Thursday, October 27, 2005
november chopin: nocturne
oh God.
i must admit i'm not the least bit of a chinese freak.
because my chinese sucks - i
but i can't help but love jay chou's music.
and his hair. i can go on and on and on about his hair - but i shall spare u the pain of reading all about it, unless u happen to share my passion? :) yes, i am talking about the covering-the-forehead kinda hairstyle. its not hot, its boyish! plus that single diamond STUD earring on his left ear. i love boyish men with single diamond studs on their LEFT ear ;) chic! *i'm not sure if chic's an appropriate word to use on a guy - but oh well!*

the perfect illustration. except for the leopard spots-printed jacket/coat. WHY of all things..? THAT!
not that i always am able to understand what he's saying.. but i do make an effort to figure it out when i really like it :) and that's good enough i hope.
i am on the verge of spending $$xx to purchase that CD of his.. november chopin. the only thing that's holding me back is that i KNOW very well pop CDs go off and get out really soon. sorry to say this - but mp3s are still available in the market.. plus i can bluetooth the track into my HP.. so isn't that more convenient? woops! :X
don't get me wrong - i am not undergoing that iDol-crazy phase.. cos i've long gotten over it. there is NO looking back :) and i have no intention of adding more autographs to my few but i've-had-enough collection of those.
some people the track Nocturne a mix of classical and pop. somehow or rather, perhaps it is so.
its on my playlist anyway, and no doubt about it - I LOVE.
thanks to doodoo for locating the mp3 for me. must've been difficult to find since November Chopin's launch is a dragggg away on 1st Nov.
i've listened to the track 3 times while writing this entry ;) ooh the fourth is starting!
bee at 12:19 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
a couple of entries ago - or perhaps many entries ago, so as to not take things too far, i made a sheer mention that Voxy is blind and that i was truly disappointed with it.
point is, voxy has dropped xiaxue's endorsement due to what xiaxue claims is the fault of detractors who wrote in to voxy telling of their personal grudges that they have against her. she's made a super big fuss over the drop in income as well as several arguments to some disabled guy (which i am not so keen on mentioning, but it involves a toiletting issue).
now honestly, who has SO MUCH of FREE time to do that?
i bet her readers have to study, work and blablabla and not just go for photo shoots, interviews, write a couple of articles for the local tabloid once every few weeks and boast about having gone steady with a mediacorp artiste.
anyway, i'm proud of voxy now ;) voxy is NO LONGER blind!!!
Honestly, it doesn't take xiaxue to promote the brand for them - in my eyes and i bet many others, voxy IS already perfect without her ;) the only other co. that i've found to be rather matching of their service & polishing standard is Celebrity Nails, which charges $5 more than Voxy for a pedicure.
all i can say is. if we expect others to see things from our point of view, can we ourselves firstly see things from their point of view?
whahaha :) and kimage (where i first rebonded my hair) has also been unblinded :)
rejoice! my favourite nail and hair parlours are back!
bee at 10:49 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
KE recital pics
alritey. haha. bcos this is my blog.. obviously the pics will be pics of me LAH. they are the more memorable ones (to me) anyway XP!
aniwae. i thot i should juz mention this cos i juz thought abt it. ailay said there were these 2 girls sitting beside her.. and they had so many comments to make throughout the entire duration of the recital.. one of which were: "omg. JJ is so cute!".. and according to ailay, when JJ flashed a cute smile at the end.. the girls almost fainted. HAHA. oh god. anyway.. to those who don't know who JJ is.. i'm referring to the SHY guy who got saboed. somehow, the "SHY" word struck a chord in everyone's head and stayed in their memory. well he's none other than Kong Jun Jie.. aka Queen Julia (for some reason or other that i don't know of). Anyway, in the club's forum, JJ's "thank you speech" is clearly aired over it and its just a click away!
if u wanna see more pics and know about klavier ensemble's happenings, feel free to visit
these are some stuff that cheryl did for me.. i don't like to take pics so there aren't many of me..
**and btw. i PREFER my non-madeup look. the caked-with-makeup picture looks fake.**

EDMUND in the girls' dressing room! I was busy removing my make up so there u have it! My pretty back view ;)

This is what Cheryl terms as the "Before Concert" pic.

And courtesy of Cheryl's make up skills, i present to you the "After Concert" pic.. which in her opinion is a "Wonderous Change" from before.

A pic of all of us.. with Leona Quek missing because she had already changed out :( It seems i can't take a decent pic without closing my eyes or looking sleepy. Ah well. =/
i wonder if anyone is sick of all the KE talk on my blog yet. i'm sorry but these are the happenings in my life! - whether boring or not. i do wish to get over it! but now they're planning outings like badminton ones and harry-potter-movie ones which of course i am not going to attend. =P i've downgraded into a no-lifer and if i did have a life it was a life about KE and nothing else but KE for the past few weeks. okay! i know i am so exaggerative!
i'd rather spend time with my lovely and supportive friends who attended the recital! too much time has gone into KE and i just want to be NORMAL and shop and enjoy life with a couple of my poly friends again. you guys know who u are cos we already have a date this coming week! :)
alritey.. time to prepare for my meal at crystal jade.. wHEE!~~~
bee at 9:23 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, October 23, 2005
the money suckers. $_$
i can only think about one word when someone mentions the term "high-maintenance. Girls.
what else? alrite. maybe a pet :)
$5 on average per month.
