Tuesday, January 30, 2007
greedy little paws yet again!
i know that greedy little paws was a phrase that was given to me by ahead aka aheda when i can't get my hands and mind off cuddly stuffed toys, but i'm waiting for lots of stuff in the mail and i really hope they arrive before CNY so i'm now using that phrase for clothes too. joined a series of LJ sprees, most of which required endless waiting:
from forever 21: i love my boyfriend tank top in white, gold rose ring, pink eyelet babydoll dress.
from wetseal: black bow pinafore top
from korea: black pinafore dress with buttons
from fredflare: lipstick pens
from another one of the LJ sprees: something for doodoo.
from my mom's credit card: a bomb? :D
i just had to put them all down to keep myself happy, and then mentally strike them off when they arrive :) its so exciting~~ the post man will be so busy as he has to go up to my place and ring the door bell and go back down again with the parcel if nobody's home.
i am trying to keep myself away from the temptation to purchase half a dozen japanese bras and have them shipped in costly-ly via vpost japan. also, more stuff from eBay that requires me to pay an extensive amt. of shipping from vpost usa. H.E.L.P. am currently wishing for a gold rhinestone heart winged necklace, fire engine red vavavoom monroe dress, jet black sack pinafore dress! why do i sound like i've been deprived of clothes? when spring/summer collections are released, it'll be worse. i went down to raoul some time last week and got a preview of their spring/summer collection with Shereen through photographs of the models on the runway - the stuff are so pretty :) not as sombre and office-like as their winter series definitely. muahahaha.
bee at 5:16 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
the supposed last week of school
when tomorrow comes, the last week of school begins.
surprisingly, it doesn't feel like the last week of school at all. why? because we're still packed with assignments - which means we can't just throw our books in the air on the last day. my goodness, i've actually got a major assignment to hand in 1 week after the supposed last day of school -.- so OFFICIALLY, its not the last week of school at all - look at the unofficial cos that's what matters.
i honestly dislike the way school makes us so busy.. to the extent that we see each other once every not-even-24-hours haha. and then when the hols come, we'll see each other like once a month?, then once a year. its terrible, when i think of it.. to move from extreme to extreme.
the hardest, most difficult thing to part with is always friends. i hate it sometimes. i find it a struggle to be immune to this. and it always reminds me of the time when pam went to a different sec sch, when mel migrated to nz, when ailay left ngee ann. parting with friends is just like standing at the junction of the crossroads and everyone's gonna take a different path knowingly.
it makes me wonder, for people who cry on the last day, do they still cherish their friendships even one month down the road? or are people who cry (maybe not literally all the time) after everything has settled in, after they reach home, after they've found new friendships but who can't seem to forget and miss the old (obviously treasuring the new as well), the ones who really cherish their friendships a month down the road?
at the end of all of this (basically this course and blablabla), i wanna try out something different. things that i think i would like or want to do, things of a different scope. for example, waxing. LOL. so that when i'm feeling angry, i'll have stuff to rip off other people, fast, strong and quick - so they'll feel less pain i guess. what a good thing.
well anyay, that's just one of the thoughts that crossed my mind. of course there are other things i want to do / learn.. but they were already mentioned in previous posts.
but i realise my resume is so catered to finding a job in the ECH field.. =/ so the only thing that's probably ever gonna secure me a job is a cover letter. but these days, most of everyone wants resumes to be emailed in.. so the cover letter's flung out of the window.
why am i not talking about much needed rest?
because as long as i can do the things that i really want to do, and as long as it makes mee happy, i wouldn't want to cease to rest at all.
and because there will always be a time for rest, no? the question is.. is it enough? also, mummy's planning a trip, but we don't know where to go yet.
i have a feeling i will just end up slacking again. that's one of the things that comes so naturally to me. some things just never change.
bee at 8:07 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
i used to hate animal prints.. but i realised~ not anymore! yay! :D
anyway, there's this huge lack of blog updates cos i've been too busy. my proj mates and i have been on the verge of planning a 3d2n stayover cos there's an overload of assignment deadlines. that's excluding the resumes and application forms i have to fill up for after-school life. X_X!
