Friday, October 07, 2005
isn't it sad when...?
we are so unaccepting towards others while we expect others to accept us for our flaws.
we tend to take what's right in front of us for granted.. only to cherish it when it is too late.
love and lust are on the opposite ends of this world.
we expect others to forgive us while we sometimes are unable to forgive them.
we struggle to forgive ourselves but find it so much easier to forgive others.
we are just so self-centred.
we are just SO SELFISH we don't want to give others a chance to share our joy because we want to keep the good things all to ourselves
the world is not short of copiers but yet copiers are everywhere (people without their own style who are the epitome of fashion mistakes - the kind that go "that dress looks so HOT! on britney spears" and then goes and gets one that does NOT flatter the wearer AT ALL and make people stare @ her for all the wrong reasons one could find).
liars lie without a conscience.
and isn't it FRUSTRATINGLY UPSETTING and UPSETTINGLY FRUSTRATING when you have the urge to blog for an entire week but blogger does NOT allow you to do so? *hMph!*
well finally :) after i've lost all my thoughts over the past week because i've forgotten what i wanted to blog about, yay! i can finally rant on and on now. about:
1. not having enough rest during the entire hols
2. school is starting SO SOON
3. poor exam results
4. how people expect me to do well (who exactly are you to throw your expectations at me?)
5. people wanting to know how i fared just so they can use me as a comparison or perhaps use themselves as a comparison to me
6. people wanting to know how i scored so that they can use me - the inferior-resulter to make them feel tall, mighty and superior just based on academic achievements. (oh i hate shallow thinking!)
7. holidays coming to an end SO SOON (yes this is really getting into my head)
8. lack of shopping for new clothes that are wearable to school
9. too much shopping and busying for the up and coming KlavierEnsemble Piano recital at the Esplanade :) (eg. dress, accessories, shoes, make up, yada yada etc. as well as too much time going for rehearsals in school whereby the waiting time to play is SO LONG)
10. being broke because i spent all my money on capsules/gashapons/what i call tikam-tikam machines.
haha :) u should've guessed as much by now. i have a new-found love for tikam tikam machines. the charmmy kitty PLUSH handphone straps/accessories set has been completed (the one as featured in my previous post)! yippee! as well as all 16 of the disney pencil caps from both parts 1 and 2 :) i've also completed a full set of 8 charmmy kitty pendants with faux swarovski crystals attached :) and i got some stickers in a treasure-chest-like box as well as some other god knows what. HEHEHEH.

Charmmy Kitty Fasteners

Yujin Pencil Caps Part 1

All officially licensed by Disney ;)
bee at 10:39 AM