Tuesday, September 27, 2005
GIRLYYYYY Goodness :)
the bracli pearl thong from spain that's featured in sex in the city and playboy retails for SGD$149.90 at a push cart at Suntec City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is such an obscene price. for a thong. however, they claim its made of REAL pearls.. (if its genuine, shouldn't that entire string of pearls be worth more than that?). anyway, nobody's gonna see it when u wear it. and even if they do, who can tell the real from the fake? -.- its not like when the person who sees it sees it, he/she's gonna go like.. 'ooh! u're wearing a bracli pearl thong that was featured on blablabla and its BRANDED at an exorbitant price of $150 each!'. so yeah. u should get my point by now.
anyway, to those ppl out there who love intimates, that push cart is a definite must-go. the salesgirl is super enthusiastic in showing you their nice stuff (which i must agree that they're stuff is stamped with the word "P.R.E.T.T.Y" all over it with their lace, satin and embroidery (that doesn't look the least bit auntie), and never fails to compliment you on the lingerie that u just picked up. they've got really really pretty, girly stuff that's whoo! - mind blowing! - she even openly asked me if i liked to wear g-strings.. -.- anyway, i laughed when this auntie exclaimed out aloud from behind me "So Nice!" and when she got closer and picked the bra up, she let out a "
Wah! So Expensive!" and i couldn't help but LOL. even if its expensive to you, u needn't tell the whole wide world!!!! and it is not LING-GER-RIE k. i dunno how to spell the right pronnounciation so argh - ask someone else to demonstrate it. anyway, for lingerie that's ooh-so-lovely, it comes with a price. For their irresistable embellished stuff, $120 per corset, something like $80-$90 for a bra and bottoms from $20+ onwards (which are the only affordable things in that push cart!).
with prices like these.. it really makes me wonder what the owner would do if an underwear-pervertic-thief came and stole the stuff! u'll never know! it could happen! even those worn ones that ah-mas and aunties have worn and are hung on bamboo poles can get stolen! HAHA.
thankfully, there are beautiful replicas that exist for the pearl thongs. lacey lacey lacey things with faux pearls that still look almost or just as real (because a person like me can't tell the difference)! and.. at a good fraction off the original's price!! :D *delighted*! PLUS.. they come in BLACK, WHITE (same as those worn in sexy in the city) and chilli-pepper RED :)
and as i've spent the past few weeks of my holiday on games.com ... i actually witnessed this HAPPENING. well what happened was i ran outta tiles.. (and i'm not sure about the other party) so ended up with obscenities in scrabble. a FIRST! well obviously this had never happened before because i only played scrabble when i was an innocent kid and when mom or brother was my only companion whenever i wanted to play scrabble. this is
uncensored.. so view at your own risk.
ooh and apparently, charmmy kitties (hello kitty with a cat's body) are part of the hello kitty craze among kitty lovers now. the charmmy kitties have a signature KEY and a pearl necklace strung around their neck (especially on the tee shirts). somehow, that's the thing that spices up their glam factor - especially of the key and ribbon on her head are rhinestone/diamante-embellished. sometimes, there'll be a white bear beside the charmmy kitty and she might wear a tiara too (mostly on tee shirts again). and currently, i am mad about these HP dangles that i found at Suntec City :) They go for SGD$2 each and the complete set consists of 6 dangles in all. Doodoo got me one from IMM last night and i love it. its all plush and soft. best for squeezing :)

Charmmy Kitty Plush Handphone dangles


My favourite of all the 6 :)
i want more more more! *greedy lil paws*
bee at 7:12 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
things are a wee bit obscene in this entry... so brace yourself OR simply click the "X" button at the utmost top right-hand corner of this screen.
i was so in love with the AFA (Action for Aids) postcard (the one with the macho guy wearing nothing but his tanline and a lipstick mark) that i have decided to personalise for doodoo (and myself but shh :X) a couple of lipstick-inspired smooth & soft lycra/tactel-compososed undies :) Lip service indeed! *woops* i've done up a sample to show it off. haha :)
okie first.. i had to find the silly lip thing.. which i did:

and then we have to locate a comfortable undie..