$20/$30 and the occasional spa treatments :)
(prices start from $30+ and this is worse if ur gf has acne)
other beauty must-haves (eg. eyelash extensions $100, or eyelash perming $45, brazilian wax $50 etc.)
Haircut & Hair treatments
($20 to $300 :D)
(this depends on how tarty a girl is and each make up item costs at least $15 for something of a reasonable standard.. not those $2 eyeliners ah!)
(u'll never known when exactly does she have to dry-clean a precious top - prices start from $5 onwards)
(with or without engravement, a ring = $$, especially if its a good one - and soon, she'll be asking for more!)
birthday presents. christmas presents. monthly anniversary presents. surprise presents. and basically anything that catches her eye when she walks along the street. eg. soft toy. a common phrase that's heard is.. "so cute!!!". the price range is endless.
Miscelleaneous. eg. cab rides (especially when she starts to demand for 'em if she's spoilt!). expensive fine dining. and soon it'll be branded goods.
women are such money-suckers. you won't want to calculate her total expenditure as mapped out above. and they ALWAYS have excuses for that.. "i need this and this and that and that.." and "if not this and that would happen to some part of me"... while others simply do stuff like shopping fer fun! heheheheh :P
congratulations if you have a girlfriend who's mad over only one thing and not all of the others. cos it means she'll fully concentrate on that one thing that she's mad about and OVER-indulge in it. eg. if she's mad over hair, she'll probably cut down on the rest of her spending like food, shopping, facials and manicures unless u're paying for everything. and then u'll see her changing her hair colour and hair texture as well really often!!! even worse if she's the kind that goes to a salon to have her hair washed by hairdressers everyday because she's too lazy to do it herself!
bee at 11:58 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
passing thoughts: the brave among us
i was on the cab a couple of days ago or so and some DJ or speaker by the name of Eugene had this "how not to be judgemental" section on "A slice of life" or something like that. As i was listening, i realised we could be less judgemental of people by putting ourselves in their shoes (thoughts wise).
i recalled jiahui's conversation with me in school one day, and another with shereen & party on the same issue. we were appalled at such happenings in sch.
as i re-think about those gals in ECH or anywhere else who have chosen to keep their babies or foetuses (at the time when they were still struggling to decide), i find them to be brave souls. for one, they're not even adults yet - merely teens with some sort of raging hormmones. some people might argue that it serves them right for not using protection, blablabla, but seriously. i'd rather look at how they handelled the following problems.
weren't they afraid to tell their parents?
didn't they have fears of walking around for the whole world to see that they have a big, growing tummy?
i bet they were worried about other things too. especially - what the arrival of a baby would mean for them.
just imagine. if u were in their shoes, u've hardly got ur diploma in your hands, u don't have a stable income and worse - maybe your BF (the possibly irresponsible guy who contributed into the making of your baby) didn't want you anymore. u would feel SO ALONE! life really could be much better and u probably wished it would become so.
however, all the above problems could've been settled with an abortion. its sad to know that people pay with money for what money could buy (eg. clothes, etc) and end up having some sort of materials to bring home and enjoy but pregnant teens who choose to abort spend their $ to take something away from them. and its not just something. its a life. plus. they get free "gifts". abortion brings about more problems - they may never be able to conceive again, and there could be severe problems with their periods. from a friend's own experience (she's not a teen though), blood clots in her and then flows out in clots and her MAXI 30cm pad overflows within 30mins. i can't imagine myself living with that or anything worse. how many of us would even dare to think about it?
its amazing how those teens out there, and especially those in field of ECH courageously chose to keep their babies. it seems to me they value life more than anything.. obviously more than the problems that they KNEW they had to face.
but either way.. i've thought about how they could feel if they chose to abort the kid. imagine. u're currently undergoing an ECH dip course. for example, 3 years down the road u're gonna be this teacher in a childcare centre and it so happens that u're teaching the toddler group. it certainly doesn't help as that could possibly remind u of the fact that u paid $500 to murder your own kid. AND. they could have thoughts like.. "if i had chosen to keep xxx, xxx too would be a toddler by now". argh! painful memories!
why is society prejudiced against such brave people? society is SO judgemental of them... but they never really understood the underlying problems these women face and have to find some way or other to cope. (well like i said ppl would probably think the problem lies in the fact that they didn't use any form of protection!) imo, they don't deserve to be chided at. not at all. yes - i do admit that they have made a mistake, but name me a human who doesn't make any mistakes at all! what's more important is how we deal with the challenges we face in life - whether or not they were self-created. and that's what i applaud them for. and that's where i find their bravery and courage.
