Thursday, September 22, 2005
things are a wee bit obscene in this entry... so brace yourself OR simply click the "X" button at the utmost top right-hand corner of this screen.
i was so in love with the AFA (Action for Aids) postcard (
the one with the macho guy wearing nothing but his tanline and a lipstick mark) that i have decided to personalise for doodoo (and myself but shh :X) a couple of
lipstick-inspired smooth & soft lycra/tactel-compososed undies :) Lip service indeed! *woops* i've done up a sample to show it off. haha :)
okie first.. i had to find the silly lip thing.. which i did:

and then we have to locate a comfortable undie..

and voila! we iron the sweet lips onto the undie-wear! (lip on underwear courtesy of bee) :) which are modest briefs in this case..
warning: pic may take a while to load.

there's one more version to this.. whereby iron-on swarovski crystals form the word "JUICY". badly edited and the supposed-crystals are not the least bit shiny i must say :( but i've got no choice - i haven't gotten down to buying anything yet.
well actually i did some for gurls as well.. :)
Satin Pink Panty
Polka Dotted Panty with Ribbon
Green Panty
Lacey Pink Panty
"KISS ME" Lacey Pink Panty
apparently the pink ones don't go very well with the lips iron-on cos there's minimal colour contrast. and i find the polka dotted one too distracting so i suppose plain ones look the best. well anyway, YAY! we should all grab a white/light beige undie now and make our very own lips-on-a-tanline-inspired stuff! HAHA.
just look at what online shopping did to me.. *shakes head* but i still think this is cute :)
anyway, to put my idea into action - i have to go undies&panties-shopping *super-shy-shy*.. what to do :( plus i don't really know his EXACT size - so do i just tikam tikam? and i have to search for zee smooth&soft lycra/tactel undies and pray hard they don't succumb to the heat involved in ironing! and should i get him black or white undies or both (that brand i'm looking for with that particular material sells undies that cost as much as calvin klein ones) :(? NVM - i still have a couple of weeks more to decide what i wanna do - since the lip iron-ons will take some time to arrive from the USA! :) why doesn't singapore have such lovely stuff like what the states does?
oh *lightbulb lights up!* - maybe i should put some onto the back of my jeans too? :)
*tsktsk* u pple out there better not copy my idea and make one juicy one for your BF or yourself too! :P the world is not in any urgent need of photocopiers ya know!
bee at 11:58 PM