and got bullied. they poked a needle in his float and its in the midst of getting deflated, (considering it doesn't look very puffed up, does it? :X)
meeting jiahui later on.. and i'm so happie :D we're going for the occasional *** again! woohoo! so much catching up to do really, been keeping all of it for the holidays :) got to try to put my worries behind me for now T_T.
and tomorrow its time with ailay! hmm i wonder how i'm ever gonna squeeze in time to visit the jap bra shoppe~ perhaps its a good thing not to go... so i won't have the chance to spend on more of those.
i wanna go for a pedi too. i've spent the last 2 months without one. its summer now, so the cool electric blue is pretty good, since it looks somewhat happy, bright and comfortable to me~ but i seldom wear jeans nowadays since i go out more often~ so i don't know its gonna match with my clothes. red is still a better colour imo :) nice and hot like the weather. haha! as i was crossing the road the other day, i was wondering if red is an auntie colour. but i don't think i look auntie~ and even if i do, i'm actually only 19 right? so i guess its perfectly okay to do red now. either way its better to do it now than to do it when i'm possibly an auntie at 40 (though i hope that time would never come). LOL. i've been into the convincing-myself stuff lately.. especially in convincing myself not to buy a particiular item or clothing or whatever. then i come up with all sorts of reasons to do so. i'm glad to say that it has worked for a total of.... ONE time. well! once is better than none~
bee at 10:18 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Friday was the 2nd last day (but supposedly and officially my last day) at the Simei branch that i'm working at. i'll be moving to Clementi next semester (for good, i suppose). T_T my request to stay at Simei had been denied and boy was it upsetting.
i call Friday the 2nd last day because i'll be going back there again during the June holidays for an inservice training session - so yay~ i can meet my colleagues/friends again!
After Friday's lunch.. the head of the centre thanked me for the things i did over the past 3 months (i felt my face getting really HOT but they kept insisting it wasn't turning red, so while that was happening i was hardly listening to what the head was saying :X and so i don't remember what else she said) and then she asked if i have any "last words". so i thanked everyone and said that i really learnt a lot.. - so much that its impossible to put into words. the practical aspect of this job was so important.. and i don't know exactly when it started but anyway i started to tear. then there was mambo jumbo in the room where there were 12 adults looking around for a box of tissue. haha! they gave me a bag, an eeyore pillow, a photoframe with everyone's (incl the kids i taught) and a handmade card that i simply, totally LOVE. it was so pretty and it had shiny, clear pebbles on it and i told the girl who made it that she could actually sell these! that's how good her card was - colour coordination, materials and all. we all agreed that it is the heaviest card i've ever received.
i didn't even cry when it was the last day of secondary school, neither did i cry when it was the last day of school at poly. and i can't believe i cried on the last day at work at the Simei branch. it was kinda embarrassing, but they were tears of joy that i had the chance to meet such lovely peeps in a non politicking and very humane environment (i'm not saying that this job comes without any stress) and there were also tears of sorrow - it's so hard to leave a place with such nice people, some of whom are already like friends to me.
i guess going to clementi is like a fresh new start (of course there are expectations i believe, considering i now have 3 months of experience). i've got to learn where the things i need are kept, and learn more about the 2 new kids i'm gonna be assessing together with the head of the centre, and learn even more stuff from the people there. i'm not sure - but it might be a good thing after all. sometimes, we can't blame kids for their stubborness and rigidity when we adults too need time to adjust and adapt to new changes.
in any case, i now realise i let something else that's pretty good go.. and its never coming back until next year. i didn't realise that was something i really wanted until it was way too late. i honestly don't know what i should do now, except to take each day at a time - as usual. n i'm not even sure if there is a point in praying for miracles. worse still, i actually feel pressured to go to the local uni. now that i don't know what i wanna do, i feel cornered, cos there is just 1 option left. and a part of me actually hopes that i didn't have that option in the first place. cos if i have it, i have to take it. what kind of choice is that? i just feel stuck, and to some extent cornered. sometimes, i wonder too if at this point, is this a sign from the one above? then again, there's still the struggle to choose between work and studies, especially if "what to study" seems to be such a big problem - i realise i've just been procrastinating a lot, too much so that i realise that i can't find a win-win situation, there's always some sort of a minus point somewhere.