OMG. didn't u know that having to face the world at 18 with a kid that's like.. a couple of months old requires more courage that u could ever imagine? i certainly DO NOT think they would enjoy the all-eyes-on-me-and-my-kid and where's-the-dad? kind of attention that they probably experience every other day.
bee at 2:47 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, October 22, 2005
there's ALWAYS sunshine after the rain!!!
phew! its over! :)
a 5min performance (yes i know i walked noisily.. cos my shoes were too big due to the contraction of my feet thanks to the cold backstage and so they slipped out before i could even take a bow) that required an entire holiday of practice! i so wanted to SQUEAL and LAUGH OUT LOUD in delight once i finished playing both pieces but i knew i couldn't do so in front of the audience. ;)
i realised that performing on stage.. (especially for piano, and not as much for band), usually means that a lot of ACTING and FAKING is going on. -.- even when anyone makes a mistake.. we still have to confidently play on and not wince or shake our heads or anything like that. to put it simply, we have to be CONVINCING. like having to convince people that we are pros by looking like one. =P well. even the most egoistical of people could hide their nature by being SHY.. so what else could i say? HAHA. ailay said my fingers never stopped moving and they looked like they were prancing and dancing around on the piano. o well. i suppose they were jumping from one octave to a few others all around the piano at some point of time! and woohoo! the piano was l33t. its the echo i'm talking about, as well as its price. a 6-figure sum i heard. hefty!!! its a concert grand by Steinway & sons, one of the most expensive/best brands in the world.. so there u have it! we all sounded good on it. LOL.
all in all. i had a funny hair day.. and the hairdo was SO EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to wash off.. cos the auntie used her hairspray sparingly.. as though her hairspray was totally free. PLUS. she used my hair as the rubberband and twirled it around along with those super thin kind of black rubber bands. OUCH. it hurt BOTH when she tied my hair and when i was untying my hair. and a single bobby pin was poking the back of my head the ENTIRE time from 1+pm onwards! AND of course. HORRIBLE make up! cheryl claimed that i look super white on stage due to the lack of make up.. but she already shadowed my eyes with tons of baby blue!! wahaha. another "SPARING" woman. my poor pimpie was bleeding or something as foundation was dabbed all over my face. i bet that pimpie on my chin was overly-irritated AND aggravated so its on strike today. it DOES NOT WANT TO MAKE ANY EFFORT TO HEAL ANYMORE! - although it was already healing before this! so this morning, i woke up with a pimple with 4 heads. yes. FOUR YELLOW DOTS. i've never seen anything like it before. now isn't that sick?
and after sacrificing an entire holiday, they still expect me to work on the next one.. whereby i'll haf to go through this audition thing to be able to be one of the performers for our next recital at NAFA. of cos, they're EXPECTING me to do a duet this time round.. but i hardly have any time to get ready for anything (is 1 month enough?). *gets reminded of the fact that they want me to use my free days to practise the piano in school - especially possible duetting with cheryl*. =/ u should've guessed that i'm sulking by now and i'm NOT looking forward to next semester AT ALL. my only free days have to be given to them. yucks.
aniwae. the lan zi (that's his fav word - it means basket) president thinks we did well for this performance ;) so all in all its alright i guess. i'd still prefer to perform as a group more than anything else. playing alone just seems so.. lonely and attention-seeking. LOL. dun get me wrong. i'm not scolding lan zi president with any thing like "basket".. is just that he likes to call us lan zi men (basket people) -.- for some reason or other so i decided to nickname him the lanzi president.
i love the 7 latin duets and hungarian dance. haha. hungarian dance is an EXCITING song. the notes just run up and down the piano n i'm so glad gloria and hernying performed their BEST on stage! :D
aniwae time to go back to sch to settle ticketing issues.
i really wanna thank those who turned up.. funai and gang, shereen & company, rebecca n her friend, ailay and her friend, doo doo and unknown, jiahui and han, mom and dad, huiying + eling, charlene + friend/bf and i'm sure i missed out lots of other people but know that u're not forgotten & that ur presence was deeply appreciated!! this sounds so flowery but o well - some things are simply true and have to be said in this manner. lol. u guys made this all possible :) and i'm really sorry for not having enuff time to entertain everyone.
bee at 4:08 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
i've had enough of this.
my cracking moment:
i am a nut and i am going to CRACK aka SPLIT OPEN under the immense force of the nutcracker.
rehearsals everyday from 10am to 3pm (especially this week, from mon to thurs - which IS the day of the performance even!). sometimes they end early, sometimes late and things are always confirmed only at the VERY LAST minute.
i used to be able to adapt to change pretty well, especially since i hated schedules/routines or anything that would tie or TEAR me down. but not anymore dearies. not when i have more important things to plan and do. more important things like taking care of myself and spending time with the people who mean a lot to me but whom i have had no choice but to neglect.. all for the sake of KE practice?
