Monday, October 17, 2005
as i recall doodoo stroking my hair a couple of days ago and telling me that i've grown up, it makes me think of how untrue that is. yup - physically i've aged, but not much mentally.
doodoo, unknown and i made our way down to Bugis today. it was frustrating to see a lady catch this super big and fat and fluffy bunny with just a couple of coins. the upsetting part is that i DID NOT observe the position in which the bunny was captured. argh! so i was sulking.. and doodoo claimed that i was showing him unpleasant faces, which - if i did display any of that sort, were not meant for him at all! so there was a little squabble... but at least that washed over once we went for lunch. a hungry woman is a VERY ANGRY woman.
then, hoho, unknown tried his luck at something that i had set my eyes on but had given up on trying to catch - the bunny! and although we tried a couple of times before this, unknown put in 2 coins and caught it! he started being "xiao zhang" and openly said with a face full of glee that he wouldn't give it to mee!
as usual, i'm as spoilt as before, so i got into a bad mood and wanted to leave the arcade and go home - because looking at something that would never be in my hands made me feel worse than ever. its MUCH WORSE than window shopping - because even if you had all the $ in the world, the arcade vendors would never sell it.
doodoo, wanting to satisfy me (i suppose) and provide some sort of instant gratification that i needed, actually went to change a note into coins. i got really mad - especially when i reminded myself of the fact that i blew a whole $50 on trying my luck at the fattie woolie sheepie.
i figured i'd be upset if he spent $10 on nothing - more upset than if we didn't try at all. yes - i am like that. i don't like to take risks. u'd never see me eat an ice-cream cone unless doodoo is around because i'm too slow at eating ice-creams and everything would melt before i could lick any of it up. an example like this simply shows you that i'd rather eat ice-cream in a cup - because its SAFER - it'll never drip.
so anyone would expect me to throw up a fuss about him changing the coins and him asking unknown to try for the bunny. unknown came back after 2 tries and declared that he couldn't get it. so in the "bunny" section in my brain, i stamped the word "IMPOSSIBLE" all over it and really really wanted to go home (i didn't wanna waste anymore $ and couldn't stand the sight of the bunny any longer) as i convinced myself that it was not my lucky day today and both unknown and the lady got the bunny by luck. i was so angry that doodoo failed to understand that i was mad because i didn't want him to spend anymore $ trying for something that was IMPOSSIBLE to get (unless u were lucky of course).. both unknown and him felt that i was upset because i couldn't get the bunny so unknown offered it to me in the end.
THE MEN JUST DON"T GET IT! i am so ashamed of myself, really - for kicking up a fuss abt doodoo trying for the bunny. i realised after that that he just wanted to please me. but all he got was my hard-to-please behaviour! aniwae, i insisted that the bunny was unknown's and unknown's alone and said "i don't want it" a million times at least. but he repeatedly tried to make the bunny sit on the seat at the bus stop and sped off when he succeeded. so if i didn't take it, some other lil girl would come and bring it home!
noo! NEVER!
yes. i am expecting anyone who reads this to be shaking his/her head by now. i have got to stop this craze for big and cuddly stuffies! its been there for as i could remember!!
so aniwae, FINALLY, after the big HOO-HAA about "barney", here's the cuddly pic of my bunny (i still feel kinda uneasy about it being mine =/).. courtesy of unknown and doodoo nonetheless. perhaps after seeing this u'll be able to understand what was going on in my brain today. it looks kinda slim-faced in the first pic though, but i'm too lazy to take another picture of it from another angle.

pretty cheeks: *blushblush*!

wabbit meat for dinner! fat!fat!
i thought of a name for this bunny :) *boo-nie!* haha!
aniwae, boo-nie's home is 1 inch too short for her ears... its a ziploc bag! that is the ultimate treatment that these plushies get if i want them to be clean 10 years down the road. and if anyone were interested in knowing boo-nie's height, she is approximately 45cm tall! :D
bee at 9:48 AM