Monday, October 30, 2006
being lazy me.
there was a part in the book - My Sister's Keeper, where i found Julia talking to her sister Izzy. She said "It's just so easy with him, Iz. It's like we're picking up where we left off. I already know everything I need to about him and he already knows everything he needs to about me. Can you fall for someone because you're lazy?"
my question is.. can you continue to love someone because you're lazy?
OK. a bit of background info. basically, Julia and the lawyer were in love 15 years ago but he dumped her. screw the reason, cos that's what makes the book interesting so i am not telling. so anyway, 15 years later when they meet again due to the jobs that they have, they find that they still have a thing (or many things) for each other.
i must admit i love sparks :) i love sparks even more when i see them flying. i love them as long as they don't get onto me because they burn (i think). haha. but anyway, i put that quote up there because it makes me wonder if one continues to love someone because one is lazy? because one is lazy to go out there to love someone new? because it is too tiring to search? because it feels weird to do so for some reason or other nobody knows why - perhaps it really is due to lazyness, by that i mean being used to something that one is far too used to? because it is way too comfortable to let go of, to step out, to even risk losing it. because it
feels effortless to love the one that i am loving now,
to the extent that it feels effortful to stop doing so.
effortful is the opposite of effortless btw. i must say it surely takes a lot of effort to get back to land when we drive each other up the wall. *grins* sometimes i can look back and laugh at what wasn't funny then. somehow its great that way.
at the end of the day, i think - that love is just love. it takes effort on one hand to make something work, but feels effortless on the other.
it is the feeling that tells me it takes two hands to clap. it also takes two hands to hold each other. to strike a balance, to share the weight.
the last thing i want to mention about what the book has taught me is that sometimes we think we know it all, but we actually know nothing. the same thing with some dilemmas in life.. we sometimes do something that is right and wrong at the same time.
bee at 9:09 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
my weekend was spent with a book
cheryl has introduced to me another lovely book. By Jodi Picoult, its entitled My Sister's Keeper.
it didn't make me cry. but it made me shed a tear at the end of it.
seriously. for good books like this one and P.S. I Love You, i just wish they were as thick as a dictionary! so that i could read on for dozens of years!
erm and yeah, in case you were wondering, it is a bestseller of the new york times.
the book really is cute. you'll find a lawyer who names his dog "Judge" in it.
However, the entire story is a big fat irony. That's what makes it frustratingly upsetting - but surprisingly, not enough to make me weep as much as i did for P.S. I Love You! To some extent though, it helps people to see what its like being a parent, what its like being a parent with a child who's really sick and fighting for survival every other day. It's no longer about thinking of how to treat every single kid of yours fairly - ensuring that they all have the same number of meatballs on their plate, which children perceive as the "same share of love". And so it says in there that being a mother is completely different from what a child perceives, "You want your child to have more than you ever did. You want to build a fire underneath her and watch her soar. It's bigger than words."
i only had one reaction. i absorb everything, enough to think that one day i would feel the same towards my children (if i ever have any) whether they were well or whether they were fighting to live. and my heart spells out "Aww" because i knew that was what my parents always had in mind.
Well then again, talking about having children, or not having any. it was so sweet when Kate (the child with leukemia in the book) was hugged by her mommy, Sara. at that moment, when Sara reached out to embrace her daughter who was on the hospital bed, realizing then then that "we never have children, we receive them". An enlightening point for Sara and for myself because I think in that point of the book, it was time she received Kate's feelings. I love this book even more now that i'm recalling what i read. I'm not exactly sure i understand everything that was written though. Basically i think that phrase sounded cool :)
I like and tend to believe that books are social commentaries - or at least those that i love to read are (apart from the Roald Dahl stuff). because social commentaries make people think - in one way or another at least.
