Sunday, August 31, 2008
my 21st bday
it rained the entire weekend from fri to sun, so it was a good thing i didn't get anything planned for at sentosa.
doo and i still went for a meal + movie though.. and had my teppanyaki craving for beef and duck satisfied XD and look at what else i found..

i am such a glutton.
well, at sch, the entire class sang a bdae song X_X much to my embarrassment haha. and my gift of a hand-made musical princess was presented to me.. plus my card with a domokun and 7 other imposters (my clique-mates). it was so adorable and i simply love the idea. heheheh. of course the effect was courtesy of yien's macbook.

also, mummy gave me my very first golden key necklace which she kept for almost 35 years. i love the fact that it's ancient (by my terms) and that it's GOLD. i love gold. and i never expected that i would have a key necklace. and look at what it says... 21.

and sher, jane and cheryl got me a whole mango cake from bakerzinn. super yummy - i love it more than the strawberry shortcake noww!!! :D:D:D plusplus dinner at MOF with a sunflower and something red. haha. no pics because my haircut sucked :(
the best part of it all? having many celebrations planned for you over the span of a week means that i don't have to plan for anything at all, except my time (to ensure that i'm free haha) and it beats having a big hoohaa thing where different groups of people from different points in my life know nobody else except me and the people in their own respective groups. seriously. it would be so 'wedding' then. haha!
bee at 5:40 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, August 29, 2008
did someone say sCandalouS?
Miss Wereworuewiorweui (left in picture) and Miss Aldjsakdjlasdjskla (right) were spotted - being engaged in an intimate yet public act of kissing. so hot. so freaking lesbian. When interviewed, Miss Wereworuewiorweui declined comment, while Miss Aldjsakdjlasdjskla felt that it was a "funky display of her gorgeous curls".
okok.. this took place at sher's birthday bash at sentosa. and oh lucky me.. when i arrived at the resort, i was greeted by 8 bikini babes and a non-bikini babe. LOL. ahh that aside, we went to cafe del mar after dinner at sakae.. and lay on the beds which i always thought were dirty, and watched the moon and a star (i'm so short-sighted that i couldn't see the smaller ones). there were palm trees too - beautiful, in my opinion. and as we lay on the bed we started doing funny actions while lying there.. like punching our fists into the air, and pretending that we were driving a car, some of which i followed while my cell phone was "kiapped" in between my shoulder and my ear. ohhh.. stuff that probably would happen once in a lifetime, (same goes for the absolutely scandalous picture).
we bought drinks, mostly un-alcoholic i'd say, and all had a share of the tiramisu birthday cake from bakerzinn - YUMMY - which means it's really great as i was never too big a fan of tiramisu! and with regards to the scandalous photo, it was posed for and taken by one of the girls who had that frame in her phone. yes i know - nobody'd ever think that the innocent-looking girl in overalls would EVER do such a thing. haha! actually, neither did she herself. so this proves that we should never judge a book by its cover ;) also, if anyone thinks that this pose was horridly disgusting, they really should see the REALLY CONVINCING one that two other girls took. not only was it convincing, the act itself was even MORE sCandalouS - french kissing.
well, let me get away from all of that by introducing the Passionfruit cheesecake which stung my lips :( because it was so sour. Thank God the strawberries were sweet! well anyway, the teppanyaki saved the day. it was simply delicious.

i like the plate.

just the 2 of us. the beedae gal and bee.
now it's all of us. *psst* there's people smuggling the cake at the back. haha.
and surprise surprise! look who's here:

miss red-face and smug-boy
this is the biggest :D smile on me that i've ever seen.
and finally, a pic that i took when i just reached sentosa in the evening. i would've loved to sit there and watch the world go by. for some reason, it was nice to look at the endless amount of footprints spread across the sand.
bee at 11:17 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, August 15, 2008
long overdue..
there were too many pics of the dramatisation my group and I did to pick and choose. so i've narrowed it down to 3 after-pics since most of the pics of the dramatisation itself couldn't show everyone involved in the production.

yup that's me!