AND. i miss my free life.
i can confidently declare that from the start of this hols until now, i have not had a single day of enough-rest. day in and day out, i wake up at a time that i HAVE to.. and not WANT to. for your info, this is one thing that sucks. because me being tired out means the pimples are more than happy to pop out.
i'm so sorry but this is going to be a post of ranting and ranting and ranting. not that i have nothing else to do - but i've got things in my chest that i've got to get it all out once and for all.. as some things have really gotten too far.
for the 3rd time, i was not heard by the club's tutor at all. which means, i spent 2.5 hours waiting in vain EACH time. what's the point of me waking up early to go to school just to ROT? and not once, not twice, but THRICE?
also, because the programme booklets were only sent for PHOTOCOPYING (yes crap man - its not even properly PRINTED) today, cheryl and i only went home and left queensway at almost 8pm. this is seriously C.R.A.P. and i can't take it animore. 10am to 8pm, caught up in nothing but a 2.5 hour wait, a macdonalds lunch, and more admin work? that's not even my duty. i had to call the directors to confirm their attendance and we had to re-do the confusing layout of settling which pages come first and which ones come next. absolutely BRAIN-teasing for someone who doesn't like twisted stuff like these.
and. the thing that made me mad enough to actually tell cheryl in the face that i should never have joined this performance at all was that i'm sacrificing all my free time into this club.. and i'm not as noble as her - i do NOT enjoy sacrificing my time. call me lazy. whatever.
u see. for this coming semester, my tuesdays and fridays are super busy. my only good days are on monday and wednesday whereby school ends at 1 on monday and abt 2 or 3 on wednesday. point is? i dun get a freaking break at all cos i have to go back to school at 6pm on monday to teach the KE students until 9pm and even later if cheryl wants her de-brief sessions, and on wednesdays i'll have to go for playing class at 5:30pm and my piano lesson is from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. which is not fun at all even though the word "playing" exists. i was told playing class is about experimenting with pieces, and since i wasn't in the performing thing last sem, i expected my absence to be perfectly alright and nothing outta the norm. but NO. i ended up being referred to as a "yao guai", along with all other ECH girls in the club. it doesn't hurt me enough to insult me though. oh and guess what? playing class now turns out to be performing class and they asked me to change my $200/mth piano lessons just so i can attend their "playing class". its stressful as i can't help but feel that people are gonna be SO FREAKING UNHAPPY with me that i'll just get nothing but truly rotten faces if i don't play well and i hate stressful things. call this peer pressure, but to the maddoes, they think that this is the only thing that can help people to improve. sickoes. they give me pimples and i can't help it - so i don't understand why insensitive KE people still have the cheek to ask me why is my face like that (like the horrible horrendous disfigured way it is now). IF I HAD A CHOICE, would i want a fugly face like this? would would btw?
aniwae, right from the start when i joined KE, i never had the intention of performing (i don't hate it - i just did not sense any need to be known or showy). teaching was alright, and i never cared about CCA points. it didn't matter if i wasn't a committee member. i thought it was a fun place for people who share an interest in the piano - whether or not they could play well and that was good enough. oh hell no. it is a place for people who want to play better, to improve their skills and to climb their ABRSM grades-ladder faster. where is the fun that i seeked? if piano playing is no longer enjoyable for me, i don't see a point in staying on really. i know its a really bad time for me to be saying all this and it sounds as if i am so unwilling to perform, but please know that there are just so many things that have driven me to this. i don't expect anyone to fully understand how i'm feeling right now though - that would be too unfair. i still want to perform, i don't want to disappoint at all and i truly want things to be soo happy. i want to enjoy this while i can especially when i am sharing my piano-joy with the audience but at this point in time, i feel like i need my rest more than anything else. i admit i do like to slack - but that's what gives me energy - not food! i know about the hopes that are placed on me. but sometimes i feel like i'm crumbling under all the stress that the club has placed on cheryl and i. i am not stressed over the performance, neither do i detest it although performing was not my main priority at the start. in fact, it is an enriching and refreshing experience for me. i am stressed over the fact that i'm either spending my time on nothing in school or that i'm forced to stay back (WITHOUT a choice) and sacrifice some of the little things in life like watching an hour of the TV show i wanna catch!! it is just ONE thing that i wanted to do today! and 10 hours of KE stuff in a day DRIVES ME WAYYYY SICK.
i was like sharing my interest in this Keyboard "Club" or course that spreads out over 10 sessions (half hour per lesson, totalling to 5 hours) whereby its really for people who wanna have fun experimenting with pieces and the best part is, somehow or rather, with a qualified and professional trainer, u'll be able to play those pieces by the end of the course. so if something's beneficial and fun, why not try it? anyway, its only gonna take place in special keyboard rooms that cater to this course AFTER they're constructed - which is AFTER yamaha renovates itself (which will obviously take some time!). guess what i got? "bee. u should be concentrating on taking your grade 8 exam and not on having fun". yeah i DO want my grades, i've failed before and i perfectly understand what its like to fail.. but its no point knowing your notes and forcing out your feelings when u can't enjoy the simple yet fufilling feeling of presenting your piece in your style. its pointless to play the piano just for a grade because i know of people who play the piano because they love it and they love the feeling of playing on it and they escalate up the grades-ladder far faster than anyone else does.
