Friday, December 29, 2006
happy new year in advance!
went to catch the Curse of the Golden Flower with doodoo on wed. an indoor plan it was. all i can say is..
A girl's best friend is a diamond push-up bra. the boobies in the show are so ridiculously high and
horrendously frighteningly plumped up and everything. not that i've been staring.. they just pop up in front of your face when u're watching the movie on the super large GVMAX screen! haha anyway, i may have been exaggerating, but throughout the entire show i kept asking doodoo if that was really how they dressed during the Tang Dynasty... X_X and i'm so happy! we ate tons of ice-cream on that day - i love uzumaki matcha )greentea{ waffle cone ice cream! i needed internet access as well, so we paid $5.20 for a drink @ pacific coffee for some surfing. it keeps raining, so doodoo and i can't seem to be able to go onto the water bicycles @ sentosa yet T_T!
and then i walked into mu_ee (after battling a mind boggling form of boredness). stupid rip off place. they were selling $3 tikam tikam things (that i obviously wanted) for a whopping price of $7.90! its just not worth it. daylight robbery i tell you. then there was this phone strap that i liked (last piece of pink feather & dangly pearls with a gold-based rhinestone embellished star charm T_T). somewhat jap yet girly and ticklish looking - whee! $22.90. crap. after seeing them sell the tikam stuff for 2.33 times of what their actual cost is, i decided its a freaking ripoff place so i couldn't seem to force myself to patronize it. maybe if its 2x the price i can accept. but 2.33.. haha :P no!
i've discovered many ripoff places lately. actually not that many, but just another one of those who have stuff that i want. such places include far east plaza. a dress that costs $30 can be on the rack at $70. a top at $40 can be on sale for $70. and there's this shop @ bugis selling a basic tee that i wanted. its sorta basic, apart from a logo that they have on the tee. i have it in red, and i paid $15.90 for mine, off-sale period so that wasn't even discounted. the guy at bugis told me he's selling his white & black tees (exactly the same as the red one i have) at $26.90 because of the brand. hello, WHAT BRAND?! that was the worst thing i ever heard. what a lie! ailay says the worst part of it all was that he lied without blinking. LOL!
basically, my definition of rip off places =
1. shops that have things that i want.
2. those things can't be found at any other shop other than the ripoff shop.
3. shops that sell stuff at 2x the cost of their cost.
so for now, forever 21 is not considered as a ripoff place as some of their stuff can still be gotten at their online store at 30% off. i haven't gotten anything from there, so it doesn't really matter, does it? i'm making online shopping sound cheaper than it actually is. well. what can i say? nothing's ever cheap when the person who's spending is a spendthrift.
been crazy about
pinafore dresses lately. they are pretty when worn alone (thiis always reminds me of the RGS school pinafore that's u-necked) i think they look equally good when worn with jeans as well (can wear to school), better still if they have a bow attached to it, or buttoned straps, or mini pockets! they're usually comfortably loose too & go with anything - so casual! i love. :D the plain ones are good for dolling up with accessories. and they can be paired up with boots for the act-jap feel. :X i want to get fake eyelashes (but i'm allergic to the glue that they use for eyelash extensions T_T - i got this burning sensation that causes my eyes to tear) the last time :( and i also want to find a hairstylist who can french-plait my hair for me every day! :D
i wonder if i've ever been into the imax theatre before cos i can't seem to remember. i only remember the one with the screen that goes around the whole place.. over your head and all that - making my eyeballs swirl like crazy. haha! doodoo described imax as the place with the screen that is so big your eyeballs can't reach the end of it! so cute. so tempting!! they're showing open season now.. and its a blooooody cute show based on the trailer. i love the whole idea - a bear who doesn't know how to live in the world. how stupid! and how much cuter can it get? LOL.
that reminds me of domokun. his legs are so short he can't run. so he just lies down everyday.. somewhere in the house.. either on the chair or the bed.. or in my arms. haha. all he ever does is wait for people to carry him!! i love innocent fingies like domo. XD! he has captured my heart. actually.. is it a he or an it? hmm.
and i still can't bear to use my
new loop nyc wallet in black. its perfect, apart from the super flat star charm -.- but i am STILL trying to come to terms with the fact that my purple one is a goner. it is a weathered leather wallet )WLW{. but starting on the black one means that when its spoilt, i won't have anymore bow wallets to use! T_T! nooooooooo.
been wanting to put this up.. i just love the sweetiepie look of it. maryjanes with pink organza ribbons. aww.

