Saturday, December 31, 2005
i just wanted to say that Ichiban Sushi @ PS has got unfriendly service.
customer service to them as what they have displayed is just a touch-and-go and my-job-is-just-to-serve-you-your-food-and-that's-that kinda thing. it just shows on their bleak and cold faces. and mind you, they weren't even busy.
i am not expecting anything that is superbly an experience of a life time and is worth to be mentioned.. but for a jap restaurant i just kinda find it weird.
and. the food takes quite a while to come.
urrrgh. but thank God. the arrival of food and its edibility saved the day. in fact, it was good enough for me to return a 2nd time ;)
school is starting in 2 days and i don't wish for it to be so! i've been counting down! oh no!
bee at 9:16 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
food is my way to go ;)
christmas this year is a wee bit different from the last couple of years..
firstly, mel's not in sg to spend this jolly season with serene and i..
2ndly, i've chose not to walk along orchard road like what we used to do. partly because their absence didn't give me an extra reason to torture myself on the street that promises tons of stories always - especially from those who complain of molestation incidents. i've even got my own to tell - thanks to an idiot who sprayed foam directly into my eye when i was just walking along and looking at the christmas lights. before i knew it, my eye naturally teared to its heart's content. there was nothing i could to do stop it, or even control it. what a booboo.
aniwae. doodoo and i shared a great meal at Sumo-Ya ;) their tempura green-tea ice-cream is a definite must-try! and i can't get enough of their katsu-don.. ooh! *squeals and jumps around in delight!* its just the sticky-rice rice bowls that make jap food a pleasure ;) just like the ones at yoshinoya :D those are abt the only things i love abt jap food.. NO sushi for me!
and also.. we savoured my all-time favourite Chinese Cuisine @ Crystal Jade @ Holland V ;) the sauteed beef with mushroom (a chef's recommendation) was simply bee-liciouss! woops. delicious :D its indescribable. we also ordered the deep-fried prawns with salad sauce... OOH is the only word for it! a pity their mango pudding was substandard and just wayyyy different from the one we had at the great world branch. the holland v one was just urrrgh!... a struggle to finish. it was starchier and stickier than the GWC one, such that when your spoon went into the pudding, it was almost-difficult to scoop out. the texture was a goner and it just wasn't as smooth and easygoing as the GWC one. and besides, it all just tasted weird. doodoo agreed so it wasn't my imagination alone!
to my dearest doodoo, if only every day was christmas. ^-^
i've been eyeing these spectacular Melissa T-bar sandals for quite some time now ;) and i finally got them today. Mine are in White.. and i discovered that they retail for a whopping $119 on their website! Melissa has got such beautifully-cute footwear that i can't resist! I regretted it when i didn't manage to grab a pair of their kitten heels. they just flew off the shelf like God knows what.

i never knew how popular Melissa footwear was until i visited their USA, Brazillian and Australian websites and viewed their products that were published in various magazines and stuff like that. their jelly and plastic stuff were like recommended all over the place and best of all, seen on the runway ;) what a discovery.
bee at 9:29 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, December 24, 2005!
i absolutely love these. when u view 'em close-up, they look like a big swirly mess. but i have no idea how the designer ever made them to look like roses. oh gawsh ;)
the swirlyness of it all just reminds me of adding milk into rose syrup (bandung). i can't help it!
i do admit they're very simple. but i have another one of those i-don't-know-why-i'm-mad-about-this-but-i-just-am kinda things again! and this time, i'm mad about roses (but NOT about the real flower. NEVER!). these are just going to match my rose earrings so well! *squeals in delight*

