Sunday, November 01, 2009
pinkie never fails to find its own way to me...
a particular pink romper has awakened the pinkie side of me :O! but no pictures till i get it in my hands!
meanwhile, as i anticipate its arrival, i'm now looking at a baby pink ice cream cone necklace, baby pink furry notebook, and a baby pink furry laptop cover.
not to mention, a pinkie bikini as well (but i'm still hesitating on this one cos i'm wondering if it'll end up looking like lingerie that's way too pinkie for me)
and MOREMOREMORE pinkie stuff that i'm hoping will one day be mine (either made or bought)
pinkie pompom necklace with the pom pom by the side and not the centre.
and pinkie pompom earrings (it's best for me to wear only just one side of it though)
and something that's of a darker pink (which i hope can be customised to be of a baby baby pink colour):
"WHAT'S THAT?" you might ask.. Well.. they're knucklebiters :D and in my opinion, the shaggy one looks more adorably MONSTROUS than the groomed one! heheheh :D they're both the creation of abbydid at etsy.
Say HELLO! to Shaggy!
and the goodie two shoes "Groomed" version with shorter and neater fur. i like his tail more than i like shaggy's though :X
i hav loads more pinkie stuff to share (kiss print dresses and all) but if i do i'll never stop!
bee at 4:45 PM