anyway, my lippies arrived! just in time for 2007! these awesome BOO-BOO KISSES BAND AIDS Bandages from Accoutrements are so good for owies! i used a red one today (honestly, its impossible to tell the colour from outside of the wrapper).

hmm school's starting soon. i don't want to countdown the days yet, though i'll be able to see my friends at school again.. and have meals together. sher's choc fondue party sounded like fun.. *drools* and i'm hoping she'll put up some pics soon! i'm quite shocked with what happened on her tagboard though. i don't know the details.. but i'm surprised at the kind of mean things people would say.
happy new year in advance to everyone!! =) *mUaCk*!
bee at 11:09 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
funny thoughts.
its funny how women want their men to change.
and how those men want their women to stay the same - the same as when they first met them.
but its ironic: the women want their men to change - but they never do.
and the men don't want their women to change, but they always do.
is that why the minds of men remain stagnant? their maturity level is stuck at where they were first at when you first met them?
LOL. don't tell me things like men grow up too: they become more responsible, they want to work hard to keep the family going, yada yada yada. well when anyone has a family i'm sure that would be a concern and since we all grow in that aspect, it cannot be considered as a manly aspect of growth & development. haha :X i'm more or less referring to M.A.T.U.R.I.T.Y on the whole.
well of course, one thing that could always possibly change in people is the heart. =/
but we need changes to grow and develop, no? one example: its just like how people grow to love money. because they made some realisations when they walked on the street and saw beautiful, irresistable things *then they scream and shout in their minds excitedly* & therefore see that it's what they think would make them happy. then they just grow to love for absolutely endless shopping more than ever before & develop perhaps, a shopping addiction. then they swipe off their credit cards and max them out.. only to realise they need $$ to satisfy their material "needs", therefore growing to love $$ (because of shopping). i hope that i would never become such a person, who apparently only exists in my wild, far-fetched imagination.
speaking of which, SHOPPING!!! i don't know why i fancy those wooly winter dresses (MUST be the korean-inspired thoughts) when i used to dread winter fashion. actually i still do - cos there's nothing i can buy. wooly winter dresses refer to pinafores, and mini dresses that can be worn with jeans or leggings, or if they're a little longer, then they can go with boots :D but the weather does not forbid singaporeans like myself to don such lovelies in forever-summer land so ARGH.
aniwae i'm going to nap before catching death note 2: the last name with doodoo later!! AAHAHAHAHA so excited :D mooovie entertainment for a whole 140minutes! i should consider movie marathoning one of these days. hmm~!
bee at 11:52 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, December 22, 2006
i had a lovely chat with jiahui over lunch @ sakae sushi. i really love times like this.. when we can talk about anything under the sun. i ranted and ranted.. and almost felt sorry for doing so.. until she too, shared some stories, which are so confidential that i cannot share them with others here.
while i was talking to her, i remembered what i wanted to blog about but forgot to.
when people ask me what i want, the first thing that comes to mind is.. "i wanna be happy". but before anyone ever says that, we should first ask ourselves what exactly would make us happy. if we don't even know the answer to that, then we cannot expect others or any other thing to know how to make us happy.
the problem is... i don't always know the answer myself.
ok that was all i wanted to say, but after talking to her, there's more. haha!
