Tuesday, October 07, 2008
i was so bored last nite as i couldn't sleep, so i decided to make a list of the tops, dresses, bottoms, lingerie sets, scarves and belts that i had. as the paper filled up my eyes grew bigger and bigger, and so did my sense of achievement. muahaha. i like to know that i have some sort of a collection even though i've got so many clothes which i haven't worn yet.
well, the hols are finally here, but i've decided to keep myself busy with 2 jobs. a mostly mon-to-fri internship at a production house, as well as a weekend thang at substance. i've yet to start on the production one, but for the latter, let's just say i'm not really into commission-based stuff still.
why 2 jobs? not because i need the $$ (both jobs don't pay well enough actually) but i'm just looking for sth different from the usual stuff i've been doing. furthermore i couldn't decide between the two, i guess they both had pros and cons, so here i am being greedy once again and choosing both when i could've simply taken on just one.
well i expect it to be an experience nevertheless. this should be the time when i should be working on my professional portfolio and getting a job related to my field of study, but i figured that this is the time when i've got all these quirky job offers and if i want to do this, i have to do it now while i'm studying, not after i graduate. i feel kinda bad though, that because i've been so lazy and tired i haven't had a chance to go back to my previous work place. it's the first and only non-political workplace i've ever come across. kudos to that.
bee at 6:15 AM