Thursday, August 10, 2006

i love. i love. i love.

there's this boy in class that i really love. and tons of other kids that i want to pick up and hug and cuddle them and stroke their cheeks and say "you're sooo cute!" too.. but anyway, J is an exception. he's the politest of them all. ahaha if there ever is such a word, but anyway i invented it just for him. he's the kinda boy who knows how to push the chairs make into place after sitting on them at the table (consideration for others rocks - it helps to keep the class the way it should be). i really admire children who have great self-control. its amazing when they can lose in games and not cry even though they look oh-so-sad :(. well anyway, the thing i love most about him is the way he NATURALLY frowns like the most miserable thing on earth had happened to him. just kidding, but that's just one of those things that i like. LOL. because its somewhat cute. so cute that it makes me laugh. i would say that he is not the typical handsome prince charming of a kid that some people are expecting by now. well anyway, J doesn't usually come up to me to talk. but when i initiate a conversation about what he's making with the blocks, what's he drawing, or when i make guesses about what he's creating, his eyes brighten up and he smiles. its a megawatt, heartwarming yet shy smile that makes me smile back AUTOMATICALLY. the kind that brightens up the whole of me and makes me feel as happy and appreciated as he does. i love shy smiles by the way, especially those that look somewhat humble, yet purely happy. and no, he's not dumb. he does answer - in the quietest, smallest voice. but i always want to hear what he has to say.

i am the sorta person who says a big NO to biasness and favouristism. cos personally, i hate that. and i detest people who do that. but the world is unfair, isn't it? i believe there are likeable traits in everyone, but sometimes we are just blinded by our own narrow-mindedness. and cuteness is in no way a sole reason/basis for liking a child more than any other EVER.

btw. i saw a teacher who tried to use a rubberband to "tiak" the children when they weren't doing what they were supposed to do at that time (eg. drinking water or whatever). the kinda "tiakking" that occurs when she stretches a rubberband and then lets go. i would scream OUCH wide out aloud if she ever went ahead and did that to a kid. i merely caught sight of the stretching part only. i just had to say this. its just improper.

hmm. a while ago, we went to the zoo. and got caught in the rain in the middle of nowhere. everytime we go on field visits everything seems so rushed and all, i wished i was with my loved ones, strolling along, taking our own sweet time to look around. i wish i could still bug my mom with questions (that were caught on tape) like:

lil bee: what is the tiger doing?
mummy: eating
lil bee: why is it eating?
mummy: cos its hungry
lil bee: why is it hungry?
mummy: *moves on to the next animal enclosure*
lil bee: what is the panda doing?
mummy: sleeping
lil bee: why is it sleeping?
mummy: because it is tired.
lil bee: why is it tired?
mummy: *quickly moves on to the next animal enclosure*

you can imagine what happened next. basically, it was a neverending cycle of questions that went around and around the word "why"?

speaking of the zoo, i think tigers are cuddly and cute when they're not caught devouring people or whatsoever. i love their curly tail and stripes. here's a piccy i took of a white tiger that kept tracing and retracing its steps! it basically just paced around again and again! but he looked so busy when he did that. LOL

anyway, i went shoe hunting last evening with doodoo after we finished watching the national day parade. i just had to get those shoes that i saw previously. came across them by chance. they were exactly the same as the ones i wanted from gripz but was too afraid to buy 'em as i thought they looked mature. to my surprise, doodoo was full of compliments for them. so we went back to the branch at heeren last night and i never knew it was sold out of a 39.. and so we had to travel all the way back to the other end of Orchard (near far east side) to get the shoes. i asked if i could reserve the shoes at the other branch (far east) and they said that if i paid at the heeren store, they'll reserve it for me. (but damn this, i haven't even tried the 39, so how was i to be 100% sure that they'll fit?!). so anyway, i told her i'll be going down right away. it was about 9:05 then and i was told they'll be closing at 930pm.. lo and behold! when i reached the far east store, they pulled down the shutters just when i was in front of their store, and it was only 9:20. i was just SO SO SO SO SO mad (hopping mad btw!) that WE decided to get the pair of floral peep toes from gripz instead (which was originally where i saw them at). the only difference was the brand name honestly. i realised the prints, quality of everything was completely the same. i felt cheated of $6 at first, but we didn't want to let our business go to a shop that slacked 10 minutes off their closinig time. that was despicable, i tell ya! i know we seemed petty, but it didn't make sense for us to save $6 when the money was going to a bunch of slackers who are in the service line! i got great service at gripz though, and i am thankful and glad for that. no regrets!

in fact, i wanted to laugh at myself when i stepped into gripz being in a HOT, grumpy, full-of-complaints-to-share kinda mood. one minute i was speaking in a sweet tone to the polite sales assistant, and the next, i was grumbling and mumbling about the OTHER store to doodoo. and when the sales assistant came to speak to me again, i couldn't resist replying in a well-mannered tone that didn't show a tint of my anger. i was SO OBVIOUSLY switching between tones that i realised it myself and amused myself once again. sadly, it is only now that i realise there wasn't a need for me to have gone on and on about how mad i was about the CRAPPY STORE when i was at gripz and how much i couldn't stand slackey service personnel because doodoo was present, but he just understood everything and listened in agreement. then he paid for my shoes and assured me that it was money well spent. LOL.

i was reminded of a common belief among many folks about the taboo of giving footwear because they belive that the person who receives the shoes as a gift will leave you. but i didn't know if believed in such stuff (i don't know why i can't remember if he does!), so i kept quiet (i don't know why either). and then he asked for a coin :D and i completely understood. i was somewhat relieved that he remembered though. superstition or not, i didn't want him to pay for the shoes anyway (i was expecting to pay for it since i WANTed it), even though our money now seems to be linked in some sorta way nowadays (if i'm broke, he's not. but if he's broke, i am too!).

it just feels so great. i love the shoes. i love him. he loves the shoes too (maybe that's a like, but i like the word love to be in this particular sentence, so..). and i love the way he's there for me. and the way in which he insists on buying something that he knows we love for me. because he just wants to see a happy me.

i love the shoes and can't wait to wear them. i took pictures of them so that when they're old, frumpy and dusty i'll still remember the way they looked in their days of glory and honour as houses for my feet!

its the last FP day tomorrow. and after that, its time to CHIONG for my assignment, which has to be perfected by early Monday morning :(

bee at 10:53 PM

* 240887
* virgo
* student
* loves: ladybugs, beefyboys, cherries, bossanova, olivia ong, domomomo, shopping
* bleahs @ clowns, crEEpiEcrawlies, the dark, liars

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