it's a good thing though, vday and cny come in the month of completing the ECH course. there's always an excuse to enjoy life. haha.
and one of the things i think deserve a mention here is USAMOMO! she's a jappo bunny.. one that you can play dress up with! how cool is that! i absolutely love the idea because she's soft and pink, unlike fake, plastic and hard barbie. *pukes* when i recall the sight of barbie's hair dipped into water in those many-years-ago barbie swimming ads, i feel like throwing up my lunch instantly. but usamomo is so different. she's cuddly, innocent, and ready for a hug!
i must share the joy of opening up usamomo's fabric house. zip it open and you'll find usamomo plus her wardrobe with another 3 outfits for change! the flap that comes down when you zip the house open actually forms a bed for usamomo to be tucked into - it also comes with a pillow!!! that's for the $110 set :X she has a princessy four-poster bed with curtains or a rocking crib that can be purchased separately.. and several outfits that can also be purchased separately ($25 each on average). well everything can be found on the taiwan mother's garden webby..
and i just cannot help but mention this baby usamomo basket set! it comes with a bib, milk bottie, heart-shaped pillow and cherry motif blankie!
i want to buy an usamomo someday.. :X i don't know why though, but i understand that it is kinda useless. maybe its just nice to look at. hehe! however, as much as i like usamomo, i am still in love with domokun at the moment, so there isn't really a need for usamomo right now :X i guess she just deserves a mention here cos she makes me proud for being soft and cuddy :D
bee at 10:52 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
what next..?
i hope that time passes asap.. not that i wish and hope with all my might to be a year older, but i just want the next weekend to come even though i know that there will always be unavoiodable disruptions. i cannot wait for vday and chinese new year and the whole period of freedom, which i have doubts about and feelings of guilt. i can't help but feel that no matter how much i desire or seek it, one should never be doing absolutely nothing for months down the road. it is just so inappropriate, and perhaps even shameful when everyone else is working their butts off for self-improvement. chide me for being conservative or not having a mind of my own - but check out the context of it all first.
i'm not looking forward to The Third Stayover. for various reasons which make it feel like tons of worries, fears and reservations though they may end up accounting to nothing once over.
o well. i just want certain thinigs to be done and gotten over with. bet i'm not alone in this. apart from being bogged down with school work, there's another thing to think about. my resume, and the applications for uni or jobs. life is starting to be a spiral - one big, cruel, relentless drill and i am the cold, dead wall that absorbs the sharp, piercing pain of realising that there is no win-win situation. you gain some, you lose some.
i am convinced that i can never have it all. no wonder they say that women can never have it all. perhaps it really is time for me to believe that, at least for once - even if only for a moment. now, where is the term 'happy-go-lucky'?
bee at 11:41 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
i'm singing in the rain
met melly & her french friend, Pierre, on fri~ and it felt so weird cos i didn't buy a single thing apart from food. we had ding tai feng on a rather full stomach :X it is funny to see how the angmoh ate the xiao long bao.. all the juice/soup squirted all over the table and he left some of it on his spoon -.- he said he enjoyed the meal =/ but it didn't look like it.
aniwae, after he left we walked in the rain cos we wanted to take a bus to vivocity. oh crap! i kept getting ant-bitten and it hurts like mad so i kept screaming. they bit my feet first (why couldn't they just drown in the rain?) so i tried to sweep them off with my hands. they got onto my hands and i started sweeping my hands with my hands -.- then they bit my hands~ and when i was trying to deal with the pain on my hands, they bit my feet again! i was walking, sweeping here and there and screaming my lungs out in pain and fear! luckily there wasn't anyone at all around us. :X we were the only two souls walking in the rain, and mel said she loved the feeling. cos in nz when it rains, its cold, not "hot" like in SG. i can't even remember when was the last time i walked in the rain without worrying about getting wet. i guess when u're with a really really good friend, you'll never feel alone or troubled by minor things like will i get too wet?