i constantly ask myself if i consider myself to be materialistic (must be watching too much of those rich-people in korean shows such that that's all that inspires me to write in my blog -.-). most often, i think my answer is yes. like anyone else, i would rather be rich than poor. duh! but if i was so filthy rich, would i really be happy? because some of the things that make people happy are having friends to share your ups and downs with and leading a simple life that's not full of drama-mama complications. going all out to just shop for branded stuff endlessly - would that be shallow? its all for show anyway and what kinda show is there to put up if you can't convincingly carry off the branded stuff well? someone once told me that if you look rich, people would think that you're wearing a real diamond ring even if its just a fake, glass piece. but if you just look poor (even though you may not really be), people will be under the impression that you're wearing a fake diamond ring even if it really is real. showiness. its such a facade but yet it makes people feel good. i just wonder if they would ever get tired of it. anyway, back to the topic about being rich and being happy, if one was really filthy rich, he/she'd have to be wary and cautious of the people he/she mixes with. cos we'll never ALWAYS know when we'll get exploited, or clearly understand what the ulterior motives of other people out there are (do people out there really befriend rich people for $$?). our parents would probably be over-protective and all that's left is really just a snow-queen life. at the end of the day, i still have an unanswered question - what exactly do i really want? do i want all the things in the world that $$ can buy? and when i say that i really want something, how much do i want it?
at the end of it, we came to the conclusion that there's no one answer as to whether or not being rich, average or poor was best. it all depends on every individual's own definition of what happiness is and what exactly can make him/her happy - we're all different, so what we want, what we value may be different too.
truth is, i discovered there isn't a perfect life. and even if it seemed perfect on the outside, we would never be satisfied. we just want more all the time. more dresses, more shoes, more of everything - the point is there's always something. we may persuade ourselves to feel contented, but ultimately, we just continue push ourselves further. its just a very human thing.
it just makes me wonder why nobody says things like 'there's only a thin line of difference between happiness and unhapiness - it all depends on one's own perception'. maybe cos usually when we're happy we're just over the moon and we're unhappy we just can't help but feel like we're in the dump - it can be that extreme! but its also just like how negative situations can sometimes have a positive side to them. haha.
aniwae, rebecca's party - themed Rich and Luxe is tomorrow. and i so wanna go! everybody's gonna be there and it sounds so exciting. lol~! its papa's birthday tomorrow as well, and we're having dinner so i don't know if i can make it. ah well. i would feel so sorry if i can't make it!!! i just hope everyone enjoys themselves to the fullest over there! have a ball of a time! ;)
bee at 6:20 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
snow queen
been watching snow queen with english subs at first, then no subs at all, then chinese subs, and back to no subs at all. o.o the storyline was that interesting and saddening for me to want to watch it without subs :X but of course i scrolled past parts with too much of dialogue and too little action. hehe. i'm kinda glad that the show's still airing in korea - which means i still get to see hyun bin in a couple more episodes!! whee :D aniwae, snow queen is really quite different from my lovely samsoon. its hardly funny. in fact, the storyline is so upsetting that i've already teared twice :X.
also, the lead actress is this really rich girl - daughter of the president of a department store. and her dressing seriously lives up to the character that she plays. she wears fur-collared coats which i didn't use to fancy and fur shawls pretty often, and all those things that they can wear in winter that we can never don. it just makes them look so smart - whether rich, average or poor. and i can now understand why the rich love fur. because it simply makes them look rich. LOL! i really really wish that s'pore has the four seasons.. i wanna put on those kinda stuff too :X cos u can wear casual stuff on the inside but u'll still look smart on the outside. sounds like a facade :X lol.
in snow queen, hyun bin plays a poor boxer, who's unshaven and all (he no longer has that clean look like in my lovely samsoon) but its a good change.. it seems that he's always been playing rich roles. and moiyoi just updated me with good news~! :) at b2 there's a shop that sells facial stuff and hyun bin is the spokesperson for the brand and that his face is plastered over the entire shop!! i am going to take a look at that today with jiahui :D cos we're going to vivo! so *excited*!~!~
i've been pondering a lot lately, which resulted in me thinking that the rationale for single women who idolize stars like nobody's business and chase them like nobody's business is that since they are unable to find a bf or they have someone in mind but he's already taken (or more preoccupied with other stuff), they might as well like someone who's better looking and better in every other way since they won't be able to get both kinds of guys anyway. (the real, everyday ones that live in S'pore and those who are on-screen and live elsewhere, like Korea :D). as for married women who already have a husband and are aged 40 and above, i haven't figured out why they would still idolize the stars like they're still 14.
