Thursday, February 26, 2009
juicy wooshy plooshy~
the anticipation of stepping into a juicy couture store made ailay and i so breathless that we had to hold on to each other's arms and take a deep breath before stepping in.
the shop was full of VELOUR and terry and pinky-cheery goodness.
and it welcomed us with some plump, red lips on the display. red and plump and juicy like the lip balm case from vs rebecca got for me for christmas.
what a wonderous sight!
i can't stop thinking of juicy now.. i've loved it for years.. but not everyone knows that. well it doesn't really matter.. as long as i know that haha :X!
i'm already planning what juicy stuff i want to get from boston. :X *yes i've been looking for a perfect daydreamer for ages now.
and this is quite surprising considering i'm not looking forward to the trip.. AND the bonding workshop that apparently, is going to happen just before we fly off. which totally SUCKS because i don't want to spend my "last few days" in singapore with the people i am going to sleep and eat and breathe the boston air with. i want to spend it with the people i am not going to see for 5 weeks!
the worst thing is, nobody seems to understand that. everyone else is hippity-hoppity excited about the fact that it is a RESIDENTIAL workshop.
well not me. i just want to stay home and cuddle myself to sleep with thoughts of doodoo and domo and juicy goodness.
bee at 5:35 PM