i don't wanna talk about this anymore. i know i'll be happier than ever after the performance.
bee at 4:25 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Monday, October 17, 2005
as i recall doodoo stroking my hair a couple of days ago and telling me that i've grown up, it makes me think of how untrue that is. yup - physically i've aged, but not much mentally.
doodoo, unknown and i made our way down to Bugis today. it was frustrating to see a lady catch this super big and fat and fluffy bunny with just a couple of coins. the upsetting part is that i DID NOT observe the position in which the bunny was captured. argh! so i was sulking.. and doodoo claimed that i was showing him unpleasant faces, which - if i did display any of that sort, were not meant for him at all! so there was a little squabble... but at least that washed over once we went for lunch. a hungry woman is a VERY ANGRY woman.
then, hoho, unknown tried his luck at something that i had set my eyes on but had given up on trying to catch - the bunny! and although we tried a couple of times before this, unknown put in 2 coins and caught it! he started being "xiao zhang" and openly said with a face full of glee that he wouldn't give it to mee!
as usual, i'm as spoilt as before, so i got into a bad mood and wanted to leave the arcade and go home - because looking at something that would never be in my hands made me feel worse than ever. its MUCH WORSE than window shopping - because even if you had all the $ in the world, the arcade vendors would never sell it.
doodoo, wanting to satisfy me (i suppose) and provide some sort of instant gratification that i needed, actually went to change a note into coins. i got really mad - especially when i reminded myself of the fact that i blew a whole $50 on trying my luck at the fattie woolie sheepie. i figured i'd be upset if he spent $10 on nothing - more upset than if we didn't try at all. yes - i am like that. i don't like to take risks. u'd never see me eat an ice-cream cone unless doodoo is around because i'm too slow at eating ice-creams and everything would melt before i could lick any of it up. an example like this simply shows you that i'd rather eat ice-cream in a cup - because its SAFER - it'll never drip.
so anyone would expect me to throw up a fuss about him changing the coins and him asking unknown to try for the bunny. unknown came back after 2 tries and declared that he couldn't get it. so in the "bunny" section in my brain, i stamped the word "IMPOSSIBLE" all over it and really really wanted to go home (i didn't wanna waste anymore $ and couldn't stand the sight of the bunny any longer) as i convinced myself that it was not my lucky day today and both unknown and the lady got the bunny by luck. i was so angry that doodoo failed to understand that i was mad because i didn't want him to spend anymore $ trying for something that was IMPOSSIBLE to get (unless u were lucky of course).. both unknown and him felt that i was upset because i couldn't get the bunny so unknown offered it to me in the end. THE MEN JUST DON"T GET IT!
i am so ashamed of myself, really - for kicking up a fuss abt doodoo trying for the bunny. i realised after that that he just wanted to please me. but all he got was my hard-to-please behaviour! aniwae, i insisted that the bunny was unknown's and unknown's alone and said "i don't want it" a million times at least. but he repeatedly tried to make the bunny sit on the seat at the bus stop and sped off when he succeeded. so if i didn't take it, some other lil girl would come and bring it home! noo! NEVER!
yes. i am expecting anyone who reads this to be shaking his/her head by now. i have got to stop this craze for big and cuddly stuffies! its been there for as i could remember!!
so aniwae, FINALLY, after the big HOO-HAA about "barney", here's the cuddly pic of my bunny (i still feel kinda uneasy about it being mine =/).. courtesy of unknown and doodoo nonetheless. perhaps after seeing this u'll be able to understand what was going on in my brain today. it looks kinda slim-faced in the first pic though, but i'm too lazy to take another picture of it from another angle.

pretty cheeks: *blushblush*!

wabbit meat for dinner! fat!fat!
i thought of a name for this bunny :) *boo-nie!* haha!
aniwae, boo-nie's home is 1 inch too short for her ears... its a ziploc bag! that is the ultimate treatment that these plushies get if i want them to be clean 10 years down the road. and if anyone were interested in knowing boo-nie's height, she is approximately 45cm tall! :D
bee at 9:48 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Hm. i'm not sure what i could call this ring but i saw this diamond ring retailing at a jewellery shoppe for over 3k at Great World City.. >_< i want i want i want!

i doubt its the eternity ring.. cos the eternity one only has got 7 diamonds on it. =/ but this one has diamonds around the entire band :)
anyway. moi scab has fallen off to reveal a dent in my nose! a scar! a scar! and argh! the area is brown!!! *note: my skin is beige*
had Kenny Rogers for dinner last nite :) woo! i love kenny rogers for their chicken and corn muffins :) but it is always the side dishes that fill you up.. NOT the chicken. we ordered 3/4 chicken instead of the usual 1/2.. and argh! i think their chickens are getting smaller. they ain't filling us up at all!
bee at 1:53 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Frente's Bizarre Love Triangle
i've had people tell me they never knew i had an mp3 uploaded into my blog ;) its a pretty small file tho.. approximately 1.9MB or so as i've compressed it but it still takes time to load. they only found out when they actually viewed my blog on a computer with a faster connection than what they have at home.. so yeah. i've decided to change the song to an uncompressed one (i'll compress it when i can find the time).