Suddenly, reading takes priority over shopping. I had no urge to shop until i finished the book! This is the best interestingometer a book could have cos then it means its at one of the top few places in a person's to-do list at some point of time - even if its only for 2-3 days.
i have so many favourite quotes in that book that i can't keep track of 'em all. but one of my many favourites is "You don't love someone because they're perfect. You love them in spite of the fact that they're not." it reminds me (sorta like making me realise again) that its true - we do love people for what they're not!!! is that where the "opposites attract" part kicks in? X_X.
i also realised that people REALLY don't realise that they've lost something until its really gone/dead. damn it. we know about that - about realising only when its too late, but yet we still let it happen.
Sometimes i wonder what exactly is the definition of "getting over" something. Can it even be defined by words? If a loved one passes away, does getting over it mean that you can get on with life and do things like before? Or to some people, does it mean being able to fall in love again? And if that really happens, why is it that some people still feel so empty inside? Like.. the feeling is not the same as before and that its not what its expected? If that's the case, falling in love again cannot be known as a sign that is used to tell people that you're already getting over something. It's probably just a sign to say you're trying to get on with life - but it may or may not be successful. I sort of realised P.S. I Love You taught me that but i can't remember how. Perhaps it was also part of a random thought.
and also i found something that suits me! --> "I get certifiably crazy when I've got PMS". it is so cool. she just writes PMS like that in her book, expecting all the oldies in the world to understand (with no help given obviously - she didn't state Pre-Menstrual Symptoms. heehee!). :D
i went to gleneagles yesterday to visit Brendan, my nephew. (my brother's nt married yet, so obviously its my cousin's kid). he went for heart surgery.. and he is recuperating well in ICU. the doc says that once he's moved to a "normal" ward, (i'd prefer to use the word General), it means he's close to going home. so let's hope that comes soon! little boily brendan!!
it was also the first time i went INSIDE gleneagles ever since the time i was born. well i could never remember what it looked like since i was only a day to 3 days old then. but now i do! LOL. as we sat outside the ICU to talk (only 2 visitors, other than parents) were allowed into brendan's ward at any one time, it was terrifying to see people being wheeled into the operating suite. It struck fear in me - what if i would have to be the one being wheeled in one day? For God knows what reason? CHOY! but .. really. we'll never know. basically, it was terrifying to watch as it terrified me to think about me being in their shoes even though i don't know what kinda op they were going for.
if only life was a giant teddy bear and we're all little boys and girls who play with that teddy bear - that we could hug it and never let go, and never grow old.
but perhaps life may really seem like a giant teddy bear to some children. its big. overwhelmingly huge and intimidating, almost as much as it's cute. and it just makes one feel so small - maybe that's why we all wanted to grow up ASAP, as quickly as possible, only to realise we wished we were tiny again.
Based on the amount of thinking that went on in my head, how emotionally disturbed I was with the ending - frustration, shock, disbelief, you name it - i have felt it!, (how could someone who kept someone physically alive for 16 years be the very person who kept that person living for another 8 years and counting while she herself passed on? the bane of her existence, life is unfair.), not forgetting laughter at different points during the time that was spent reading this book, I am convinced that it was definitely worth my while to read it *heehee*. I seriously wish the author wrote more (about what i don't have a clue at all because the ending was well-rounded up so i guess after all that was great enough!!), but all good things must come to an end, or at least this one did.
bee at 2:35 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
random blah.
i think that listening to mp3 players and stuff on a bus is a sign of loneliness to me. though it may not apply to everyone.
it shows that people need to be entertained, because they are alone. i'm one such person who would only be seen listening to music on the bus/train when i am so utterly bored, and so utterly deprived of a chat. but at any time, i'd definitely prefer human contact - verbal communication with a friend, to an mp3 player.
and listening to an mp3 player is definitely much better than being kaypoh (a nicer word would be 'curious' but some people are not worthy of it). kaypoh refers to people who stare at other people's phones when they're text messaging. SO RUDE.
and people who try to entertain themselves by acting coy and slutty when they lean against the poles of the MRT cabins like they're about to flip around and do a pole dance. YUCK. its inconsiderate because the other people (commuters =)) who are clinging on for their dear lives near the poles but not on the poles have to put up with smelly-looking hair brushing against their side-chest-shoulder area (or at least that's what it looked like from my point of view?). !@#$!@!$@#!~!
so sad. but we're all humans. so its only natural that we're all in need of company and entertainment.
