Tuesday, August 22, 2006
wouldn't it be nice..?
if the world was cadbury?
haa. i'm not a chocolate fan.. so no cadbury for me!
wouldn't it be nice if we could all go to work dressed in a Black Tube Dress like that with a big fat cuddly ribbon-bow at the back (slightly pleated at the waist area!)? and carry the LV deauville bag too? cute document bag!!! and wear peep-toe kitten heels? (i'm so sorry i can't stop thinking about this! but here! i'll share with everyone what i've been raving and ranting on and on about!) The pic of the dress in white is there to illustrate the beautiful, innocent bow while the one in black provides a classical, sophisticated view! *mUaCk!*

and wouldn't it be nice if we could have nail art done everyday? :D
i did mine today for the first time in 18 years and 363 days! i will and must upload pics soon, to commemorate this occasion! i couldn't stop staring at my nails when they were done!
they were spray-painted on by a machine.. and it was cool. they put this transparent thing on my nails to make 'em luminous so they could be seen from the computer screen, and then i wasn't allowed to move at all while my hand was in the machine.. and then they'd just get the machine to spray on the design. it was just QOOL cos i had imagined that the designs would be painted on.. and i thought i'd feel the paint brushes dabbing their bristles all over my fingers and nails at tip-top speed.. but ooh! i couldn't feel a thing except for the movement of the machine and some air.. HAHA. so i was practically imagining things and worrying for nothing. there weren't any funny sensations!!
but it was a pity the lady at the shop added some calafare stuff to my already-pretty-artified nails - Silver Glitter dots that werer supposed to resemmble rhinestones i guess. thankfully they don't look that bad from afar. HAHA. i appreciate her thoughtfulness though!
i also had jap cuisine for both lunch and dinner today, so i've decided on pastamania for lunch with DAH girls and two guys!
this is such a great start to the hols! :) i'm actually enjoying myself, although i need to find something to occupy myself with on a daily basis soon. because with each passing day, it brings us nearer to his enlistment date!! T_T and i guess everyone'll be somewhat busy during the hols.. so.. i really need to do something about myself and my free time. NOW.
but first, sleep. =D there are always other priorities!
bee at 10:41 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Monday, August 21, 2006
life is a rollercoaster - just gotta ride it.
after two years, i still don't know what i can do next time, other than teaching.
if possible, i would like to stay here (in sg), but it seems that if i do, i'll probably just end up taking the "education" route.. and get stuck in it.
i don't want that to happen, but i can't turn back the clock either.
its difficult to put into words what i wish to say about this field and about learning on my part but perhaps i will do it one day when i find it easier to phrase myself and not be misunderstood.
i am sick of people who ask me if i regret this and that, and if i would go back and do what i valued, cherished, and what i wanted and always wiehd to do. point is, i can't. its gonna be another three years again.. and i honestly am not strong enough to go through it all again. not even if its the most enriching thing i'm ever gonna experience in my entire life, not even if i knew that i would learn so much more, not even if it will change me, not even if it would help me to find a holiday-job as an intern as quickly and easily as saying "ABC".
i guess at some point of time in our lives, whether or not the path we chose was a mistake or not, we just have to move on. i like to think that there's always opportunities out there. and its always a matter of choice, isn't it?
shallow as i may sound, i always believe there's no room for regret, even if a tint of it lives in us and thrives on us when we keep looking back.
so. there's no turning back. and i've always been trying to accept this.
bee at 12:27 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
carrot cake and dresses..
i feel as though i'm ordering carrot cake..
white or black?
i would always choose the latter. no hestitation. because its sweeter. much sweeter.
but when it comes to a dress that i've been eyeing since the beginning of time.. i just can't decide. i am mad about it because it has a HUGE bow at the back of it. and i can't find anything like it in Singapore. Tube tops, yes.. there're tons of them out there with the big fat bow and they range from $25 to $60, but NO. that's not whatt i really really want. but then again, what do i want? black or white :(
let's weigh my options:
if i take pure white, i risk having a translucent addition to my wardrobe that i will probably never ever wear in this lifetime, unless it is miraculously made into a piece of lingerie! HAHA. anyway, the plus point of zee white dress is that the big fat cuddly ribbon can be seen from miles away.
