Wednesday, October 25, 2006
random blah.
i think that listening to mp3 players and stuff on a bus is a sign of loneliness to me. though it may not apply to everyone.
it shows that people need to be entertained, because they are alone. i'm one such person who would only be seen listening to music on the bus/train when i am so utterly bored, and so utterly deprived of a chat. but at any time, i'd definitely prefer human contact - verbal communication with a friend, to an mp3 player.
and listening to an mp3 player is definitely much better than being kaypoh (a nicer word would be 'curious' but some people are not worthy of it). kaypoh refers to people who stare at other people's phones when they're text messaging. SO RUDE.
and people who try to entertain themselves by acting coy and slutty when they lean against the poles of the MRT cabins like they're about to flip around and do a pole dance. YUCK. its inconsiderate because the other people (commuters =)) who are clinging on for their dear lives near the poles but not on the poles have to put up with smelly-looking hair brushing against their side-chest-shoulder area (or at least that's what it looked like from my point of view?). !@#$!@!$@#!~!
so sad. but we're all humans. so its only natural that we're all in need of company and entertainment.
NOW WHERE'S MY DOODOO? :( i want company and food. 9 more days till we meet again.
been eating so much. siam kitchen buffet. the magic of chongqing hotpot (another buffet) and crystal jade (AGAIN!). every one of those meals cost $60.
i have a feeling i still hate spending $$ on feasts as much as i love eating. eat, shit and forget.
bee at 10:39 PM