Frente's Bizarre Love Triangle
album: brotherhood (1986)
Every time I think of you
I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue
It's no problem of mine
But it's a problem I find
Living a life that I can't leave behind
there's no sense in telling me
The wisdom of the fool won't set you free
But that's the way that it goes
And it's what nobody knows
and every day my confusion grows
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You say the words that I can't say
I feel fine and I feel good
I'm feeling like I never should
Whenever I get this way
I just don't know what to say
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday
I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think you're what you seem
I do admit to myself
That if I hurt someone else
Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be
a song that's older than me! with v. simple instrumentation ;) but i love it for that!
bee at 11:10 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
choking in smoke
this is going to be so offensive.. especially to the people who offended me in some way or another.
SMOKERS. argh. why of all things do they have to live and thrive on this Earth?
they make my life so miserable, and i always have to find ways and means to avoid them. why? because these inconsiderate folks do not give a damn and do not give a shit about the well-being and health of their family members, friends and of course - themselves! since they obviously do not care about themselves, its needless to say they would not care about how other members of the public would feel about their horrible habit. YUCKS.
i can't wait at any place in peace unless there's that NO SMOKING sign.. FINE $500 or something... so i'm obviously a supporter of the person who suggested to the government to put up those signs a bus stops :) but unfortunately, as i was waiting at Great World City, in a short span of 20 minutes, i came into contact with 3 smokers and at the end of it all, got a headache instead. this is crap. and when i was on my way home from Orchard? eww.. just walking along the street.. a short street from Scotts to Far East Plaza, i came across 2. i don't share their joy of blowing smoke into people's hair and faces and coating our bodies with this smelly layer of tar and nicotine.
i seriously wish we didn't need 10 years to impose the smoking ban. smokers all over the world and especially those who write in the newspapers to complain about why they should be allowed to smoke and blablabla PROTEST to that ban.
the point is. why should innocent and healthier folks like me and you SACRIFICE our lovely-lives for their health-harming habit? for another TEN YEARS. that is a decade!
if smokers out there don't treasure their lungs, i certainly cherish mine!
bee at 12:23 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, October 14, 2005
i m so digusted whenever i see humans picking out things from the faces/bodies of another human.. be it her own child or whatsoever. because they do it with their bare hands. when i see such happenings, they just succeed in convincing me that what Annette Tan (who writes for The New Paper) said was true. that humans are just nothing but animals. ARGH! well i suppose we can't help it. our ancestors were some sort of monkeys .. so we turn out to be the mammals we are today, with children having animalistic behaviour such as biting, scratching etc. etc but they only learn how to control themselves when they're older and that's what makes us "civilised PEOPLE".
u must be wondering what exactly disgusts me so much about the picking. annette tan described her encounter with a couple sitting somewhere near her while she was having her dinner in some sort of cafe/restaurant. the gal used her BARE FINGERS to pick out this big piece of mucus from the guy's nose. let's call it pisai. and after she successfully whipped it out of his nosehole, eww! she showed it to him and they somewhat laughed about it. errrrrrrrrgh. sick. sick. sick.
then, at the bus stop today, i personally witnessed a mother who was picking sth off her lil girl's face. ok the girl was like.. 5 or 6 years old already.. and her younger sis was saying things like "eeeeeeee..."... so the absolutely-grossed-out me just stared ahead of myself in disbelief. because she (the mother) didn't even use a tissue. i was SO grossed out too because she started to FLICK the "whatever - i think it was pisai but i don't know and i don't want to make sure i know" off her nails. and of course - the clever woman did it REPEATEDLY to make sure her fingernails wear CLEAR of the dirt. but what for? if someone were to mind about how DIRTY the dirt is, why would he/she even dig into the dirt in the first place?
the point is not about "she's the lil girl's mother so of course its not dirty to her wad"... the point is.. BASIC HYGIENE PLEASE. its not wrong for a mother to feel like its not dirty to pick stuff off her tiny one's face but when there's such an invention known as a tissue and this is certainly NOT about who picks whose nose. alrite, i'll give her the benefit of the doubt that she didn't have any ok?
oh and yes. i have this thing about cards and letters that i wish to express. i get this i-have-a-feeling-that-i'm-gonna-cry-because-tears-r-in-my-eyes kinda feeling whenever i receive a card or letter that is handwritten. FYI, i don't like e-cards. to be honest, sometimes, i don't even feel like opening them. handwritten stuff never fail to provide me with a feeling that the person who wrote it has spent time and effort to pen down her thoughts for me =) even if the card is fugly-ly drawn or messily-written, who cares?! or at least i don't. its the effort and time taken to produce that piece that i look at and truly appreciate. plus - somehow or rather, i feel its more personalised than an e-card. an e-card's design is simply decided on by a click of the mouse.. and it is definitely faster to type than to write...