if i choose black, the big fat cuddly ribbon would be hidden away into the darkness. :( but black is a safe colour, in terms of the level of translucency (which is low), as well as the chances that it would be dirtied by God knows what (which is low as well).
i am limiting myself to ONE piece. so i cannot indulge in BOTH. we must understand that stuff that's ordered online always come with a risk of not fitting. plus. this particular dress that i want comes with a hefty price tag (the website NEVER has sales). its $60.00 excluding shipping costs, which i'm expecting to be approximately $28.00.
i actually want the LV deauville bag that's featured in the modelled picture of the dress as well. its a cutesy document bag that i wished was smaller in size.. like a miniature or something. i love its rounded shape.
so now we all know what i've been thinking about while i've been trying very hard to concentrate on studying for tomorrow's exam. to be honest, i haven't been concentrating at all :(
bee at 8:17 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
bee: please tell me i'm mad.
cheryl: you're mad.
bee: but i'm unstoppable.
if cheryl was a certified psychologist, i wonder if this could be proof, or at least a hint of my increasing craziness.
because i want rainbow coloured nails. pink, orange, blue yada yada.
bee at 8:53 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
fibberish feverish.
had a fever last saturday after we went shopping, and i couldn't start working on my final assignment. i panicked like god knows what... and i was afraid at the same time that i had contracted dengue. its no joke. i had all the symptoms except rashes, which may or may not develop.
thankfully its gone now. i still needed lots of rest on sunday, but i forced myself to work through the assignment and slept at 3am+++. nobody could beat jane. she slept at 5am.
and now.. while i am feeling better already, i realised i am making people feel better too. so if you wanna join their club, just msn me a question: "so how's the studying coming along?". you will always get the same old answer. "hmm? haven't started at all, i'm so doomed. so dead".
that's precisely what makes them feel better. humans are just selfish. their happiness is based on the sorrows and suffering of the less fortunate. they are always comparing themselves with others so they can feel good. that is what i choose to believe. aren't we sadistic to some extent? why else would we feel happy and excited and adrenaline-rushed/pumped (whatever) when we watch big burly men take each other down in wrestling?
but i cannot blame them. because i am a procrastinator. and i'm just lazy. :( its just my nature!!! x_X
anyway, i showed doodoo the latest spring/summer 2007 papillio series. i LOVE this piece called Art Flowers Green. LOOK AT THE PINK BUCKLE!!! its a fusion of pink, green and white. and he says its a weird colour combo. but i think.. it looks like the perfect garden. he then commented that the green is too light to resemble grass -.-
and also, i want to paint my nails. been wanting to go for a pedi for weeks now.. and i'm finally getting down to doing it on Friday (i hope). i want Rainbow colours. a different colour for every nail. summer, matte colours. shereen thinks is crazy and weird.. but i think its worth a try.
i saw a lady on the street today and i kept STARING at her nails for all the wrong reasons.. why? because its rainbow coloured. its funny. its something i'm not used to. and its a French manicure.. so yeah, its weird cos the top part of her nails are white while the rest are just very coloured. but if you focus on the main part of the nail (not the tip), and you focus on what makes them pretty and NOT gaudy, - the summery, matte colours, you might really see a beautiful rainbow on a hot summer day. of course, u've got to imagine that the whole nail is one colour - just like i did. and so, i really want to try it out. its just so colourful i can't help but find the idea cute. if it really turns out ugly, then it shall just be...
a once in a lifetime thing.
bee at 8:10 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
i love. i love. i love.