and i'm quite sure that i'm officially crazy about hyun bin. i take my "hidden-laughter" with me even when i'm out with friends. When i went out with Ailay on Wed, i smiled for no reason and then laughed at myself. -.- i must've puzzled her for at least a second or two, or long enough for her to laugh with me as well :X
aniwae, i so wanna learn how to knit. how to really bake a cake. and how to dance. i noticed that these are things that i can do even when i turn 60. lol :X hmm. the thought of wanting to learn these things has been penetrating my mind more often lately. but more importantly, i wanna learn how to love. (how to appreciate my loved ones better).
i feel that i'm growing old way too quickly and that it is always easier to pick up new stuff when you're younger. its as if our sponge (brain) gets filled up with too many trashy things such that there's no longer enough space to absorb the more useful things. but actually, perhaps its just that more and more of our "windows of opportunity" are closing down on us as we grow older and our brain cells are just withering away. ah well.
its another good-to-sleep, rainy day. i need to get some shuteye.~ toodles!
bee at 6:17 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
i love my lovely samsoon!
i expected myself to have time to read an entire book during the hols..
but i've found something more alluring :X MY LOVELY SAMSOON aka MY NAME IS KIM SAM SOON! thanks to QiuLin, who lent me the VCDs :D
i started out really slow. like 1 or 2 episodes a day.. but once i was halfway through the show.. i started to CHIONG it for the sake of completing it cos i was so into the show by then X_X i just HAD to know what the ending was (without playing cheat!)
anyway, more about the show.. i thought it was another one of those sobby operas that most korean shows are known for (basically that's what i heard about korean shows). but i was laughing all the way, and feeling frustrated each time the lead actor turned his back on the lead actress not because he doesn't like her, but its because i think he doesn't know that he does. this shows that rich guys really can be snobbish and mean :X LOL. this show displays the possibly confusing side of love. one minute its sweet and the next thing you know, it hurts. it really sorta is a funny love story and that in itself is worth the watch. i love the fact that all the leads have jobs. in most movies (esp those hollywood ones -.-), it seems like people are too free and rich: they don't have to work and they have a huge house, money and a love life. i only cried at the end, the very last episode, when samsoon met her father (who passed away already) in her dream. she said she felt that she was toooo fortunate and she started to tear and i teared with her -.-. the fact that she was able to reach the day that she can feel that she is TOO fortunate.. and the fact that she was able to reach that day when she actually REALISES and KNOWS that she is too fortunate.. they just make me feel that samsoon is soooo freaking humble & she really knows how to count her blessings. something that i don't always know how to do or do often. X_X
oh gawd i am going crazy over it :X:X:X re-watching it in Korean even (with mandarin subtitles of course!), and they definitely sound much better speaking in korean!!! No to dubs! for once, i actually wish i had a better command of Mandarin. HOHO~~ & i am in love with the lead actor in the show :X he plays SamShik & he is so charming :X i like his hair when its not gelled up, his mole that's by the side of his face :X and his small eyes.. kyooote and boyish :X and he usually wears a jacket (the formal suit kind) to work.. and i have a thing for guys who look good in those kinda jackets and ringer tees as well. :X plus he has a clean look. & he speaks gently & sings to his niece in the show *aww*. hmm~ why is it that we don't see guys like that in real life? (please exclude the ah pehs) & s'porean guys only wear things like adidas jackets x_X. anyway, i even specially downloaded a pic of him to put as my MSN avatar (display pic)!!!! hmm and i kinda think he looks like the korean jay chou :X some people call him Hyun Bin but some spell it is Hyeon Bin. so i'm not sure which is which o.o but i can't stop thinking of him and when i do i smile to myself like a dope. i know its stupid! the last time i went crazy over some idol was in sec 1? X_X!!!
and i'm soooo impressed by Kim Sun Ah (the name of the actrees who plays kim sam soon). she studied music (piano) and she can speak fluent japanese!!! she acted really well. i have no idea how someone who is actually NOT in any way TOOT can act like she is the TOOTest being on this earth. from the way she walks and eats to the things she says!
i kinda regret watching it :X cos i've turned into a madwoman because of it. i've never been this happy while i'm suffering from a lack of sleep (a chosen action). cos the process of watching this entire drama reminds me of the process of watching the anime Bleach! its like a rewind.. X_X i used to watch 15-20 episodes of bleach a day cos i had approximately 90 episodes for me to watch. and like bleach, i never wanted MNIKSS to end!!
i love the soundtrack too :X somebody please save me. i can't get the whole thing outta my mind~~
bee at 6:57 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, December 15, 2006
holidays are here!
i haven't been able to update my blog for two reasons:
1. my computer is famous for being a big fat NUT.
