Wednesday, July 26, 2006
curly wurly!
went out with Ailay on tuesday to grab some ribbons for Project Polka: Dotted Shoes for Ailay. I wanted to get that Juicy Girl bag in green.. but it was sold out. T_T the good stuff just don't wait, don't they?
i also went for a temporary perm. i loved it so - the look of it i mean. i had wanted big letter "J" curls at the tip of my hair but i just decided to let the stylist do it her way. i sulked at first (thinking that the curls were small) but i was smiling like a dope at the end of it. it was somewhat fun and refreshing at the same time to have bouncy curls!!
Ailay says i should go for a perm and wear a hairband with a ribbon on it. So Rainie Yang! LOL. i would consider that if i seriously want to look taiwanese. hmm.
anyway, pictures!! sadly i only have pics of the back view...

From left: messed-up hair, tidied-up hair and when my curls were wore off into waves.
Tuesday felt like a Friday or Saturday evening.. stress-free because i know that i can sleep late and wake up late :P although i don't necessarily do so.. but at least i'm not worried about waking up late for school like on normal days. LOL. well, isn't it great if every other day was a relaxing day? LOL.
bee at 10:04 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
i was so caught up with my external field supervision that i hadn't been able to blog about what was going on internally in the centre i'm posted to. LOL.
well basically, my mentor is being very sticky about the hours.
she makes it a point to take off 1 hour of lunch everyday, whether or not we eat with the children, whether or not we stay in the centre.
and that's bad for me. cos i had one day of MC. with 5.5 hours to make up. T_T. plus i was hoping to go for only 21 sessions and not 22 :( but now my plans are ALL spoilt. and im gonna countdown: 5 more sessions to go!!!! as well as a couple of assessments by my mentor :(
she was supposed to assess me the 2nd time but she forgot to inform me that she was busy for the day as she had to take over a toddler teacher who was absent. i prepared the glue and paints needed for collage and dotting, only to realise after that that she wasn't coming. everything had to be washed away to waste.
ah wellz. here's a pic that should've been up eons ago (so long ago that i can't even remember when). i'm not sure if i promised anyone that i'd show it to them.. but yeah i've only worn these once. hand-painted shoes by doodoo!!! the rose ones that i always wanted.

bee at 8:50 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
i guess a smile is all i wanted to put on the "Title" part of this post.
i have passed my field supervision by Dr Loh, though not necessarily with flying colours, because once again, i am struggling with classroom management. yes, i have heard it thousands of times that that takes time and i have come to accept it. hmm anyway, she wasn't able to tell us how good or bad the pass was, but she was sure that it was a pass. it is a relief :)
btw, my field supervisor was so much friendlier than all that i have heard of her. she seemed approachable, and best of all, smiley, which helped to ease my discomfort before i began my lesson. i am thankful for that. more importantly, she gave very helpful and constructive feedback, which aided my realisation of several things. she focussed on professional development, which is definitely a part of the learning process that all of us have to go through.
sad to say, it was only then that i learnt that it was big and little, large and small. NEVER was it big and small - which was the way i was taught since i was a school going kid.
and also, Rily said she was surprised at how calm i was when my children misbehaved throughout the 2nd part of my lesson. i'm not sure if it was because they were just too excited about everything because they started taking out the numbers from my number mats that i needed for the game -.-. fyi i did music and movement with them and i loved the way the front part of the lesson went. She said it wasn't my fault that they started playing with the number mats and ripping the mats apart from each other (i even lost a part of a number!), but anyway, its over. She also said she would've carried the misbehaving child up and carried him to a chair and plonk him down right there. or she would've dragged him to it and made sure he stayed on the chair. my reply to that was that if we did that, wouldn't we be displaying "disrespect towards children"? she also said she would've lost her temper at them. she also said she'd probably scream at them or something, but to me i just felt there wasn't much of a use. every single day i see teachers doing that.. shouting across the classroom, but the kids have gotten so used to it that what they really need now is someone FIRM and loud, but not someone who loses her temper. i was at risk of developing a sore throat on Friday night, because I felt that I was really speaking at a louder volume than usual, and ahh - at least for once there were no comments about the volume of my voice. haha.
and i spent a whopping sum of $$ on my learning corners. i bought materials for dough play, as well as two little terrapins, their food and their container at a rip-off price. because of the amount i spent, i had no choice but to ask mummy for extra $$ :P doodoo helped me out with making the dough, and i can't imagine the amount of kneading he had to do! hopefully his arms were worked out though! anyway, the colours turned out to be ooh-so-fun, and all the kids just wanted to play with it. to the extent that nobody wanted to listen to the Rainbow Fish story and everyone just wanted to play at the learning corners -.- i guess for once something else outshone its glittering scales.
not forgetting my friends who have encouraged me to think positively always - to every single one of them - thanks for your support! it helped me brave through this!