and voila! we iron the sweet lips onto the undie-wear! (lip on underwear courtesy of bee) :) which are modest briefs in this case..
warning: pic may take a while to load.

there's one more version to this.. whereby iron-on swarovski crystals form the word "JUICY". badly edited and the supposed-crystals are not the least bit shiny i must say :( but i've got no choice - i haven't gotten down to buying anything yet.
well actually i did some for gurls as well.. :)
Satin Pink Panty
Polka Dotted Panty with Ribbon
Green Panty
Lacey Pink Panty
"KISS ME" Lacey Pink Panty
apparently the pink ones don't go very well with the lips iron-on cos there's minimal colour contrast. and i find the polka dotted one too distracting so i suppose plain ones look the best. well anyway, YAY! we should all grab a white/light beige undie now and make our very own lips-on-a-tanline-inspired stuff! HAHA.
just look at what online shopping did to me.. *shakes head* but i still think this is cute :)
anyway, to put my idea into action - i have to go undies&panties-shopping *super-shy-shy*.. what to do :( plus i don't really know his EXACT size - so do i just tikam tikam? and i have to search for zee smooth&soft lycra/tactel undies and pray hard they don't succumb to the heat involved in ironing! and should i get him black or white undies or both (that brand i'm looking for with that particular material sells undies that cost as much as calvin klein ones) :(? NVM - i still have a couple of weeks more to decide what i wanna do - since the lip iron-ons will take some time to arrive from the USA! :) why doesn't singapore have such lovely stuff like what the states does?
oh *lightbulb lights up!* - maybe i should put some onto the back of my jeans too? :)
*tsktsk* u pple out there better not copy my idea and make one juicy one for your BF or yourself too! :P the world is not in any urgent need of photocopiers ya know!
bee at 11:58 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
yippee ya ya yippee yippee ya! yippee ya ya yippee yippee ya! yippee ya ya yippee yippee ya ya yippee yippee ya ya yippee yippee yippee ya! :)
hopefully tobacco will be completely banned in 10 years' time! :) i hope its sooner than that. read the article from channel news asia here
and also, in case u don't already know, i think victorias secret has HOT stuff for sale :) such as this black faux pearl lace thong that was shown in Sex in the City. :)