& i spent hundreds of dollars on shopping on sattyday - at the most unexpected place ever! yeah maybe i feel the pinch but the excitement just stayed with me throughout the entire night!!
i didn't spend a single cent on any of my stuff until doodoo and i went to icon. :X okay, except for a couple of earrings before we went to icon :X woops~ got three new long tops that the salesgirls suggested i pair 'em up with leggings =/.. and some lingerie - the most expensive set ever bought. :X i'd say 70-80% of all our $$ was spent at icon :X woops! never bought so many things from there before.. all i got some time ago was a diamond ring.
i made domokun model some clothes for me.. :X but i'm only showing this red one cos the rest are somewhat obscene and they don't flatter his figure. haha!

it is unrotated because domokun wanted to say hi from the side view!
then he got angry when i was asleep and tried to strangle me.. or was it that the clothes were so pretty that he wanted to hug me as a way of saying thanks for letting him try them on? HAHA!

this week is gonna be such a busy week that i don't know what to do, but i'm glad i shopped myself crazy over the weekend (though i had to work on a project too). :D
bee at 11:26 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
firstly, i wanna say thanks to everyone who sent me their xmas wishes and cards (if i haven't thanked you yet, i apologise for the lag!).
anyway, it was so infuriating. went to eat at crystal jade on new year's.. and they served all the angmohs their food first before we got ours - even though we ordered ours first. apparently, its something i should've expected. when i related that to shereen in sch today.. she said its "always like that one" T_T!!!
sigh. for the first time in my life, i realise that time passes quickly. i realised that 2006 just went by literally with the blink of an eye. i remembered being 18 for 8 months. thing is, i don't remember turning 19 and being 19 for four months. T_T. one semester went past.. and then came the holidays.. another semester came and gone, and then another set of holidays.. now i'm 5 weeks away from completing my diploma studies.. and i'm asking myself.. why 2006 seemed like it only lasted for 2006 seconds? i didn't like the feeling of realising that time slips past so quickly just like how sand falls through the spaces in between my fingers when we play with it.
maybe i'm just feeling afraid of turning 20. i want to graduate, but i don't want to too. i don't want to be doing nothing, yet i want to be doing nothing as well. now what kind of dilemma is this exactly? anyway, i think people are gonna keep asking me what i intend to do next (as they always do)... and i feel like i've got to have some sort of an answer after being in this course for 3 years. i know i ought to have a plan, i am expected to have a plan and i should have a plan. but i don't have one at the moment because nothing's decided. i don't know if i will get into some degree course so i can pursue something in the middle of this year. and since i don't know that, i am unsure of what to do from Febuary to June. some people would call that freedom, but i can't possibly slack, and i can't possibly work too! hehe. i am just too uncertain at this point in time! but i suppose life is full of uncertainties, too many maybes - i believe we just have to ensure that we come to a decision some day. whatever it is, freedom always comes with a price: i've got to support my own independence. i feel guilty slacking around and depending on others for support when they are the hardworking ones who count on themselves. to some extent, i admire my peers who work for the sake of their own spending - who work so they wouldn't have to always rely on their parents for every penny - who work enough to gain priceless experience in learning practically how society works.
one thing i know is that i have to look forward and take a step out, even if it means taking risks. we all have to take risks at some point of time in our lives - whether or not it is by choice. uncertainties just keep me stuck at where i am and rooted to the ground.
happy 2007 =) i know it is going to be an exciting year - definitely well-worth embracing as much as i did for 2006! 2007's a year where i will embark on new things and discover new loves! :D:D:D
i won't be saying things like "my new year resolution is..." -.-.. cos there's no point in that.. i just end up forgetting what it was at the end of the year. as much as we ought to plan, it is sometimes helpful to cross the bridge only when we get to it: it saves me a lot of worry. i guess what's more important is that we follow our heart.. to seek what we yearn along the way. things don't stay the same throughout the year.. we ourselves change, so i believe what we want to achieve would definitely change - might as well have a monthly one :P lol. as long as i constantly put self-reflection on my to-do list, that should help (at least a little) in helping me define what i really want at different points in a year.
bee at 10:33 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!