good thing is, it's the start of the school holidays :) i feel like a school-going kid again~ JUNE HOLIDAYS! WOOHOO!~!~!~ :D and i just got my pay last weekend. somebody scream YAY with me!
bee at 8:49 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
its not a crazy taxi... its a bus!
it was just so crazy the other day~
doodoo and i were on a crowded bus when the handle he was holding onto snapped.
my gawd. -.- the worst part of it was, the handle next to the one that snapped was on the verge of snapping as well.. cos it was already badly frayed. what didn't help was that the bus driver was so rude. he kept telling people to move aside and to stop blocking his side view mirror in an offended manner -.-. i guess one ang moh lady couldn't take it so she asked him to direct her where exactly to stand, cos the bus itself was already so crowded and there was hardly any space left to stand at except for the boarding and alighting steps at the door.
seriously.. i used to think that SMRT buses were much better off than SBS ones not only because of the faster pick-up speed (thanks to the ferrari brand), but also because the bus drivers i've seen tend to be more friendly.. they seemed to greet passengers more often than the SBS ones. but that's just something in general.. because there are a few exceptional SBS bus drivers who are nice and polite, admist rude ones. well i guess after that day i changed my perception about SMRT slightly.. its no longer as good as i thought it was.. basically because of the safety issues. cos what happened meant that they obviously took safety lightly. if the handles were already frayed and on the verge of snapping, why weren't they replaced before tragedy happens? i believe it'd save SMRT much more if they replaced the faulty ones before they get sued for some injury due to it snapping. furthermore, doodoo said that he once saw the exact same thing happen to another guy. this is so crappy honestly.. they're waiting for people to snap the handles off before they replace them? this isn't an exceptional case anymore having seen the handles of another snap.
i don't mean to rant.. but its so dangerous to be on a bus these days if you don't get a seat. there's hardly any point in talking about service levels.. and courtesy or whatever if the basic necessities - such as safety measures and checks on the bus are not put in place or carried out. i'm not saying that service isn't important, but safety should be the top priority and should never be overlooked! it is part of good service, no?
bee at 12:07 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
unDecided. Dilemmas. Domokun!
been pretty moody. just when i finally decided what i want, its too late. oh gawd.
and because of my extreme moodiness, i get mad about littlest of things, and i guess i end up affecting doodoo's mood too. or at least i think so. he sees my nasty face when he comes down to pick me up from work (how happy can he be? LOL). but inside, i'm actually really happy that he's around and no matter how mad i seem on the outside, i ask myself if i'd rather be sulking alone and NOPE! no way~, unfortunately for him, i'd rather he be there, selfish as it all may seem.
i've also been way too crazy about high-waist suspender skirts and girly "boyfriend" shirts. woohoo! :) probably gonna end up with lots of black ones that all look the same. oh dear~
sometimes i really wish all options were naturally cut off for me... so that what i have left is something that i have no choice but to choose. that could be so much easier i guess? but even then, i still have choices, which i'm obviously not so sure if that's actually a good thing to have. hmm what am i talking about? :(
anyway, the latest item on my wishlist:
the swimming domo! :D he looks so toot.. like he doesn't know how to swim. and check out those oversized goggles. i actually thought those goggles were too small for him at first, since it can't even cover his mouth :X but then i realised goggles are meant for the eyes only. wahahaha.

bee at 10:47 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
retail therapy
i remember the first time i went into the lingerie-from-japan shoppe, i bought just one set that costs SGD$65.00. didn't believe before that about spending triumph-prices for lil things that women wear and cannot always be obviously seen. oh. this sounds so cheap. haha.
ok~ the 2nd time i made a purchase from that same shoppe, it was a purchase for 2 sets. costing SGD$120.00. i haven't even worn one of the sets yet... and i already went to make my 3rd-time purchase of 3 sets, costing SGD$165.00!~
i guess knowing that payday actually exists helps in getting me down to the shop though it doesn't help me to save knowing that another payday will arrive in the next month.
argh. it just so happens that everytime i get an update abt new shipments of lingerie from Japan, its just right after payday.. so i have heightened spending power. =/
hmm abt the designs that i pick? funky wunky stuff that you won't get to see at those triumph, wacoal and bonds counters. haha!
and i'm still trying to decide between the degree programmes i applied for. this is about the most stressful thing ever. more stressful than going for job interviews and rejecting job offers. another thing is, i can't imagine what it'll be like to resign from a job. =/
bee at 5:07 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!