Monday, December 08, 2008
i miss dance.
doo, eric, ailay and i skipped dance on wednesday (leaving me with much regret and guilt because i've been looking forward to dance since God knows when).
eric wanted to spend more time with his grandma who'll be flying back to Hong Kong soon.. and doo and i were going to The Arena for the launch of Jeffrey Chung's 2009 calendar - which was filled with pictures of girls in bikinis. well, there were bikinis of every kind - set to appeal to all sorts of men with different tastes from one another. well, as they say, one man's meat is another man's poison. so the whole concept was quite smart (though not necessarily appealing to me, but nevermind, cos i'm not their target audience). the main theme was retro - but you can find bikinis that are cheena retro, candy-pop retro, really-beach retro, slut-retro, disco-retro and etc etc. in the calendar.
sad to say, neither the girls nor the bikinis impressed me much. none were unique.
well then again, what was i expecting? (with the big hoo-haa about those calendars being given out only during the event and with the limited quantity of 1000 and all, i think i was deluded and expected something more exquisite to match with the idea of exclusive).
so doo and i spent the night sitting at a bar, people watching.
there was the office crowd.
the loners.
the couples.
the groups of mid-to-late twenty-somethings.
the not-yet-18s who were disgustingly taking photos of themselves clubbing. (which i know are going to end up on somebody's blog and i so do not see what's the big deal of putting up such stuff). does it really look glam and hot as they drink and dance their life away on one little spot? i think i'm getting old. but nevertheless, this is living proof of how hotness and desireability of a woman is measured superficially by how she dances, or how slim she is. unfortunately, the world has gotten really cheap in this way, and yet expensive in another: the endless-beauty-fixes-please! kinda way.
the clubbing stuff has been going on in sg for such a long time now that all this is now a cliche actually. nothing surprising to everyone, yet for a slice of what my wednesday's night was like - yea it is this "normality" which took over.
therefore, after that one night, i think i would still stick to my own stand:
if you can't drink and you can't dance, don't club.
bee at 7:35 PM