Saturday, December 03, 2005
apparently, i've been exposed to this issue on "We shouldn't wash female and male underwear together". underwear = panties, briefs, thongs, etc.
i'm just wondering, is that a superstition that either men would become henpecked if we did what they think we shouldn't, or that the family would experience tough luck? if it is, then i must say that 80% of the people out there believe in it! just what exactly is the unlucky bit about? do the typical cheena people still think that women are dirty, filthy jinxes so men should never allow their underwear to be cleaned in contact with female ones? gosh. seems like men simply enjoy oogling at women in lingerie and FULL STOP. perhaps they should feel honoured if a woman is ever willing to wash their lingerie with theirs'.
some people think its for hygiene reasons that we don't wash the male n female stuff together. which could be the case anyhow.
and ARGH. there's this earring that i want. its a navel/belly-button like earring! but i can't decide which colour i want so till then, it won't be up on my wishlist. there's lilac, black, pink and the usual white diamante kinda thing. =) they're being sold in singles! so a pair would sorta cost a bomb. some girl called Rainie Yang Cheng Ling wore this in a drama called Devil in You.. as depicted in the illustration below:

sweet star!
and oh bother. the weekend's here again. which only means 1 thing: FP is coming and its just around the corner, AGAIN! -.- its amazing how my stress level just shoots up to 10/10 on sundays and monday mornings :)
bee at 7:14 AM