there's this boy in class that i really love. and tons of other kids that i want to pick up and hug and cuddle them and stroke their cheeks and say "you're sooo cute!" too.. but anyway, J is an exception. he's the politest of them all. ahaha if there ever is such a word, but anyway i invented it just for him. he's the kinda boy who knows how to push the chairs make into place after sitting on them at the table (consideration for others rocks - it helps to keep the class the way it should be). i really admire children who have great self-control. its amazing when they can lose in games and not cry even though they look oh-so-sad :(. well anyway, the thing i love most about him is the way he NATURALLY frowns like the most miserable thing on earth had happened to him. just kidding, but that's just one of those things that i like. LOL. because its somewhat cute. so cute that it makes me laugh. i would say that he is not the typical handsome prince charming of a kid that some people are expecting by now. well anyway, J doesn't usually come up to me to talk. but when i initiate a conversation about what he's making with the blocks, what's he drawing, or when i make guesses about what he's creating, his eyes brighten up and he smiles. its a megawatt, heartwarming yet shy smile that makes me smile back AUTOMATICALLY. the kind that brightens up the whole of me and makes me feel as happy and appreciated as he does. i love shy smiles by the way, especially those that look somewhat humble, yet purely happy. and no, he's not dumb. he does answer - in the quietest, smallest voice. but i always want to hear what he has to say.
i am the sorta person who says a big NO to biasness and favouristism. cos personally, i hate that. and i detest people who do that. but the world is unfair, isn't it? i believe there are likeable traits in everyone, but sometimes we are just blinded by our own narrow-mindedness. and cuteness is in no way a sole reason/basis for liking a child more than any other EVER.
btw. i saw a teacher who tried to use a rubberband to "tiak" the children when they weren't doing what they were supposed to do at that time (eg. drinking water or whatever). the kinda "tiakking" that occurs when she stretches a rubberband and then lets go. i would scream OUCH wide out aloud if she ever went ahead and did that to a kid. i merely caught sight of the stretching part only. i just had to say this. its just improper.
hmm. a while ago, we went to the zoo. and got caught in the rain in the middle of nowhere. everytime we go on field visits everything seems so rushed and all, i wished i was with my loved ones, strolling along, taking our own sweet time to look around. i wish i could still bug my mom with questions (that were caught on tape) like:
lil bee: what is the tiger doing?
mummy: eating
lil bee: why is it eating?
mummy: cos its hungry
lil bee: why is it hungry?
mummy: *moves on to the next animal enclosure*
lil bee: what is the panda doing?
mummy: sleeping
lil bee: why is it sleeping?
mummy: because it is tired.
lil bee: why is it tired?
mummy: *quickly moves on to the next animal enclosure*
you can imagine what happened next. basically, it was a neverending cycle of questions that went around and around the word "why"?
speaking of the zoo, i think tigers are cuddly and cute when they're not caught devouring people or whatsoever. i love their curly tail and stripes. here's a piccy i took of a white tiger that kept tracing and retracing its steps! it basically just paced around again and again! but he looked so busy when he did that. LOL

anyway, i went shoe hunting last evening with doodoo after we finished watching the national day parade. i just had to get those shoes that i saw previously. came across them by chance. they were exactly the same as the ones i wanted from gripz but was too afraid to buy 'em as i thought they looked mature. to my surprise, doodoo was full of compliments for them. so we went back to the branch at heeren last night and i never knew it was sold out of a 39.. and so we had to travel all the way back to the other end of Orchard (near far east side) to get the shoes. i asked if i could reserve the shoes at the other branch (far east) and they said that if i paid at the heeren store, they'll reserve it for me. (but damn this, i haven't even tried the 39, so how was i to be 100% sure that they'll fit?!). so anyway, i told her i'll be going down right away. it was about 9:05 then and i was told they'll be closing at 930pm.. lo and behold! when i reached the far east store, they pulled down the shutters just when i was in front of their store, and it was only 9:20. i was just SO SO SO SO SO mad (hopping mad btw!) that WE decided to get the pair of floral peep toes from gripz instead (which was originally where i saw them at). the only difference was the brand name honestly. i realised the prints, quality of everything was completely the same. i felt cheated of $6 at first, but we didn't want to let our business go to a shop that slacked 10 minutes off their closinig time. that was despicable, i tell ya! i know we seemed petty, but it didn't make sense for us to save $6 when the money was going to a bunch of slackers who are in the service line! i got great service at gripz though, and i am thankful and glad for that. no regrets!
