Friday, December 23, 2005
i am nobody. i am perfect. nobody is perfect.
went out with jiahui today.. after 7 weeks of toiling in school!
the one thing i love most about this is.. the fact that i get to talk about all sorts of crazy, out-of-this-world things with her. haha! well basically, not that mad, but perhaps just anything and everything that my mind has to say.
which got me to think that.. maybe one of the best things a friend could have would be an accepting, listening ear. =) PERHAPS so... because we discussed the VARYING, extreme degrees of one's level of acceptance for others. heheh.
and weirdly enough, we were out to shop, but we bought absolutely nothing. NOTICE: 2 girls walking around orchard looking and seeing and having shops with the BIG RED SALE BOARD pinned up all around us! AND we didn't get anything AT ALL. except for lunch. and i couldn't help but feel that her lunch was miserable. or at least i'd feel miserable if i only had fries and a drink for lunch. she said that could make her full but that would CERTAINLY NEVER be enough for me because my stomach just keeps wanting more and yes - sometimes it just gets so hard to satisfy it :( it made me feel bad to eat meat (and yes right in front of her) - but just for a moment or two at the most.
ahh! and changes in childcare situations are driving me nuts. the K2 class is combined with my K1 class (i'm talking about 2006 k2 and 2006 k1). its like, i've got to know an extra 5-6 kids in my class and get tuned in with new children all over again. PLUS. i'm not allowed to have patterning for my math concept (to be taught in 3 lessons and 4 activities in the learning centre!). in case anyone is wondering why, its because the teacher has already taught the kids patterning and she wants me to teach them something entirely new - like measurement or estimation. but being the blockhead i am, my intellectual capabilities are 1/10.
my first thought, and current thoughts are:
1. measurement? oh no. how many kinds of purposeless stuff can i throw at children and ask them to measure? eg. hey there! measure this toy train with paper clips for me. or worse, measure this tee-shirt with blocks for me! and is this how i want my lesson to progress? NO. in fact, i can't even plan a 1/2hour lesson with this.. so tell me about 4 more activities.
2. estimation? almost as senseless as measurement because i am so totally clueless about these 2 concepts. just imagine. 599 saga seeds in a jar. "children, how many saga seeds do you think there are in this jar?". then u get all kinds of answers from maybe 50 to 50000, or as far as their brain juice can carry them. and "how heavy do you think this jug of water is?". and "how tall do you think the giraffe is?". and HOW DO I CARRY ON THE LESSON FOR HALF AN HOUR? that is the question and apparently, "I don't know!" is my answer.
3. what did i learn from my Math module?
yes. this blog showcases MY brainless (utterly CLUELESS btw!) moments. i am so proud of these imperfections. HAHA.
PS: for a relation to the title of this post in case u're another nut like me, (woops! i can't diagnose u as a nut so .. o well), please read the LAST SENTENCE of the title. thanks!
bee at 11:10 AM