btw, i think voxy is blind. their latest endorsement deal is an epitome of being fakefull and attention-seeking. i am so disgusted at that. not only that, i am disappointed with Voxy's taste. they WERE my annonounced-to-the-entire-world kind of favourite nail polish and nail parlour brand. if you don't know who they already endorsed, go and find out. i could just go on and on about it..
and i met baby abbey in RL for the first time today (name is courtesy of bee's recommendation!) - Ailay's niece! she had a cutiepie hairclip on her head and was wearing the GAP romper that i gave her :) what a darling! she made me realise how tiring it was to carry an 11-month old baby for just a couple of moments - my arms were really really drop-dead tired although i thoroughly enjoyed the experience (its a happy feeling that you get when u're carrying a lil' human! and i think that would grow into a feeling of fufillment & pride if the child were your own).
FYI, i'm the youngest blablabla on my dad's side and on my mom's its worse - my lil cousins have migrated overseas so i don't have a chance to carry them at all - that's why i'm making this whole thing sound like something new to me.
bee at 7:21 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
rebonding kills your hair
my hair smells really good.. but its totally flat now.. after being thoroughly ironed during the entire rebonding process..
went through a couple of steams (2 if i'm not wrong) and approx. 3 hair washes :) my hair reminds me of a curtain now - just a single layer that u can draw here and there. as they steamed and steamed my hair..and IRONED it repeatedly.. my hair smoked in vain and as my hair touched my face and burned it.. my cheeks turned into a cherry-red. HAHA. ok.. maybe crimson? but o well. amanda thought i was blushing!! NO WAY DEAR.. its just my sensitive skin reacting to the extreme heat.
kenji was really nice to amanda and i.. very patient and gentle.. etc. best part is, he is not an ah gua!!! u can just lie there comfortably without a single worry in this world and trustingly let him wash your hair because you know he will do a proper job.
and he recommended us to this Fried Rice thingy.. so we picked up the phone and dialled the no. and ordered it.. not too bad indeed :) i love Haru Scene. ooh and one of the girls who helped to iron my hair at a point or two or so looked SO ADORABLE AND KAWAII AND CUTE!!! she had big hair and a wide face with a flawless complexion.. plus the tinge of blush and the shade of pink lipgloss she wore.. voila! it was a perfect dolly face - soooo pretty - prettier than those kinda girls who have "i am trying to act jap" written all over their foreheads and clothes. :)
T_T. however, the entire rebonding thing cost me $284. i didn't only have to pay for the main rebonding.. i had to purchase this extra tube of loreal stuff for kenji to put on my roots to protect them further because i've done rebonding before.. and that wasn't included in the main rebonding price. plus the japanese syoss treatment that didn't come cheap (and won't last me for more than 1 month) and plus the shampoo (250ml) and the conditioner (which won't last me for more than 2 mths)...
the voucher did save me about 25% of the cost.. so i suppose that kinda helped. but considering i had to pay 75% more - i'd think this rebonding was just as expensive as the one i did at kimage..
i m so afraid tt my hair would just dry and wither away because after all that intense-heat ironing, it felt kinda dry but it was so much better after the treatment.. i must have faith in the japanese rebonding shampoo that kenji personally recommended - even the conditioner is a sold-out item and the syoss colour care range was recomended by David Gan in female! :) hopefully all will turn out fine as kenji told amanda that what happens to dry/weak hair all depends on the hair care products we use from now on.
bee at 12:00 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
women are like cats and men? - like dogs.
we live in a sexist world.
don't tell me we don't - when feminists and MCPs (male chauvinist pigs) still exist.
and girls, if u think we live in a world where men are = to women and women are = to men, you are SO WRONG. stop trying to convince yourselves that we are equal because there is no such thing as that at the moment! perhaps the world will be a more balanced-with-the-genders place if women stop expecting men to open doors and pull out their chairs during dinners for them. DO IT URSELF if you think women = men. and for the men? PEEL YOUR OWN PRAWNS FOR GOD'S SAKE. well of course if your man were to willingly take the initiative to peel yours for you, you should love it when he does and not complain. just be polite and thank him for it, be contented and ENJOY ^-^. if u kick up a fuss over it while dining in a restaurant its worse! (the fact that i think this way shows that women are not = to men because women like me, and we always expect men to pamper us more than we ever pamper them). and a woman's version of pampering = buying him gifts. which is SO.. unlike the way in which they pamper us. there are things that money can't buy. cliched but true.
