Monday, October 30, 2006
being lazy me.
there was a part in the book - My Sister's Keeper, where i found Julia talking to her sister Izzy. She said "It's just so easy with him, Iz. It's like we're picking up where we left off. I already know everything I need to about him and he already knows everything he needs to about me. Can you fall for someone because you're lazy?"
my question is.. can you continue to love someone because you're lazy?
OK. a bit of background info. basically, Julia and the lawyer were in love 15 years ago but he dumped her. screw the reason, cos that's what makes the book interesting so i am not telling. so anyway, 15 years later when they meet again due to the jobs that they have, they find that they still have a thing (or many things) for each other.
i must admit i love sparks :) i love sparks even more when i see them flying. i love them as long as they don't get onto me because they burn (i think). haha. but anyway, i put that quote up there because it makes me wonder if one continues to love someone because one is lazy? because one is lazy to go out there to love someone new? because it is too tiring to search? because it feels weird to do so for some reason or other nobody knows why - perhaps it really is due to lazyness, by that i mean being used to something that one is far too used to? because it is way too comfortable to let go of, to step out, to even risk losing it. because it
feels effortless to love the one that i am loving now,
to the extent that it feels effortful to stop doing so.
effortful is the opposite of effortless btw. i must say it surely takes a lot of effort to get back to land when we drive each other up the wall. *grins* sometimes i can look back and laugh at what wasn't funny then. somehow its great that way.
at the end of the day, i think - that love is just love. it takes effort on one hand to make something work, but feels effortless on the other.
it is the feeling that tells me it takes two hands to clap. it also takes two hands to hold each other. to strike a balance, to share the weight.
the last thing i want to mention about what the book has taught me is that sometimes we think we know it all, but we actually know nothing. the same thing with some dilemmas in life.. we sometimes do something that is right and wrong at the same time.
bee at 9:09 AM