so whenever i see a piece of paper (Whether its a hard paper = card or softer paper = letter), i get all excited and tear it up into pieces because i just can't wait to open it. *kiddin*. well i actually find fun in opening something that's addressed to me and me alone! (Except for my exam results and monthly bank account statements) :) and its surely more fun than having to Click To Open an e-card -.-
rehearsals are a daily affair now. its as if my life evolves around nothing but Klavier Ensemble now. It hardly feels like an ensemble because their idea of an ensemble is to move from 4 hands on a piano to 6 hands and so on.. because they want the level of difficulty in the pieces to be there so that we'll all sound pro. then in that case, when all of us are just being groomed to become concert pianists, where's the fun that i was looking for? to do things as duets and then in 3s and 4s is simply too slow for anyone to move on. i can imagine myself graduating from KE one day and all i've accomplished in the club is 1) having some experience in teaching. and 2) knowing what its like to be part of a duet. People expect to see a GROUP of pianists like what the name Klavier Ensemble suggests but no - the maximum no. of ppl that go on stage at any one time is 2. my idea of an ensemble is different, but prettier than what i see now. the lovely and i-can't-wait-for-it-to-happen things that i want to see are 5 pianos in set a semi-circle with 10 players sharing them and having a proper ensemble score up on those pianos whereby there are several parts on it. my piano teacher shared this with me as she's seen this for herself before and i felt that yeah its possible, but why are we stuck here? there is just so much to work on rather than just duetting. we can't just spend ALL our time building up a duet piece with just 2 or 3 folks. perhaps it is too early to tell what this club would become since they only started earlier this year.
aniwae, has anyone heard of the a board games cafe in SG where u can enjoy ur meal and play with selected board games provided by the cafe? :) there's a branch in holland V and clarke quay i believe :) its called the settlers cafe and woohoo! doodoo, unknown and i visited it on Tuesday. its good to check out those never-been-before (but of course decent) places :) We played stuff like Bohnanza (which is a beanie game! wahahaha), Game of life, Monopoly and Uno. usual stuff i know - but there's more that we haven't tried (eg. citadel and blablabla)! tralala. students enjoy a special rate of $6 on weekdays from 2pm to 6pm with a free flow of soft drinks! selected main course stuff on their monopoly-board-like menu (which u can take home for SGD$25) go for $4 per plate. not too bad i'd say - apart from those chickenly-sounding girls who act like they're still in secondary school and are attending a hen's night party or something. yucks. they spoilt the entire atmosphere that was otherwise pretty relaxing. i wished their tables was bigger though - because i don't want to compromise on the size of the food on our plates or even the plates. haha. also, all the prices i've stated exclude the recently-implemented 10% service charge :) it was rather entertaining for people like me to have something to do other than to chit-chat in a cafe while enjoying a meal :) (i like to do things when i'm eating - eg. watching TV or using the com).
i was tellin' doodoo that we can be food critiques soon :) u might think that its supposed to be "critic" - but in bee's dictionary, its "critique".. that's why its SUPPOSED to be "critic". we always try out new stuff & new food especially from new places. haha :) but we usually only go there once.. the more specific ones i remember are of course settlers cafe and the daily scoop (which sells mamamia ice creams!! fruity fruity things! grab a gone of 2 scoops and you won't have anymore space to stuff in your dinner!). there's more but i can't rem'ber what else at this moment. =/
bee at 1:59 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
the tickets for ngee ann polytechnic's klavier ensemble's piano recital at the esplanade are finally going to be out this coming Wednesday! :) we're performin on the 20th October, 7:30pm and tickets cost SGD$10.00 each! :) the theme of this concert is Dances :) support, support, support please! :P
and of course. i am so mad about the si-ban, old-fashioned, obiang, rectangularish and common programme booklet. i detest it. point is? i didn't even want it to end up as a booklet. but to the heads of the club, the completed version of the programme booklet is just what they wanted and they termed it as "professional-looking". !@#$ how much of a say could i have when the president of the organizing committee makes up 50% of the say and the other programme director i'm working with makes up the other 25% of the say? with 25% against 75%, is pretty obvious i'd lost the battle even before it started. yucks.
well anyway, i just got my dress for the concert :) its from Daniel Yam.. and can be worn in 4 different ways: off-shoulder, Tube/bustier style, Halter and a toga that looks more like a cap-sleeve over your shoulder :) Three ways of tying or securing some of the styles as mentioned - a big/small bow ribbon, a half-bow and a coiled flower! :) Its boring black, and consists of an inner satin layer and an organza lining on the outside :) yippee-doo! team it up with a brooch and voila ^-^ and for accessories.. diamante, diamante and diamante! :)

Glassy Diamante Brooch ;)
pity though, I just went for my laser to get that lump off my nose. the stubborn lump's been there for a month and i'm left with a scab now - pigmentation problems are expected and would take approximately 6 months to heal. :( at least the nose is flatter now. laser cost me $150 cos i had to pay for the numbing cream (it took an hour or so to set in) as well as the after-care lotion. apparently, the numbing cream hardly worked. so i had to go for an injection while i was in the "Operation Theatre". it hurt like h.e.l.l and i can't get the burning smell coming from the laser "pen" out of my mind!! well. they injected me multiple times because the the numbing-liquid didn't manage to fill up the entire part that needed to be lasered (in my opinion, its BURNT).