well anyway, in relation to SEXISM, somehow or rather, the women/females around me favour dogs (which are what men resemble), while the men/males around me favour cats (which are what women resemble). this just shows how true the term "opposites attract" is.
i'll tell you why and prove my point - from my perspective.
see. a spoilt girl like me loves dogs more than the meow-mees. because in my opinion, meow-mees are spoilt brats like me who want all the pampering in the world. the slack, they laze, they want the best for themselves without wanting to do much to achieve it. so. cats go with whoever feeds them with milk and fish (i don't!). they're unfaithful (im not) and disloyal to their owners, unlike wowos. because cats will leave u, and drop u off when u're poor and can no longer feed them. SO, i hate such things with such hideous characters and black hearts and on the other hand, love the cutiepie, faithful and loyal wowos who stay true to you even if u're left with just one cent.
so my main reason for not loving cats is that, one spoilt brat cannot love or even pamper another spoilt brat for she herself loves herself too much and wants all the pampering for herself.
women are like cats because some of them purr and make men's legs turn to jelly by being "hiao" = sooo slutty and flirty AND sa-jiao-ing (speaking in a light, touch-me because i-want-to-touch-u way) which makes my hair stand on all ends!!! others are spoilt, while others want to be pampered and some just purely and simply and wholely care about vanity (women inspecting their nails!!! or touching-up their makeup remind me of cats licking themselves clean 24/7 - and when i see all these things like i'm like "OH GOD. is there really a need?!". and when women scream (at each other or something), it sounds like cats having a CAT FIGHT at night - they just screech away like nobody's business. which is probably why the term "cat fight" always refers to a girl-fight.. just like a counterstrike tournament years ago that had the words "CAT FIGHT!" labelled on its poster.
so since women r like cats. we can't possibly love our kind so much (unless we all become lesbos overnight), so opposites REALLY attract and we love dogs! good ol' dogs that provide a sense of security and that i'll-never-leave-u feeling. HAHA. unless u got urself a breed like the Jack Russell. once u let him go, he'll never come home to mummy!
hmm. why do i say dogs are faithful and loyal? im not superstitious or whatever.. but my aunt's dog has been with her for 15 years and has recently passed on. my aunt was so upset she'd cry in front of anyone once she starts to tell us abt Brandy. feeble Brandy died at the age of 105 human years and was cremated. as my aunt went to collect her ashes, four numbers on Brandy's urn caught her eye. somehow it was stuck in her head and she went to buy 4D. for the first time in her life, she gambled a whole $10 away on 4D and later that week, she struck the lottery! so yada yada yada.. all my other aunties said that a dog stays true to its owner till the end.
okie. in my opinion, men on the other hand are like dogs. playboys excluded, the rest of the men who live on the surface of this earth are hopeless beings who spend their life pining for their forbidden fruit. forbidden fruit here refers to a girl of their dreams who would only belong to them in their fantasy land - which they have spent a considerable about of time building to perfection. which is why a girl who actually exists in reality becomes a girl of their dreams - because they can never reach her, and she will never belong to them. as such, they are so faithful and loyal to this "girl of their dreams".
and because women are like cats n men r like dogs, again the OPPOSITES ATTRACT thing comes in handy. the typical fierce dogs are a no-no to men who are like dogs themselves. so of all things men just had to pick the soft and cute species that loves to be pampered and seems to be so helpless - the opposite of men. r we just there to rub ur egos and make u feel useful because u are able to take care of a "kitten"?
and don't tell me about the "look at that cat! its so kyoooote.. the face is so small" thing. i've heard enough of it for it to be stuck in my head. uuuuurrgh.
besides, don't u think that when a man shouts out loud, he sounds like a dog who's barking away?
and when dogs stick out their legs to pee (ok 1 dog sticks out only 1 leg), somehow it just reminds me of men. don't ask me why. maybe its because they stand to pee or when peeing. *slaps forehead*.
i love to end my blog entries like there's no ending :) *closes zee curtain*.
bee at 2:08 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
came across another post card :) rather amusing i thought...