NOW WHERE'S MY DOODOO? :( i want company and food. 9 more days till we meet again.
been eating so much. siam kitchen buffet. the magic of chongqing hotpot (another buffet) and crystal jade (AGAIN!). every one of those meals cost $60.
i have a feeling i still hate spending $$ on feasts as much as i love eating. eat, shit and forget.
bee at 10:39 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
i came home today to a realisation. that the weather is really, deadlyly H.A.W.T. and it makes me feel so ickyly sticky.
i felt H.A.W.T when i was walking home from Great World City. i felt H.A.W.T when i was waiting to cross the road. and i feel H.A.W.T without any air-conditioning or a fan at least. and because i feel SOOO utterly H.A.W.T, it makes me want to complain. i just can't believe how H.A.W.T the weather is.
purchased 20 booklets of stuff for my classmates today. and guess what? the total wasn't the $125 that i expected. it was $127.30. yeah yeah its only $2.30 extra but i'm currently and SUDDENLY BROKE. i can count the number of dollars i have left in my wallet & bank account with my toes and fingers. :( boo~
i shouldn't be complaining without providing suggestions for improvement, if i were to follow what i learnt in class today. but actually, i think i shouldn't even be complaining. because whether or not the weather is hawt or hazy, and whether or not i'm dead broke or filthy-rich, there are always good things to look forward to.
good things like the weekend (which obviously means doodoo is booking out). and better things like enjoying slacking and more slacking. XD!
yet another shallow piece of information about me yea. X_X.
maybe i've just been influenced. the heat, the haze, the humidity of it all is what people have been talking about from dawn to dusk now right? so maybe that really is getting to this feverish brain of mine.
i would like to install an ice-pack in my brain or something. or perhaps FREEZE IT WITH SLURPEE! *craves*
bee at 4:23 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, October 13, 2006
tomorrow is saturday!~
i haven't been bloggin' because i didn't feel like talking.
its as if laziness crept up on me again.
but aniwae, i guess its time to document a bit of my life so that i know that time has not been wasted on doing nothing.
met up with the girls 2 days ago :) for ding tai feng.. which i prefer to call dtf. i've never had so mani xiao long baos to eat before! X_X each of us stomached 10 each.. i don't know if i should call that indulgence.
went for a facial with rebecca last tuesday. to this lady's home in the east~~ apparently the lady is church-related.. anyway, i'm thankful that her aunt gave us a lift there and back home~~ whee :)
hm. i'm not sure if i wanna go back. cos i have so many What Ifs in mind? What if she asks if i've gone for the Miracle Service at lighthouse church? What if i have to go through all the squeezing or poking of my skin again? (which is so very likely). and What if the masks that are put onto my face force out even more pimples? :(
anyway, the lady who did the facial used an amazing facial cleanser on us.
its amazing because:
1. it can be used 4 times a day.
2. rinsing it off is optional.
3. a cotton pad is used to apply it onto ur face - just like a toner.
4. 2 dots of it is sufficient for an application.
as opposed to:
1. the usual facial cleanser should only be used twice a day.
2. rinsing it off is compulsory.
3. you use your fingers to apply it to your face.
4. you definitely need more than just 2 dots per application. let's make it 50 dots. LOL.
the amazing cleanser smells very herbish - nice.. and i like the concept of the cleanser. easy, convenient to use. Reb's afraid of getting addicted to the smell, and yes i think that makes sense. i didn't get it cos as usual, i think a lot. so things that hold me back include the posibility of making my acne grow (she said the products might make EVERYTHING surface), by everything i think she meant all the pimples in the world, and also, using 4 cotton pads a day to rub stuff all over my face kinda hurts i think. Think Abrasion. please. i am so concerned about these things.