and blimey! check these out :) i love 'em to bits.. freshly ordered from LOOP NYC's Collection.. In Fuschia Fusion, these consist of twist-clapss, pop-up flower appliques, beaded & embroided details and candy-coloured jelly handles! ALL THE WAY FROM THE STATES! woohoo! i've got an extra piece of each.. interested?? ;)

Maryanne Clutch Bag

Professor Coin Purse
"Fit your stash, cash and weekly pass into this little snap frame purse from Loop. This nautical-inspired woven straw wrist clutch is, quite frankly, the perfect way to downsize for a day at the beach. Complete with a printed cotton interior, a cheerful applique on the front and jelly bracelet handles on the side, you may never want to go back to that oversized bag again".
I have found someone who shares the MY passion for this purse - Rebecca. haha :) i ordered 3 sets of these to save a lil on shipping, and i can't wait for 'em to arrive!! Obviously, knowing how impatient I can be, I have to constantly remind myself that orders need time to be processed and the parcel needs time to be shipped. One set for me, One set for Reb and i still have one set up for ownership! I've had comments that this purse looks like a Jie-Mei purse - the kind that 3 close friends (all giggly females of course) would purchase to carry it together and walk down the street TOGETHER. the commentors and i think that'll lower the uniqueness of this purse somehow... but all agree that the purse would look really good if worn alone (as in, with the owner alone and not with its triplet-siblings and the owner's triplet-pals).
Time passes so fast sometimes I feel as if i can't catch up with it. i remember reminding myself that i am already 17 when i was seventeen then, but now that i've turned 18, i have to constantly remind myself that i am only 18. It doesn't help when i see my peers dressed in their JC uniforms or any other kind of uniform. AND.. when i look back at the times where i first got to know doodoo, i can't help but exclaim 'doodoo! we were such KIDS then!!!' - the kind that still wore hawaiian print bermudas from OP or one of those billabong/mambo/roxy/ripcurl/quiksilver kinda surf brands from Orchard to the beach and everywhere and anywhere, but that was only 3+++ years ago. Well i suppose i can be a kid forever - but only in mummy's & daddy's heart.
bee at 10:35 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, October 07, 2005
isn't it sad when...?
we are so unaccepting towards others while we expect others to accept us for our flaws.
we tend to take what's right in front of us for granted.. only to cherish it when it is too late.
love and lust are on the opposite ends of this world.
we expect others to forgive us while we sometimes are unable to forgive them.
we struggle to forgive ourselves but find it so much easier to forgive others.
we are just so self-centred.
we are just SO SELFISH we don't want to give others a chance to share our joy because we want to keep the good things all to ourselves
the world is not short of copiers but yet copiers are everywhere (people without their own style who are the epitome of fashion mistakes - the kind that go "that dress looks so HOT! on britney spears" and then goes and gets one that does NOT flatter the wearer AT ALL and make people stare @ her for all the wrong reasons one could find).
liars lie without a conscience.
and isn't it FRUSTRATINGLY UPSETTING and UPSETTINGLY FRUSTRATING when you have the urge to blog for an entire week but blogger does NOT allow you to do so? *hMph!*
well finally :) after i've lost all my thoughts over the past week because i've forgotten what i wanted to blog about, yay! i can finally rant on and on now. about:
1. not having enough rest during the entire hols
2. school is starting SO SOON
3. poor exam results
4. how people expect me to do well (who exactly are you to throw your expectations at me?)
5. people wanting to know how i fared just so they can use me as a comparison or perhaps use themselves as a comparison to me
6. people wanting to know how i scored so that they can use me - the inferior-resulter to make them feel tall, mighty and superior just based on academic achievements. (oh i hate shallow thinking!)
7. holidays coming to an end SO SOON (yes this is really getting into my head)
8. lack of shopping for new clothes that are wearable to school
9. too much shopping and busying for the up and coming KlavierEnsemble Piano recital at the Esplanade :) (eg. dress, accessories, shoes, make up, yada yada etc. as well as too much time going for rehearsals in school whereby the waiting time to play is SO LONG)
10. being broke because i spent all my money on capsules/gashapons/what i call tikam-tikam machines.
haha :) u should've guessed as much by now. i have a new-found love for tikam tikam machines. the charmmy kitty PLUSH handphone straps/accessories set has been completed (the one as featured in my previous post)! yippee! as well as all 16 of the disney pencil caps from both parts 1 and 2 :) i've also completed a full set of 8 charmmy kitty pendants with faux swarovski crystals attached :) and i got some stickers in a treasure-chest-like box as well as some other god knows what. HEHEHEH.

Charmmy Kitty Fasteners

Yujin Pencil Caps Part 1

All officially licensed by Disney ;)
bee at 10:39 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!