Friday, May 16, 2008
almost a so-long, farewell.
this is the week that i:
x made it known to the parents of the children whom i'm teaching that i'm leaving at the end of june.
x paid $44 for a horrid haircut.
x am absolutely mad about hunting for maxi dresses.
what i thought was so difficult to do turned out to be easier than i thought. i'm referring to point number one: telling the peeps that i'm leaving.
and the responses i got were surprising :X while overall the responses expressed their dismay, they also included bits of "it's good to study while you have no commitments" and "it's better to study before you get married". and in one conversation with a parent, she repeatedly asked me to defer for a year and asked the head of centre to ask me to defer as well because she felt her child has been making steady progress with me, and when she came back the next day, she jokingly said she'll kill me. but nevertheless, she still wished me all the best, while commenting as well that next week would be my last teaching week T_T. haha. i feel so appreciated. another went "harrrrrrrrrr" and said that we should keep in touch, citing the possibility of me becoming her home intervention teacher, which i felt was a service her son didn't need. before the session ended, she took a picture of her child + me together. how nice! one other parent whose child has a resistance to touch from others (before she gets to know you well enough to be termed as a "familiar person") was worried about how her child would cope as she said her child was already close to me. well i guess it is good to let the kids experience a change and see how they learn to cope with it. the head of our centre as well as myself had to assure the parents that the next teacher would be an experienced one and that the education of their child would not be compromised in any way.
suddenly i have a renewed passion for special needs. :X but of course i'm still keeping my options open, which was precisely why i had chosen not to get bonded at all.
well, there's just one more teaching week to go. i wonder what this goodbye would be like and for some reason i'm not exactly looking forward to it because i can't believe that my colleagues and i have reached the last teaching week of Semester 1, 2008. and i'm getting rather worried too because it's almost the end of the teaching term but my singing voice has not fully recovered. i am still unable to sing out certain notes, and it irks me because i can't sing my favourite songs while listening to my mp3s!! i get so mad i end up switching off my music player. well i guess for now i'll just think about what i'm looking forward to tomorrow: seeing doodoo, shopping and eating!
bee at 7:09 PM