Charlotte's work of Art

portrayed in real life.
speaking of drama, i had such a rude experience the other day, which even made my classmate tear in frustration and disappointment. oh the harsh realities of this world.
bee at 10:51 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, August 09, 2008
of sand-dusted roses and mudpies

went to sentosa on wednesday and had some first-time fun with the Water Bee - a four seater water bicycle thing!! i was so scared when my friends wanted to swap places in the middle of the sea so that we could take turns to peddle since only 2 peeps could peddle at a time. and so i screamed my head off like there was no tomorrow, and then continued to laugh to my heart's content at the sillyness of it all. we didn't capsize, so hooray haha.

us on the waterbee

a first-time pic at the siloso letters
yvette thought my beloved flip flops looked fab on the sand at the beach.. so i took some pictures and liked the 'feel' of the look - sand dusted roses.
after all the fun and laughter at sentosa, i met doodoo for lunch. but before that, i had to grab a pair of these super duper uber cute sirotan slippers!! looking at them fills me with glee :)

anyway, on thurs i met up with jane, cheryl and sher. we had dinner at waraku (jap pasta) and then we went to nydc for dessert. mudpies! i prefer Cookie Monster to Tiramisu. heheh.
here's evidence of my love affair with Cheryl.
just kidding.
and by the way, the prawns were clean, crunchy and fabulous. ^-^! much to my delight of course!
dessert at NYDC: tiramisu and cookie monster mudpies.
bee at 10:48 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
dot dot dees - :Ds.
no hint yet of the dramatisation we did!
can you find me?
at the office..
ah bee, ah-ntie, nancy, yien and ah char with the card with extendddddable hands that yien made (heh, it's uber cute!).
yeap that's charlene and i!

i'm -speechless-

the love balloon which she made, and us again.
a very tired bee.
bee at 11:06 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
the silence was deafening, but not anymore.
it's been immensely quiet here.. but i'll probably be blogging more this week. finally, my first term break in this degree programme's here.
the last day of school (for the first half of this term) felt like any other last day of school. for some maddening reason, everyone was busy taking group photos, perhaps because we knew we aren't gonna be seeing each other very much when the other half of the term starts. :( perhaps i'll post some group pics in my next entry once i get them all collated from the people who took them. heheheh.. pics of the last day of school plus pics of the dramatisation we did! memoriesss..
i went to send the 2 overseas lecturers off last night, along with loads of other people of course! and had popeyes after tt for supper, after which i headed straight to bed woops :X it's been like this over the past few days because i've been rushing assignments and having 2 hours of sleep per night, with the remaining 6 hours of sleep per night under "you-can't-make-up-for-it" mode since i'm not someone who can sleep for 2 days straight. so well, what's done's done, what's gone's gone too.
digressing, doo and i caught money no enough 2 last friday - a little local entertainment doesn't hurt sometimes. and surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprisingly, when i woke up the next morning and logged on, i saw on the news at yahoo! singapore that the labour minister says that increasing the wages of singaporeans isn't the way to go. HOHOHO - speaking of "yahoo!" - if anyone's feeling the pressure of inflation, that has to be me - a fellow Singaporean. this entire issue sprouts from the fact that i stupidly stupidly requested for the exact same amount of an allowance as what i was getting 2-5 years ago. if u're thinking wth, then yes, it proves that great minds think alike.
well, the new clothes still keep coming, nevertheless. because i simply cannot live without new things to wear i think :) anyway, i took some pics of myself in.. ^-^ a new electric blue beach dress with rainbows and stars on it! unfortunately it can't be seen through the pics. apparently i was more focussed on showing off the zebra phone - i'm thinking of changing the skin to black - the original colour of my phone T_T because the zebra stripes were supposed to be a dull silver/black.. not a striking ah lian white/black. oh this brings back memories of the days when i went to school with my phone hidden in my bag because i thought the skin looked hideous. a classmate of mine consoled me by saying that the longer she looked at it, the better she felt it looks. so ah. maybe that's the case with me as well, but my previous opinions of it comes back to haunt me sometimes.

the plan for this week is to:
1) get immunised against hep B - something i'd need to do before i fly to Boston next year anyway.
2) meet up with Jiahui, and hopefully Rebecca soon too!
3) meet up for dinner with jane, shereen and cheryl - much missed!
4) meet up with Ailay!
5) go back to the place where i worked for the past 1.5 years for an afternoon.
6) go to Sentosa with the current clique of 8 people from both classes combined.
7) alter the 6 pieces of clothing i have.
8) hopefully watch the mummy and to visit wild wild wet.
bee at 11:45 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!