Wednesday, May 16, 2007
unDecided. Dilemmas. Domokun!
been pretty moody. just when i finally decided what i want, its too late. oh gawd.
and because of my extreme moodiness, i get mad about littlest of things, and i guess i end up affecting doodoo's mood too. or at least i think so. he sees my nasty face when he comes down to pick me up from work (how happy can he be? LOL). but inside, i'm actually really happy that he's around and no matter how mad i seem on the outside, i ask myself if i'd rather be sulking alone and NOPE! no way~, unfortunately for him, i'd rather he be there, selfish as it all may seem.
i've also been way too crazy about high-waist suspender skirts and girly "boyfriend" shirts. woohoo! :) probably gonna end up with lots of black ones that all look the same. oh dear~
sometimes i really wish all options were naturally cut off for me... so that what i have left is something that i have no choice but to choose. that could be so much easier i guess? but even then, i still have choices, which i'm obviously not so sure if that's actually a good thing to have. hmm what am i talking about? :(
anyway, the latest item on my wishlist:
the swimming domo! :D he looks so toot.. like he doesn't know how to swim. and check out those oversized goggles. i actually thought those goggles were too small for him at first, since it can't even cover his mouth :X but then i realised goggles are meant for the eyes only. wahahaha.

bee at 10:47 PM