2. i've been too busy with projects, losing sleep, and trying to catch up on sleep.
but YAY! the holidays are here :D:D:D:D:D i can officially scream and shout and sleep without having to worry about waking up before the alarm clock rings (i hate the sound of it and so that gets me up but i try to wake up to switch it off before it even starts ringing). i can now wake up in peace, although still very early at a kookookookoo time of 8am, but without any worries! (unless i had a nightmare the night before that i remember vividly the next morning).
lastly, after all that chionging and skipping lessons, IEP is done! (the implementation part only). :D i heard that its worth only 1.5 credits X_X whereas the other subjects are worth 3 or 4. the thing i remember best about IEP is that it felt like we were filming "kids say the darnest things". they're just so funny and cute and outspoken.
anyway, over the past few weeks that i haven't been updating, i've learnt a lot, or rather been reminded of a lot of the kinds of people that live around us. i understand that it cannot be helped. but aiya, they irked me enough to deserve a mention. women are such grudge-bearing people, even if only for an entire day. it is kinda sad, but nvm. whenever there's bad, there's always good.
1. people change!
2. no man is an island, yet we behave as if we're BIG, FAT islands that can stand on their own.
3. there are peeps who are thoroughly, completely, wholely selfish.
4. cunning, scheming and sly people, like foxes perhaps, do exist.
5. there are always people who are in the same boat as you are. *consolation*
6. look not at one's past, but at one's potential.
despite doing so many projects and rushing for them in hope of perking up my memory, it is so poor T_T i thought that i was supposed to meet mel last sunday, and smsed her to say that i'm SO SORRY i completely forgot and so i proposed another date. CRAP! mel kindly replied saying that we're supposed to meet this Sunday, and not last sunday, and so i haven't missed it. i am behaving as if a brick hit my head -.-
ah. i got to talk more about the chionging now that i'm in the mood for it. we stayed over at sher's place a second time. got played out and cheated by one of the group members, but we can always leave that for another one of those "angry" times. anyway, by the time we got things done it was like.. 4:30am? i was half-dead. after 2am i just had to keep my eyes closed. not forgetting to say i spent almost the entire time lying down on a bolster that was on top of a pillow to prop my head up. it was kinda rude, but sitting up and leaning against the cupboard made my lower back hurt. my guess was that i wasn't sitting properly, so lying down on what i was sitting on before only made the most sense out of my situation :) it was so frustrating though, they kept thinking i was sleeping when i WASN'T (thanks to cheryl who sabo-ed me by shouting "ABBY IS SLEEPING!!!", shereen pulled the pillow and bolster away from my head SUDDENLY (obviously before i had time to react) and my head plonked down on the mattress. thank God it wasn't the floor or i would've screamed the entire house down. it was frustratingly irritating as it was done more than once - also because i wasn't sleeping at all. soon after that they realised it was due to the small opening of my eyes that caused it to look like i was sleeping. i was thinking to myself "hello people, i was made to have small eyes. before you even do anything, please ensure that you are looking at me from the right angle, to see that i am actually freaking awake, because i can't enlarge the opening of my eyes as much as i wish i really could". i COULDN'T even look at my TOES! when i looked down at my toes they said i was sleeping and the whole motion was rewinded and replayed.
funny things happen at stayovers. things that after a while u can actually look back and laugh and roll your eyes a dozen times at the stupidity of yourself and of everyone else. haha they always say birds of a feather flock together. how true!
i was also being labelled as being LAZY for not preferring the brown skin of the bread to the whitish part -.- because its stiff & hard & rough, and also for preferring soft, tender meat to tough, breast meat parts. i still don't see what's wrong with that. don't lots of people prefer soft and tender meat? and i'm not a bready person. so i think that its already a good thing that i don't mind eating the whitish part :D
ok, i'm feeling lazy to think of what to add on to this post. LOL. so tata~ and happy holidays~!~!~!~! tis the season to be jolly... falalalalalalalala~
bee at 7:58 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
stayover piccies
was kinda moody at first when cheryl tried to plait my hair.. obviously being very disapproving even though her face is one that's full of delight.