the lady who did the facial had firm, strong strokes when she brushed the cotton pads all over my face. to the extent that my face felt like it suffered from Abrasion, but it didn't look like it.
anyway, it still is amazing. but i have too many buts. so i didn't get it. and maybe if i let it slip past my memory, i never will. but ah ha! i smsed rebecca earlier this week to see if her aunt could help me to get it when she meets up with the facial lady again :P but no reply yet leh. :X so i oso dunno. got to count on fate and chance i guess. ahaha. but quite obviously she's got to try to contact her aunty first.
and hmm i did my toes. mid-week. mommy's treat! XD! the black base + gold butterfly nail art reminds me of a Century Egg. because when you first finish peeling the eggshell, you see this dark-coloured egg with goldish-coloured starry/asterisks patterns on it. so from afar i think my nails look like that :S maybe if you stand two feet away from the computer screen holding a peeled century egg in your hand (uncut), you'll understand what i'm trying to say.

the shop had HOT PINK nails with black lace and pearls.. i liked that design without the pearls.. but the lady said the lace'll soak up water when i bathe so its not recommended for toenails. X_X i didn't want to do a mani because i still had to go for piano~~ the nail design sounds ah lian but i think it doesn't look as lian as it sounds because hot pink is a happy colour even though it looks bimbotic - i'm not the big boobs no brain kinda girl so i don't have to worry~! apparently white lace designs for nail art are so common.. but black lace? :P rarer lah!
i also met Ailay yesterday. spent $27.00 on something i didn't need, something that looks bubbubbubbly & cute but cheap & plastic so i soon regretted it after that. i should stop buying things just because they seem cute - i don't need them at all. X_X. i would consider wearing it though, but i felt so psychoed, and its worse because soon after i got home, i myself thought it looked cheapo~ although it looked SO much better in the shop kay! but the good thing was, WE HAD BOON TONG KEE FOR LUNCH!~ i love i love - seriously! and i ordered Coconut :P~~ it had really soft flesh.. XD! but i wonder why everyone was drinking lemonade there? was it that good? hmm. never tried.. oso don't dare to try. its not really my thing i guess.
tomorrow is saturday. which means i get to see him again. :) and the Dreaded Monday is coming - the start of school. EEKS!
bee at 5:29 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Cheat or be cheated.
Bitch or be bitched about.
Love and be loved.
bee at 5:52 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
my fascination with domo-kun
domo-kun meets doodoo-kun and bee-chan.

anyone can tell that Domo-Kun was screaming help. just look at his face! SO SO Horrified. SO SO "ARHHHHHHHHH!".
btw, his hands were supposed to be up in the air above his head, but somehow or rather it got hidden behind our heads. HAHA.
Looking at domo-kun puts a message into my head:
Nothing in this world can be as bad as having a mouth like his that wouldn't shut!
anyway. we've been playing with domo-kun and bullying the poor fella over the weekend. so domo-kun wants to vent his frustrations out. poor innocent thing - wasn't his fault that he was made to be a soft toy. if he was alive and he still stuck to that open mouth 24/7, i'd say he's acting cute.

"LOOK at this cake! I look horrendously disfigured in this edible interpretation of me! Seeing it makes me feel like crying."
"But even so.."
"It's hard to look like i'm crying with a mouth like this"...
"so bee-chan helped me to add tears to my face."
"And still.."

"I'm scared of bee-chan!!!".
"I find it hard to believe that bee chan's mommy said that the cake version of me looks "just like an army boy. Rugged and dark". but it's somewhat true.."

"See? I can march like one".
"I also know how to protect my lovelies - (what i love)".
Okay, apparently, domo caught sight of our ice-cream cone coin bank and fell in love with it. He's been treating it like his own ever since. No one can come close to it! He even turns aggressive when we eye "his" ice-cream cone, which is the lovelie that he's talking about. Well i guess its a good thing - we have a guardian of the ice-cream coin bank now =)

"I am a monstarh! ARH!".
bee at 11:46 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!