in fact, i wanted to laugh at myself when i stepped into gripz being in a HOT, grumpy, full-of-complaints-to-share kinda mood. one minute i was speaking in a sweet tone to the polite sales assistant, and the next, i was grumbling and mumbling about the OTHER store to doodoo. and when the sales assistant came to speak to me again, i couldn't resist replying in a well-mannered tone that didn't show a tint of my anger. i was SO OBVIOUSLY switching between tones that i realised it myself and amused myself once again. sadly, it is only now that i realise there wasn't a need for me to have gone on and on about how mad i was about the CRAPPY STORE when i was at gripz and how much i couldn't stand slackey service personnel because doodoo was present, but he just understood everything and listened in agreement. then he paid for my shoes and assured me that it was money well spent. LOL.
i was reminded of a common belief among many folks about the taboo of giving footwear because they belive that the person who receives the shoes as a gift will leave you. but i didn't know if believed in such stuff (i don't know why i can't remember if he does!), so i kept quiet (i don't know why either). and then he asked for a coin :D and i completely understood. i was somewhat relieved that he remembered though. superstition or not, i didn't want him to pay for the shoes anyway (i was expecting to pay for it since i WANTed it), even though our money now seems to be linked in some sorta way nowadays (if i'm broke, he's not. but if he's broke, i am too!).
it just feels so great. i love the shoes. i love him. he loves the shoes too (maybe that's a like, but i like the word love to be in this particular sentence, so..). and i love the way he's there for me. and the way in which he insists on buying something that he knows we love for me. because he just wants to see a happy me.
i love the shoes and can't wait to wear them. i took pictures of them so that when they're old, frumpy and dusty i'll still remember the way they looked in their days of glory and honour as houses for my feet!

its the last FP day tomorrow. and after that, its time to CHIONG for my assignment, which has to be perfected by early Monday morning :(
bee at 10:53 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
i went to the "flea market" called maad today. visit maad.com.sg to find out more.
in my opinion, its flea-market inspired and that's about it.
there are artistic finds there, but you must be prepared to pay.
there's a question on quality though. the stuff look really good - but is it just the looks? i guess lots of people are there are willing to fork out $$ just based on the look of an item alone..
for example, you can have really classy, victorian jewellery on sale and the gold looks good.. but who knows for sure? also, i'm pretty sure the cost price of plain white canvas schoolgirl "ballet" shoes that are great for painting ;) is a mere $3.50 or even less when purchased in bulk.
a necklace i liked was going for $79.90. but in my heart i just thought.. no way.
thing is, there are lots of accessories "stalls" over there. they all have blogs or websites of their own, so perhaps joining the "flea market" is a good thing cos they get to show it off in real life, and people like us who want to spend get to see the stuff in real life. but with so many of these vintage charms and necklaces kinda sites sprouting up from the heartiest parts of Singapore, i'm just wondering how unique are these things actually?
its the same thing as "they're all trying to be different (and show off their individuality at the same time) but that's what makes 'em all the same". or at least that's what i think.
everyone's doing the vintage, victorian stuff now. everything is not hand-made. the charms are bought from overseas.. etc.. i don't know where.. but i know that if i could find the charms (like from australia), i could put them together by myself (or i could get doodoo to help :P), and with pliers.
well basically i say they're not handmade cos the charms themselves are bought from the suppliers. its just how every they put the charms together, how they match a victorian looking comb in gold together with a miniature anna-sui kind of hand-held mirror and perhaps a large jewel. and also, where they place the charms makes a difference. is it all clumped together at the heart of the chain or is it spread out like a charm bracelet? its all about how they are put together after sourcing out the materials. which is why i'm not surprised their business can fetch them anywhere from $2000 to $4000 a month.
perhaps all this is the reason why i don't have a single vintage, victorian-feel necklace at all. its cos everyone's doing it, everyone's having it, everyone claims that theirs is different but that's what makes it all the same. i feel so tempted to just buy 'em sometimes, but then i ask myself again if i have any plain stuff (like a dress or something) that can be adorned with a belt and a necklace with that theme and my answer is always negative. =)
its best to stick to the kawaii-stuff while i still can, i guess. hahA!