STOP AIDS?!?!?!?!?!?! looks more like.. "Pick a desired position today!"
and woo! :) bought this today.. creamy flip-floppies!! ^-^

can't stop this fetish with footwear...
nothing much to add for now.. except that i'm gonna be doing my rebonding sometime this weekend :)
bee at 4:05 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
i love men :) yum.
came across these Awareness For Aids postcards to encourage gays to wear condoms. looks yummier than ever... strengthening my love for men and straightness.
so i shall share these with all the men-crazy girls out there :) i am straight, i am NOT horny, and i am simply in love with their firm butts. HAHA.

My favourite. *mUaCk*!
makes me wonder if this actually makes the gays more turned on than cautious.
don't even have the postcard itself at hand so i can't actually hold these pics in my arms :( lol. *oogles* hmm. i love men :) can't imagine kissing a gurl - EVER.
and.. i just found out for the first time in my life that my blog addy has spread to tons of people in the class. from one person's links on her blog, i went to others and discovered that i was on EVERYONE's links. *faints* looks like i have tons to catch up around me. i feel like a complete nut again.
bee at 12:58 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, September 09, 2005
u noe u might fail ur exams.. or probably would.. because u didn't study.. when..
1. u didn't study AT ALL
2. its 24 hours before ur exam and..
3. u still didn't study a single word.
4. ur friends are asking u to study
5. they might even beg you to study
6. they have all already started studying
7. ur friends are almost finished studying
8. u still haven't started.
9. u're worried.
10. u're guilty.
congratulations to me. without much investigation needed, i have been found to be guilty of not studying. *shakes my own hand and wishes myself the best of luck*.
i've completed the design :) for my shoes. butterflies and hearts.

Simply Sweet.
if u want to see the ACTUAL complete picture of the shoes whereby i added more hearts at the very last minute.. shout out the keyword "BEETERFLY!" and wave you crazy arms about, pluck out a couple of arm hairs and click here.
i bought an extra yellow fabric marker
that was never used at all. not even one dot. SGD$2.80's the retail price and the price tag's still attached to the marker.. if anyone wants to purchase it at $1.00, let me know right away! (yes - i love $1 coins and i NEED that $1) u can use it as a normal marker even. its a warm yellow - NOT the flourescent-highlighter kind. i NEED to get rid of it cos i have no use for it at all - not even for my next shoe-making design. Its water-proof and fade-proof by the way! i am totally serious about this.
bee at 4:00 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
sucess is so sweet :) i am happy with the look of the pink satin ribbons on my shoes :) instead of studying, i spent my time @ spotlight choosing satin ribbons and glitter fabric paint. when i went home, i still didn't study and started work on my shoes instead :) its still not completed, cos i didn't get my fabric markers today, but the ribbons are sewn on and done! :) i am so pleased with myself.
yes. the canvas school girl shoes in the design that i've never tried wearing to school before. :) the materials needed to design this cost a lot! -.-
o well. they look so sweet too ^-^ and i've certainly got to thank cel a million hundred times at least for giving me the idea of having ribbons on my shoes :)
these are half done by the way. still got the butterfly and hearts to add. :) i'd love to paint them with a brush!, but butterflies and small hearts would mean i'd need to use something more precise. the 3-Dimensional kind of fabric paints that u can squeeze out work well if i use the better brand, but they cost a bomb - especially if i need 3 colours. my less preferred brand has got softer bottles, so that'd make it difficult to achieve an EVEN squeeze throughout. :)

Pink Satiny Ribbon Shoes
i received mel's long-awaited snail mail today and i was so touched and almost in tears. it seems like she missed me as much as i missed her.. and her company. i was amused by the bellybutton-warmer made of real possum fur that came in the package - what is it supposed to be used for actually? i don't think i'd ever take it literally. anyway, i love melly and i can't wait for her to be back in SG! hopefully that would mean more fun @ sentosa, laughter, joy, some meals and chats together and we musn't forget - shopping! =)
anyway, time to upload some goodies that have already expired because i took these pics so long ago but was too lazy to upload them.
rebecca and i came across this cutiepie wowo who managed to stand up to look at us :)

How much is the doggie at the balcony?
and doodoo got me a totoro in my all-time favourite expression :D and aww. he's holding a flower - for me!:

Ain't i Cute? :D
and i'm so proud of my keroppis. i've drawn them for as long as i could remember. was as big fan of the frog with huge bulgey eyes :) this is just the version with the funky hairdo. Drew this when i was bored in sch during a proj discussion :X woops! must thank jane for the wonderful markers :)

I like to move it! *bounces!*
hmm. i wonder what this resenmbles?:

I'm nothing but a corn dog.
BUT... i think i look like a Buckingham palace guard, your honour!:

