Saturday, February 28, 2009
the battle between pink and yellow begins
in my madness, i do not understand how anyone could look at this JUICY picture and not want any of the items in it.

i for one, now want a strapless swimsuit dress in white or pink with the ruffle hem, a daydreamer with daisies or strawberries, a pair of 5120s, a large beach tote with its matching towel in maldives (yellow) or nardles (baby pink) and with rope, flower corsage and ribbon details, an lv inclusion bracelet because i don't know how they stuck all those pretty gold stuff inside a bracelet, a pink diamond ring key fob and a pair of heart wedge-flipflops.

all the pink and yellow of summer is driving the black and navy out of my closet. i always feel deprived of brights during this time of the year.
and in my previous post i had forgotten to mention how my mind went crazy and my eyes went blind for a moment or two when they accidentally caught sight of the shiny gold (yes shiny shiny gold, not matte!) jewellery boxes at the juicy store. i HAD TO take second glimpses, followed by third glances and fourth stares at them.
at this point in time, i'm so engrossed in being mad that i strongly feel that anyone would be mad to call me mad. except the mad one herself.
bee at 3:19 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
juicy wooshy plooshy~
the anticipation of stepping into a juicy couture store made ailay and i so breathless that we had to hold on to each other's arms and take a deep breath before stepping in.
the shop was full of VELOUR and terry and pinky-cheery goodness.
and it welcomed us with some plump, red lips on the display. red and plump and juicy like the lip balm case from vs rebecca got for me for christmas.
what a wonderous sight!
i can't stop thinking of juicy now.. i've loved it for years.. but not everyone knows that. well it doesn't really matter.. as long as i know that haha :X!
i'm already planning what juicy stuff i want to get from boston. :X *yes i've been looking for a perfect daydreamer for ages now.
and this is quite surprising considering i'm not looking forward to the trip.. AND the bonding workshop that apparently, is going to happen just before we fly off. which totally SUCKS because i don't want to spend my "last few days" in singapore with the people i am going to sleep and eat and breathe the boston air with. i want to spend it with the people i am not going to see for 5 weeks!
the worst thing is, nobody seems to understand that. everyone else is hippity-hoppity excited about the fact that it is a RESIDENTIAL workshop.
well not me. i just want to stay home and cuddle myself to sleep with thoughts of doodoo and domo and juicy goodness.
bee at 5:35 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
going gaga
i've only be doing a couple of things over the past 6 weeks.
meeting doodoo
going to school
working on my countless assignments
shopping online
shopping online.
much to domo's dismay, because i hardly had time to even hug him.
never in my life have i felt lucky to have just 3 hours of sleep each night, and never in my entire life have i viewed being able to have 6 hours of sleep per night as luxurious.
something tells me for once, i value sleep, and that i'm growing old because staying up is a chore now, as opposed to maybe.. 5 years ago? whoever said old people need less sleep didn't know what the new meaning of old was.
well well, my one week break from the past 6 weeks of school is almost over, and i'm DREADING school more than ever all because of a particular module that i have to take :( i shan't elaborate on it because it'll only make me more unhappy.
instead, i want to talk about chanel sunglasses, vintage frocks, playsuits, rompers, blabla, and glorious bags to have along with floral skirts, surprisingly basic tanks, and a leather jacket.
the list is neverending, as you might've already guessed. and i think my brother is appalled at that fact because he just asked me this afternoon "how come you always have endless places (online retailers) to shop at?".
i never thought of it that way though. i just always felt that i never have enough clothes, and there's never enough places to shop at.
bee at 8:21 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
a sudden interest in vintage
Spring is coming and i've just gotten into the mood for dark colours.
From left to right, top to bottom: Lace Bandage Dress, Navy Bubble Dress, Dooney and Bourke Purse.
bee at 10:03 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!