Friday, August 29, 2008
did someone say sCandalouS?
Miss Wereworuewiorweui (left in picture) and Miss Aldjsakdjlasdjskla (right) were spotted - being engaged in an intimate yet public act of kissing. so hot. so freaking lesbian. When interviewed, Miss Wereworuewiorweui declined comment, while Miss Aldjsakdjlasdjskla felt that it was a "funky display of her gorgeous curls".
okok.. this took place at sher's birthday bash at sentosa. and oh lucky me.. when i arrived at the resort, i was greeted by 8 bikini babes and a non-bikini babe. LOL. ahh that aside, we went to cafe del mar after dinner at sakae.. and lay on the beds which i always thought were dirty, and watched the moon and a star (i'm so short-sighted that i couldn't see the smaller ones). there were palm trees too - beautiful, in my opinion. and as we lay on the bed we started doing funny actions while lying there.. like punching our fists into the air, and pretending that we were driving a car, some of which i followed while my cell phone was "kiapped" in between my shoulder and my ear. ohhh.. stuff that probably would happen once in a lifetime, (same goes for the absolutely scandalous picture).
we bought drinks, mostly un-alcoholic i'd say, and all had a share of the tiramisu birthday cake from bakerzinn - YUMMY - which means it's really great as i was never too big a fan of tiramisu! and with regards to the scandalous photo, it was posed for and taken by one of the girls who had that frame in her phone. yes i know - nobody'd ever think that the innocent-looking girl in overalls would EVER do such a thing. haha! actually, neither did she herself. so this proves that we should never judge a book by its cover ;) also, if anyone thinks that this pose was horridly disgusting, they really should see the REALLY CONVINCING one that two other girls took. not only was it convincing, the act itself was even MORE sCandalouS - french kissing.
well, let me get away from all of that by introducing the Passionfruit cheesecake which stung my lips :( because it was so sour. Thank God the strawberries were sweet! well anyway, the teppanyaki saved the day. it was simply delicious.

i like the plate.

just the 2 of us. the beedae gal and bee.
now it's all of us. *psst* there's people smuggling the cake at the back. haha.
and surprise surprise! look who's here:

miss red-face and smug-boy
this is the biggest :D smile on me that i've ever seen.
and finally, a pic that i took when i just reached sentosa in the evening. i would've loved to sit there and watch the world go by. for some reason, it was nice to look at the endless amount of footprints spread across the sand.
bee at 11:17 AM