Ailay and i went to sentosa two Saturdays ago, and it's a day i never want to forget.
once again we spoke about lots of juicy stuff and sexy shit haha! things we never knew about each other.. and things we really loved to know!
heh when we first arrived at the imbiah lookout, we took a seat on a bench in a garden-like area and applied sunblock on our arms and legs LOL - something i'd do only with Ailay around! anyway, i loved the music that was playing in the background - it was I'm a little teapot! woohoo! that cutie song which domokun hates because i always make him do the actions with his skinny arms. =)
when we were done, we bought 3 luge rides and 3 skyrides and Ailay was pretty good for a first timer! a little slow at the start, she was speeding by the time we covered the second part of the course! LOL! also, we didn't go for the luge rides all at once though, because we used it as transport to get down to siloso beach, where we lounged at coastes :) Ailay had these golden-brown fish and chips and i ordered the crispy thin hawaiian pizza. i love their oven there because it looks so authentic and ancient! :D
we spent a long time sitting at coastes (i think) asking each other funny questions and laughing at seriously sexy shit haha. then we went back for our remaining 2 luge rides. however, at the end of the day we gave the last skyride a miss because the weather was way too hot and none of us brought sunblock for our delicate faces haha. also it was troublesome to keep reapplying sunblock all the time on our arms and legs! X_X.
we went to palawan beach after we had enough of siloso, and had to walk along the coast because we got off at the wrong beach tram stop. LOL. we decided to walk with our legs in the cool water, and while we were doing so, some guys whom ailay thought was korean splashed water onto my back. i wasn't in a bikini or whatever, and was fully clothed in tee shirt and shorts so i was rather irritated. i turned around to look at who the lamoe was, and saw a skinny guy smiling at me. -_- ailay thinks i should be flattered cos her guess is they like me. what bullshit! anyway, ailay herself was splashing water onto my thighs heh, and i know she does that because she likes me :X
when we got to the southernmost point of blablabla, we climbed up one of those wooden viewing towers and did what i love the most.. chatting while enjoying the breeze. when we left however, the weather was SO HOT that my bread-purse got toasted and the cheese on his face melted!
as you can tell, he was my purse for the day.
i lent him my sunglasses! LOOK! now he has love in his eyes... ^^

i love breadie the pursie.
then we got tired and went for coconuts, orange juice and a mango dessert. when we were all perked up again, we took pictures!
oh.. and i managed to save 2 pics of us on my phone (they are so precious!). ailay grabbed my phone away from me a couple of times in hope of deleting them.. but NO HOPE! :D i treasure them because the last time we ever took a picture together was 4 years ago, during the ECH orientation. i must say that these aren't the best pictures of her as she didn't know when the camera was gonna snap though.. poor thing =/. i also dropped my heart sunglasses 5 times or something.. :( which was really saddening.
ah well, we went to chinatown after that because she had a not-so-cheap shampoo to recommend me. it was organic, and SLS-free :D yay! i've yet to try it, but it works terrifically well for her and makes her rebonded hair look so moisturised. what a wonderous product! however, things work differently on different individuals though.. so we'll see what it does for me.
i came across a pair of gladiator sandals at chinatown and couldn't help but purchase them. they're tan.. and surprisingly they do not make my legs look FAT. they just look like boots from the backview though =/ also i'm having a big problem with matching them with my clothes cos it's not exactly my style and they stand out when i place them among my other footwear. perhaps i should just pair the look off with anything casual - like jeans hoho. i can't imagine how that'll look actually.. so i'm not exactly sure that's a good idea. but ahh.. what should i do? :"(
hmm. another place that i visited two weeks ago when school first started was the pet-friendly cafe pawtobello at mohd sultan. :) i don't have a dog, but my junior has one! a miniature yorkshire terrier, to be exact. i'm scared of jumpy dogs, and thankfully hers wasn't.. but there was one in the restaurant who was extremely aggressive. it just simply didn't wanna make friends! not even with the friendly golden retriever which kept walking around, looking out for food, and smelling the other dogs LOL. that golden retriever was soooo adorable, i couldn't tell that he/she was already 12 or so years old! it came near to me, and sniffed my hand, making it wet in the process. he/she was also drooling over my nuggets, and eyed the nuggets from plate-to-lips :X then, i had drool on my foot. LOL.
it was quite an experience really. it's my first, and i'm quite sure it probably wouldn't be my last. ooh! i found it rather amazing to have been invited by my junior to dine with her as well.. we barely know each other at that time.. but i was really glad for the chance to be able to do so. it was a good start at least!