forming the train, or as sher calls it: the threesome! from left, jane, cheryl, bee :)

acting cute with a stuffy tigger

and finally, after tying my hair thrice, i get a single french plait down my upper back. :D

pics were taken using sher's cybershot phone and my sony k700i. zzz.
i do not have any other pics of us being hardworking.. :X so this is about all for the stayoveR (tying hair part of it at least)!
bee at 9:18 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, December 01, 2006
our stayover!
we stayed over at sher's place for our IEP discussion.. and sher's mother was soooooooo nice.
she prepared cut fruits before she went out for yoga.. strawberries that had the leaves cut off and the main body of the fruit split into 4 neat parts, crunchy apples that were skinned and papayas!! >.
i thought it was kinda funny when nobody wanted half-boiled eggs. :P or pretended not to want any so that we wouldn't have to trouble sher's mom. when sher's mom said she'll be making it for her children ANYWAY, i shot sher the "i wan i wan" look. she completely understood. and only then did everyone agree to wanting the eggs, saying that it would be easier for sher's mom to just prepare it for EVERYONE -.- it made me wonder if they would've said that if i kept quiet altogether :X LOL. i am such an eggoholic. :D i can't rmb who donated the word.. but it fits me.
anyway, i woke up with a blocked nose and painful eyes. they could've been happy and unpainful, but i drank coffee on our stayover night thinking we had lots to work out, which takes 2 hours to come up with an effect on me -.- i SO regretted it cos when everyone went to sleep at 2:05, i think i went to sleep at 3+. so terrible - that 1 hour (it seemed like more than an hour or so) was filled with nothing but still & silent air. fortunately, not loneliness cos there were 5 other beings in the room other than myself. i could test that anytime by rolling off the bed and then having to say "Sorry!" a dozen times to the person whom i have accidentally or purposefully dropped myself on. then when i finally woke up at 6+, i was told that i had been making funny breathing noises, some of which sher says was obscene -.- i wonder what it sounded like. so anyway, my blocked nose NEVER went away. even as i am writing this, my nose is either blocked or dripping. its so extreme. when i have a blocked nose, i find that sleeping with the blankie over my head has never been more comfortable.
okies, today is IEP implementation 1 day!!! and we're doing a skit which involves "Abby the little girl". who else could that be but me? -.- so during the stayover, cheryl practised plaiting my hair thrice. turned out better than expected :D we took pictures the hairstyling practice, which i will probably upload some time soon - when i'm in a less lazy, more picture-uploading-time! mood. we formed a train - jane, cheryl and i. jane plaited cheryl's hair, cheryl plaited mine. :D i am gonna get my hair plaited again later (woo! what an honour!), while i am dressed in overalls & a plastic rainbow-beaded plush bear necklace. HOHO :D oh right. they'll be adding girly ribbons to the end of the plaited bunch of hair, and it reminds me of the super green plant that i sighted at sher's place. it was fine & good looking.. until i noticed the red ribbons that were tied to its branches and my heart sank. i don't want to end up looking like a ribboned-plant.
i wish that "Abby the Little Girl" could carry a plushie by its arm all around the place. :X that would be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!! >.
btw, our IEP topic's about the 3R's - reducing reusing recycling. and we'll be messing up the kiddies' class today to hopefully shock them with what our environment would look like if the rubbish just piled up. i am bringing toilet rolls & toilet paper! so useful! LOL (but i can't rmb if jane wants them to be shredded). also, i was surprised that aishah02 played out our whole chan-mali-chan-tuned song on the piano and then recorded it all by herself. she deserves 10 wholesome claps & more!! i was supposed to do the melody and she, the bass. i was glad she helped me out with that cos i didn't have a recorder at all. i'm feeling guilty - for not having a recorder.
my leg just got numb so i am going to stop blogging and concentrate on getting some blood flowing back into it. toodles!
bee at 9:25 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!