now that i am just.. GLAD.. that its over, i shall embark on Project Polka: Dotted Shoes for Ailay. We saw a pair of shoes at Bata that was Black with white polka dots, and also with a ribbon attached to the front of it. It was going for slightly less than $30 and i had offered to help her to save by painting it up for her. muahaha. i also proposed that the ribbon be sewn onto the strap of those plain, white school shoes instead of simply attaching it to the body of the shoes itself. she insisted on doing the sewing by herself cos she'd feel guilty if i did all the work.. but she is a dear friend of mine - the kind that you can go to and let out all your tears.. LOL so i would never mind! oh i cannot wait to start! it is always exciting to work on these kinda things ;) oh! and i have an announcement to make! She has joined the club! Ailay is now an online-shopper! wahahaha!
not all is over though. i've got parental involvement activity kits to make.. and i haven't decided what to do (as usual -.-).. and i'm actually thinking about what to say in my assignment - yes, the one that i have to hand in tomorrow? LOL. hmm and finally! i can spend a little more time on shopping!!!! not that all the usual time spent on shopping was ever compromised. haha.
i just can't wait.. for this semester to be over. i just want a good break. but the sooner this semester ends, the sooner doodoo's NS enlistment date is. T_T. noooo!!!
bee at 3:58 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
sorry for the lag!
i wanted to update last friday.. but as everybody knows.. i am famous for procrastinating ;) and so i have left that task to many tomorrows after that.
well, i was so terirbly sick last friday that i went home after staying in the childcare for 1.5 hours. i had to get an MC before she would count in the 1.5 hours.. i seemed fine in the morning, if not for the occassional but severe pain in my tummy x_X. boo to that. and i developed a fever later on in the afternoon (only AFTER i saw a doctor). i wanted to take my temperature but the thermometer went out of batt. that was SO SMART! i think it has a brain somewhere... i also went to the toilet to let off some loose and watery stools for two whole days (fri and sat). YUCK x_X.
anyway, yesterday wasn't the perfect friday either. i did the morning shift which started at 7am. the teacher asked me to cut out some stuff for her, and while i was doing so, the principal walked in. she didn't say anything except to ask the children to keep a safe distance away from me as the scissors were sharp and all. i sensed nothing wrong until i finished cutting everything and i asked the teacher if i could cut my own learning centre stuff as well. to my surprise, she said that i couldn't do so because "the principal has arrived". then she went on and on about the principal's liking of seeing teachers walk around the classroom constantly AND frequently, OR seeing teachers sitting down with the kids and talking with them (having fruitful daily interactions, i would say). then she went on to mention something about being more "automatic", as the principal is very strict - even when it comes to writing reports about BOTH ngee ann mentees/students and the staff who work under her as well.
all this talk got me so scared i felt like i was gonna cry. it was SCARY, mind you. what if the principal had a wrong impression of me? what if she writes a BAD report about me? so i thought about the whole thing until lunch time, when i could finally air the situation out to Rily (the other schoolmate who's attached to the same centre as me). she suggested talking to the mentor, but what was I going to say? what if i was accused of telling tales? x_X.
so as usual, being the sort of person i am, i left things as they were. which may not be for my own good. T_T.
and at the request of jane, i have updated my wishlist a little. i have nothing to add, cos i've bought quite a lot of stuff lately and don't have all the cash in the world to spend.. so.. yeah. if i have too many "wants" that are way beyond my reach they don't deserve to be put in the wishlist. haha. no santa claus will come down to my place to drop a gold motorola/D&G handphone under my pillow right? LOL.
hmm. so anyway, i decided to explain a little more on a particular addition to my wishlist. it is an item that is affordable, but i am so afraid that it would go out of fashion really soon. cos things like that might just be mere crazes - like boybands, bubble tea, etc. okay, i am referring to the Hard Gay item on my list. this is the first time i'm mentioning him on my blog, and yes you should've guessed by now that I am a fan! i started out disliking him and being grossed out by everything, thinking that he's just lame and all, but he soon became funny once i watched more and more of those hard gay episodes. and HEY.. i appreciate the fact that he tries to make the world a better place. plus, he's got catchy language.. so if you haven't caught a single episode yet, please go to and search under bakafish to get hooked!
my field supervision's coming on this week.. on the 21st of July. sad to say i have not completed a single learning centre activity. but yes - i am trying to work things out by visualising what the end products would be. and actually, i find myself rather faraway from the end actually. plus it isn't fun when you know that there's someone else who's posted to the same centre as you who sleeps at 3.30am every night to paint up 2 to 3 layers of paint on her handmade cardboard shelves. i would admit that yes - that gets me all spiked up and jittery, but still, i would prefer to rely on the centre's resources. AND i hope to be able to decorate the shelves a little (if that ever helps).
and i have decided. that from now on, children shall be known as little imps in my blog (although i know it isn't the rightest thing to say :P).
:D how sweet!
bee at 11:22 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!