not that i always love to share about all my buys, or want-to buys, because there's tons that i haven't shared about.. like the blush! swimsuit that jiahui and i bought from tampines *bEEg smilE* =D and strawberry panties *woops!*..
oh. and i've decided not to purchase these shoes. instead, i'd probably get the fabric paint myself and see if doodoo can help me with them ;)
wahahhaa ;) what a great start to a shoppo-holiday! they perk me up from my homework and all!
and merry xmas to all ;)
bee at 1:35 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, December 23, 2005
i am nobody. i am perfect. nobody is perfect.
went out with jiahui today.. after 7 weeks of toiling in school!
the one thing i love most about this is.. the fact that i get to talk about all sorts of crazy, out-of-this-world things with her. haha! well basically, not that mad, but perhaps just anything and everything that my mind has to say.
which got me to think that.. maybe one of the best things a friend could have would be an accepting, listening ear. =) PERHAPS so... because we discussed the VARYING, extreme degrees of one's level of acceptance for others. heheh.
and weirdly enough, we were out to shop, but we bought absolutely nothing. NOTICE: 2 girls walking around orchard looking and seeing and having shops with the BIG RED SALE BOARD pinned up all around us! AND we didn't get anything AT ALL. except for lunch. and i couldn't help but feel that her lunch was miserable. or at least i'd feel miserable if i only had fries and a drink for lunch. she said that could make her full but that would CERTAINLY NEVER be enough for me because my stomach just keeps wanting more and yes - sometimes it just gets so hard to satisfy it :( it made me feel bad to eat meat (and yes right in front of her) - but just for a moment or two at the most.
ahh! and changes in childcare situations are driving me nuts. the K2 class is combined with my K1 class (i'm talking about 2006 k2 and 2006 k1). its like, i've got to know an extra 5-6 kids in my class and get tuned in with new children all over again. PLUS. i'm not allowed to have patterning for my math concept (to be taught in 3 lessons and 4 activities in the learning centre!). in case anyone is wondering why, its because the teacher has already taught the kids patterning and she wants me to teach them something entirely new - like measurement or estimation. but being the blockhead i am, my intellectual capabilities are 1/10.
my first thought, and current thoughts are:
1. measurement? oh no. how many kinds of purposeless stuff can i throw at children and ask them to measure? eg. hey there! measure this toy train with paper clips for me. or worse, measure this tee-shirt with blocks for me! and is this how i want my lesson to progress? NO. in fact, i can't even plan a 1/2hour lesson with this.. so tell me about 4 more activities.
2. estimation? almost as senseless as measurement because i am so totally clueless about these 2 concepts. just imagine. 599 saga seeds in a jar. "children, how many saga seeds do you think there are in this jar?". then u get all kinds of answers from maybe 50 to 50000, or as far as their brain juice can carry them. and "how heavy do you think this jug of water is?". and "how tall do you think the giraffe is?". and HOW DO I CARRY ON THE LESSON FOR HALF AN HOUR? that is the question and apparently, "I don't know!" is my answer.
3. what did i learn from my Math module?
yes. this blog showcases MY brainless (utterly CLUELESS btw!) moments. i am so proud of these imperfections. HAHA.
PS: for a relation to the title of this post in case u're another nut like me, (woops! i can't diagnose u as a nut so .. o well), please read the LAST SENTENCE of the title. thanks!
bee at 11:10 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
HOT! HOT! jeans..
=) these Rock and Republic jeans tt were designed by Victoria Beckham look SO good! :) fantastic!!! White crown stitching.. pretty white crystals.. (my absolute fav)! victoria is seen (in the pic below!) wearing the one with the blue crown and in a darker wash than the white. its such a pity some fakes (i presume they're fakes because of their price) are out there.. :( i just hope this doesn't become another Von Dutch brand.. which is the epitome of a brand's reputation that's spoilt by tons and tons of imitation tts sold on Bugis street and worn mostly by ah lians. or perhaps Balenciaga. the bag that i love sooo much but haven't gotten down to getting a single piece of it.


l33ter than levis!:)

modelled pic

pretty price tag
doodoo and i were talkin' about names the other day (well actually some time ago). and comparing his surname with mine. it seems that it is easy for the surname "Tan" to match with any first name at all. eg. Michael Tan (mai ji dan = selling eggs) and Nelson Tan (niao shen dan = birds lay eggs). well anyway, just pick any name and put it with the surname and 90% of the time they'll match pretty well. Then, i got carried away. remembering how my half-american cousin pronnounced Tan, she pronnounced it as the tan in sun-tan, i started to blabber off several first names that would suit the Tan-surnamed child perfectly.
eg. Sun Tan, Rat-Tan (Rattan), Ise-Tan, Ti-Tan.
bee at 7:47 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
i CAN't wait for my two week break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i'm certainly not looking forward to the field practicum make-ups i have to do. oh bother..
i'm thinking of the zoo and sentosa everyday. i want to see the giraffes! and.. play and play at sentosa. it WILL cost a bomb.
$15 per person for the 2 Luge Rides + Chairlift
$15 for paddle boating on Siloso Beach for half an hour
$15 for a meal at Subway
$3 per person for the entrance fee to Sentosa
in case you were wondering what the luge ride is all about, well basically it works almost like a go-kart.. and u just zoom your way down the winding track ;) its F.U.N.ner than it sounds!
and oh. i want to try out the spa-suite at the shangrila hotel on siloso beach. its this 3 hour thing that only comes with a honeymoon package at $988 or $998 per night! oh gosh. haha. its called the romantic journey spa and the pic shows a tub full of rose petals!!!! it looks sweet. hmmz. but i am not a honeymooner :(
i love doodoo and the egg-mayo sandwiches ;) i know the mooncake bag was weird and bag but that was the only bag with a base that was big enough for four tupperwares of egg-mayo sandwiches, a water bottle, biscuits and god knows what. thoughtful doodoo even prepared tissues! my sweetiepie =) i am hoping that he would make the sandwiches again sometime soon!
bee at 1:13 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, December 03, 2005
apparently, i've been exposed to this issue on "We shouldn't wash female and male underwear together". underwear = panties, briefs, thongs, etc.
i'm just wondering, is that a superstition that either men would become henpecked if we did what they think we shouldn't, or that the family would experience tough luck? if it is, then i must say that 80% of the people out there believe in it! just what exactly is the unlucky bit about? do the typical cheena people still think that women are dirty, filthy jinxes so men should never allow their underwear to be cleaned in contact with female ones? gosh. seems like men simply enjoy oogling at women in lingerie and FULL STOP. perhaps they should feel honoured if a woman is ever willing to wash their lingerie with theirs'.
some people think its for hygiene reasons that we don't wash the male n female stuff together. which could be the case anyhow.
and ARGH. there's this earring that i want. its a navel/belly-button like earring! but i can't decide which colour i want so till then, it won't be up on my wishlist. there's lilac, black, pink and the usual white diamante kinda thing. =) they're being sold in singles! so a pair would sorta cost a bomb. some girl called Rainie Yang Cheng Ling wore this in a drama called Devil in You.. as depicted in the illustration below:

sweet star!
and oh bother. the weekend's here again. which only means 1 thing: FP is coming and its just around the corner, AGAIN! -.- its amazing how my stress level just shoots up to 10/10 on sundays and monday mornings :)
bee at 7:14 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!