Sunday, July 23, 2006
i was so caught up with my external field supervision that i hadn't been able to blog about what was going on internally in the centre i'm posted to. LOL.
well basically, my mentor is being very sticky about the hours.
she makes it a point to take off 1 hour of lunch everyday, whether or not we eat with the children, whether or not we stay in the centre.
and that's bad for me. cos i had one day of MC. with 5.5 hours to make up. T_T. plus i was hoping to go for only 21 sessions and not 22 :( but now my plans are ALL spoilt. and im gonna countdown: 5 more sessions to go!!!! as well as a couple of assessments by my mentor :(
she was supposed to assess me the 2nd time but she forgot to inform me that she was busy for the day as she had to take over a toddler teacher who was absent. i prepared the glue and paints needed for collage and dotting, only to realise after that that she wasn't coming. everything had to be washed away to waste.
ah wellz. here's a pic that should've been up eons ago (so long ago that i can't even remember when). i'm not sure if i promised anyone that i'd show it to them.. but yeah i've only worn these once. hand-painted shoes by doodoo!!! the rose ones that i always wanted.

bee at 8:50 PM