anyway, artistic stuff like canvas shoe painting is cool i think.. because the guy's skill is good. there are tones and all everywhere. oriental, rhinestone-embellished designs, it seems he does it all! also the dolly tee i saw. basically it is paper-doll inspired.. the game where you have flat dollies and you have paper clothes that you bend at the corners to fix it into the dolly. everything onto a tee-shirt, i like the idea. there was also this lady who was really good at making beaded pouches (i love the one with the ladybug on it) and beaded earrings (in slipper forms) and beaded footwear. i think it is so difficult to bead stuff and i'll just go blind or something. there were also customised plushies.. ahh you got to go down and take a look by yourself cos different people have different views i guess. its great that the place is air conditioned :)
i also came across this thing called Style Diary today.. i've been looking out for something where i can document my fantastic online buys.. and it seems this is great. they claim they've got designers who put their self-designed stuff on their style diary, as well was folk from around the entire globe who put up pictures of their fantastic purchases. now how cool is that!
i've got stuff that i don't wear to school. stuff that evoke comments such as "abby doesn't look like abby today" (somehow i can't get that out of my mind because its a shocking comment to me. abby looks like abby every other day to me!). stuff like halters, dresses, really short skirts and shorts. because firstly, i've grown so fat ever since i got to know doodoo. and secondly, i just wouldn't wear all that to school cos i don't feel comfortable doing so. hmm. i am too shy. its as if there's a rule list in my head on proper attire for school. LOL. and thirdly, i'm lazy to shave my underarms when i go out. HAHA! okay that was said to horrify the entire world ;) i hope i succeeded. LOL. hmm. and last but not least, i need bigger boobs. don't we all want our outfits to be accented with the right stuff at the right places? :) i want natural implants (whatever that is!?!?). i'm just kidding. implants can NEVER make one be natural. lol.
anyway, back to style diary. it'll be great if i could see all these stuff in one page, to remind myself that i am fat and that i should slim down so i can look better in them *i'm dead serious*. i would like to believe that i would feel comforted by looking at all those clothes that i don't wear to school as a matter of choice as i *dream* of an occasion where i'd wear them and dance around like a princess. its these thoughts that count :D
anyway, being the lazy me, i haven't even signed up for an account on style diary. :D because, a showcase of my wardrobe is not my top priority. haha! i don't have any intention to do so at the moment, because i agree with Rebecca, in my own words: we dress to make ourselves happy, we dress in the way we want so that WE feel happy. and so i share my wardrobe-fillings with my shadow only those around me. and that's enough.
bee at 7:25 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
i just blew hundreds of bucks away on clothes. but i've still got a couple more to buy. namely dresses. overalls. perhaps shoes. and bags. yes - i'm still at it. getting things that i may never wear at all or perhaps only once or twice? it is such a sin.
and i finally got the juicy girl bag i wanted (with hearts!).. green and gold in colour with a pink scarf around it. :) there were other colours like baby pink, baby blue, hot pink and gold up for sale.. tempting but just not good enough. green is THE colour. for some reason or other. at least it doesn't look outstandingly bimbotic. the rest of the colours were just too attention seeking. plus i don't have many green clothes and i don't have any green shoes at all, so might as well. i should've taken a pic of my disappointed expression when i learnt that it was sold out at a particular store last tuesday. grr!
and well, it was doodoo's birthday today. we had a great time. we watched Helen and the Baby Fox. it was a lovely story and everything in it was so cute. the golden retriever, the baby fox and the little boy!!!!! with them being so cute, its obviously easy for my heartstrings to be tugged.. and so i teared at the end of it all when the fox died. its like.. i just didn't want her to go. LOL.
we also had pastamania (their beef lasagne was satisfying), and we're probably going for better food tomorrow with his friends. i felt i ate a lot. carrot cake, cheese sausages and yummy apple slurpee! its amazing how fast money was spent. its as if the $$ all disappeared all on their own. he didn't want me to pay for anything even though it was his birthday and i should be the one treating! *ashamed*
today felt like a holiday or a weekend. :)
i've got field practicum again tomorrow.. once its over.. i definitely need to do tons of catchiing up with the people i miss so much. one of whom is mel. i really hope she's coming back to sg this year.. its been more than a year and a half since i last saw her! T_T i've been so busy i stopped updating her through emails.. this is the worst thing a friend could say i guess. a busy and tight schedule should never be an excuse for not communicating as often as before! so you might've guessed by now, i am feeling guilty.
5 more sessions of field practicum and i'm done! i still have to worry about passing or failing though! hmms. :X
bee at 10:38 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!