*March* 2, 3, 4. People, focus on the huge hat.
as everyone can tell, i probably disappointed myself and all else. i didn't study again today - just like every other typical day in bee's life. i really must start on sth, or else i'll have to quit ECH and start a shoppe selling bee's customised shoes.
i have to force myself to sit down and sew more ribbons on more shoes S.T.U.D.Y.
bee at 9:50 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
in a bid to save my tagboard from being flooded unnecessarily both by myself and others who accidentally repeated their messages, i logged into myshoutbox.com account and made some changes. TO MY HORROR, the latest messages sent by auntie naggy who dropped in lately were GONE!!! T_T (including my replies to them).
i am so sorry, the results were unexpected. so i can only reply to u here. yes, i was a lil pissed off with some posers who pissed me off, but not anymore - because its just a waste of my time. and yes, the silver gizeh birkenstocks look good yeah? ^-^ i'm glad we saw it together as a gang, LOL. hmm. he wants to get the birks, but not me - for many reasons as explained below so i have successfully convinced myself not to grab that indulgence!
and i have good news for everyone. i haven't studied one bit, but i intend to start today.
bee at 11:08 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
don't tell me..
whoever told me that xxx is a changed man..
well i'm telling u bad men don't change.
GROW UP for your own sake and stop the cheating, buggar.
and smokin' not only hurts ur lungs.
it hurts everyone else including yourself.
i can't believe u're so heartless. (to ur loved ones)
as for punk-wannabes? gets you nowhere.
that electric guitar's not going to earn you your freakin' bucks anytime soon.
enjoy what i wouldn't even call sound, what's more - music.
and lastly, knowing me...
you ought to know that sorry's no cure.
yes bee, get a life. its all part of growing up.
bee at 12:59 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Monday, September 05, 2005
last night, after three years or so, doodoo FINALLY told me that he too, loved to eat soft fries. all along, ever since the time we ate macs at tiong bahru plaza before we headed for sentosa 3 years ago, he would give me all the soft fries that's in that red cardboard box labelled with a yellow "M". all because i exclaimed & spoke my mind: "i love soft fries!". immediately, the saga began. he left all the soft fries to me and ate by himself all the hard, crispy (not too sure abt that) ones. when i asked if he liked soft fries too, he never failed to keep really silent because he knew that if he told the truth, and nothing but the truth (of liking soft fries too), a case of "ni rang wo wo rang ni" would happen. meaning, we would give the soft fries to each other and not eat it and the fries will just go across the table from my side to his throughout the entire meal. how thoughtful of him, although i already knew that there was a possibility of him liking the soft fries too. why else would he keep so quiet when asked if he liked soft fries? :X
after 3 years.. when i used words like FINALLY and all, he said that he could only tell me now because i would've already gotten used to eating all the soft fries by myself and not leaving any for him & on the other hand, he would already have gotten used to eating all the "hard" fries alone. how smart! but now i feel like i'm a greedy pig! :(
oh and teehee!:) we both changed our wallets yesterday. i bought doodoo the renoma wallet.. $79 and almost burned a hole in my pocket at that moment but not yet ^-^ mine is the LOOP NYC Bow Wallet from its Transversion series! :) Made of Durable PVC (aka Foil Leather) and comes with a crystallized golden tooth charm zipper pull! Mine's in lilac. i love my new one and i hope he loves his.
doodoo and i chanced upon the Heidi Klum sandals from Birkenstock too (well actually i highlighted it to him) :) in my favourite Gizeh cutting. i can't remember if these cost $595 or $575 at the local Birkenstock boutique because i was blown away by the super sparkly rhinestones that form a loving heart shape on the strap! :) its so sparkley it'll make u wonder if those're diamonds instead:) Plus! its made of Leather! I know they don't look that sparkley in the pic below, that's cos u have to see it for yourself in real life at the store! They have these in gold too, but i think the silver ones look classier :) Apparently, some time ago, i realised that buying birks from various shoe-shops/companies in germany itself is slightly cheaper than getting it from sing (before u add in the shipping costs). maybe its because birkenstocks are made in germany itself? plus - most of the stuff in SG seems to be sold out.

Birkenstock: Heidi Klum: Crystal
i'm glad that he's thought abt getting them for me once he receives his attachment $$, but i am trying to convince myself not to like them anymore because $600 for a pair of shoes (something to step on and walk in) is way too much - whether or not there's anyone who wants to give it to me as a gift. doodoo is right - if it happens to rain, or if i step into a puddle.. then *boohoo* and T_T!!! our hearts would ache for the beautiful sandals! and in my honest opinion, stuff like these should not be kept as a white elephant at home - but yet, these are not weatherproof. the rhinestones would lose their shine if i wore 'em! okay, i think i am just over the moon with the sparkly stuff in a heart shape - cos that's all that i'm attracted to on the shoes (yes i'm so passionate abt these that i had to spend 2 paragraphs writing abt this particular design - but i assure u it is a sheer want and not a definite need) so i will get over this and hunt for my English Garden (White) ones with the Pink Buckle instead. i must stay faithful to them and my dearest doodoo of course.
sometimes i really wonder if its good to live life a day at a time. most of the time, i still worry about my exams before they even start! and i know the reason why - cos i don't study till the last minute. well when it comes to relationships, i feel that futures are like dreams. sometimes, they're almost like fantasies and u don't know if they would ever come true. the point is, since nobody could guarantee a happening, why harp on it? Life is no fairytale.
is it good to have dreams that are possible to realise in 8-10 years down the road? i kinda feel that's too distant, too unreachable (yes, perhaps its only reachable in the mind - if we lie to ourselves too often). 8-10 years is a long time, and what if things don't go as expected? i would be more hurt than ever.
perhaps its best to let things go naturally slow :) papa says slow and steady wins the race!
well if u have The New Paper dated 28th august 2005, u should take a look at Janice Wong's article. I believe she mentioned something about "Singapore is full of scared men". Men who are afraid to commit basically - and their women finding lots of excuses for that - oh, he wants his career to take off first, or he hasn't gotten over a past-relationship.
Well, all i can say is, she made women sound so desperate to get married - in that case, men are not the only one who're scared (women are scared too! - we're afraid we can't find a partner to spend the rest of our cherished life with while the men are afraid of commitment)! Perhaps that article was for the many of us female singaporeans who are left on the shelf. I really wonder why. is it the personal characteristics (eg. weird mannerisms) of those spinsters that have scared the already-scared Singaporean men away? or is that Singaporean women are simply too demanding/complicated on the whole? Or perhaps, the men just simply want wives from vietnam or thailand or china who peel their prawns and scrub their feet and cook their dinners! If this were true, then i'd just have to sadly announce to the whole world that the Singaporean man is no different from the traditional Japanese man when it comes to what they expect of a woman (washing, cooking, feeding her husband, prawn-peeling, feet-scrubbing, child-bearing, house-wiving) - except that the singaporean speaks singlish while the latter speaks jap.
I certainly would not believe that the Singaporean woman/man has lost their edge (although i'm one who doens't cook, wash, and dadada etc.). I just think that, SiNgApOrEaNs are simply TOO PICKY!!! (i'm not exactly sure if men who want housewivey-wives from other parts of the world r being picky because traditionally that's what women were supposed to do but to the modern singaporean gal/woman, they are being picky because hello? how many of us can manage your entire household these days?) nothing wrong with being picky, in fact, it helps us to grab the better deals *kiasuism*, but when people are TOO picky, they end up with nothing but themselves.
anyway, to end off - please note that in order to allow my shout box (aka tagboard) to function as its supposed to, please press F5 (Refresh) if u get the screen that says you have to reload or refresh because the page didn't load. please copy your messages before u send them off just in case they didn't load after refreshing, instead of hitting the enter key 10 times.. and realising tt your message appeared all 10 times. cos from my experience, i just need to type in what i wanna say, press send, and when that funny refresh screen loads, i'll just refresh it until the tagboard comes back or simply refresh the whole of my blog until the tagboard comes back and voila! my message is there :) ready for all to read.
i hope everyone had a great weekend! :) toodles~
bee at 9:50 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
i am forcing myself to believe that there are such people out there.
please note that people = more than one person.
people who actually are able to sit down and study for hours on the first day of their study break, which happens to be a Friday.
does anyone NOT know that fridays mean the start of the weekend to me?
still, i didn't go out and merely stayed at home.. surfed the webbie and slept.
yes, i slept through the entire afternoon and did nothing fruitful.
this semester might be my last one in ECH. i've been doing so badly in all my projs, my highest grade for every one of them was a C+. i am not being pessimistic. i'm being factual.
everyone who knows me well should've guessed that i will only start studying when Monday comes. even then, i won't be able to sit down for more than half an hour. - most of the time, i only sit down for 5 minutes and i'm not joking about this.
anyway, shereen's blog reminded me about this incident whereby i donated $1.50 to a guy who didn't look like he lost his wallet. well, she didn't donate to a guy who was BEGGING her mom and herself for money ($2 to take the train home to pasir ris) because they were afraid that the vulnerable them would be robbed.
some working-class-age guy approached me the MOMENT i took out my notes to read through at the bus stop. and well, silly, BLUR me at the bus stop actually asked the guy in a SUPER IRRITATED TONE (n almost diaoed him for disturbing my peace but i controlled myself:)) "how much do u nid for the bus ride?" and the idiot must have peeped into my wallet. he took the $1.50 he asked for, said thanks and i KNEW from his kind of face that there was nothing in his heart but GLEE! after a while, he left the bus stop and walked away (to god knows where) but before he did, he smiled at me and said thanks. i honestly don't think he lost his wallet. why else would he be so smiley? his politeness was definitely not a display of gratitude.
and i didn't say no to him because... it's in the morning and i'm blur.. so ask and u shall be given without hesitation.
well anyway :( i should stop being kind to such fakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this shall be the LAST and ONLY time! they are out to cheat people like me! people like me who would feel sad for donating that $1 coin to a bogus guy instead of putting it into the ice-cream coin bank that doodoo and i share :(
$1 is probably peanuts to everyone else except me, but its not about the $$ - i just think i shouldn't have blindly donated the $$ to someone who didn't need it. it makes me seem so stupid :( argh!
ya noe, i can't believe that at 18, i'm constantly reminding myself that i am only 18. but when i was 17, i had to tell myself.. "oh dear.. i am already 17". i feel old.
i miss my doodoo birdie.
bee at 11:19 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, September 02, 2005
u'll never believe this..
doodoo and i left a mug of root beer out in the living room for an entire night.. because i forgot to wash the cup and pour away the remaining drink...
the next morning, when i entered the living room and was shocked to find the Andersons Ice-cream mug still sitting on top of the biscuit tin, i peered into the cup and i saw a striped strip of thing. then my eyes moved over and i saw a lizard's head, with its greenish-yellow eyes BULGING out like nobody's business!!!
I SCREAMED in fear and ran away from the innocent lizard that's stuck in the HELP-ME-I-WANT-TO-GET-OUT position. its legs were standing in the cup = it wasn't lying upside down at all.. or perhaps it was floating? GOD KNOWS!
by the way, it was already dead by the time i discovered it. and till now, doodoo and i still don't know how it died. he thinks it died cos it got drowned. because his body was stuck in the mug of root beer, it meant that he could no longer breathe through his skin. i think, he died because the gassiness of the drink eroded his skin.
anyway, on a lighter note, i bought these stuff about a week or so ago :) lots of people have said tt i look good wearing watches, (or issit that the watches look even better on me?). i've finally found a watch that caught my eye - a Victorian-Styled Bracelet watch, but its too big for me :( Still, i couldn't resist getting it - just like the Sparkly Crystalled White Eyelet top i bought from Forever 21! :)

Lime & Orange Earrings

Rhinestone-Embellished Watch

Forever 21 Shopaholic Diamante Tank
bee at 1:05 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!