Thursday, January 24, 2008
my lovely nose has been dripping blood at least once a day, and i'm still down with a flu and cough X_X my throat hurts like MAD and i can't even swallow my saliva without feeling immense pain. this is horrid.
and with the cny round the corner, i've got stuff to send for alteration and i've been too lazy to do so. i've just been flooding my mind with happy thoughts of all my purchases which just arrived earlier this week.
of course, these include bras. HAHA. it was a pleasant surprise (or maybe shocking) to note that one of them came with matching-print bra inserts (pads) as well as a matching tissue cover O_O. i think jap products are amazing.
furthermore, ailay tipped me off with the notice of a jap bra shop at one of the shopping malls near my home. i just had to check it out (and hurs as well~ and the bag i purchased from their other branch was on display so YAY!). i didn't know what their addy was, but still managed to chance upon it muahaha :) and i went home with a bra which i nicknamed "Disco Bra" because it outrageously reminded me of a disco ball. =) and then i went home and did a search on that jappie bra brand.. and found that it was number 5 of their site. O_O! after looking at the site and their prices online, i figured i need to bring lots of $$$$$$$ to Japan if i ever go there, so i can stock up and bring an entire luggage of jap bras home (at a fraction of the price sold on taiwan-import sites or locally!).
i kinda regretted my purchase of the disco bra though. X_X for some reason i felt it wasn't sth i needed - but so are most of all the other things i buy anyway.
today, i was asked again if i wanted to do the specialised cert. and OMG i've been preparing all the application stuff for my 2-year degree programme, and bracing myself for god-knows-what-could-happen-with-people-a-year-younger-than-the-old,old-me that i haven't exactly realised people think i am 'deferring' my studies for that cert because i am not keen on specialising. truth is, that's not the case. but what can i do? my quit-day is nearing, and whether or not i want to, i have to do it. once again, i cannot imagine what it'll be like to leave. ahh my goodness.
there really is such a thing as a "paper-chase" out there i believe, but at my politics-free workplace, it seems relevance is the keyword and all of a sudden a degree isn't the way to go.
bee at 9:42 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Monday, January 14, 2008
i do not like thinking of subject titles.
when i think of the only boy i am currently teaching, i cannot help but wonder what it is like to have speech that is sometimes so unclear that people cannot understand what is it you're saying. and also, is it worse to have unclear speech and therefore a lack of understanding of your words from others, or is it worse to have clear speech (and articulation) but only to be misunderstood or un-understood.
what happened the week before last when i was teaching him was that he kept repeating a particular word which i couldn't make anything out of. i thought he was saying spiderman, but nothing in front of me was related to spiderman, except a picture of a tee shirt in blue and red which i was holding. his mom and i couldn't figure out what he was saying and so he just kept repeating that word, with me asking him repeatedly if he was trying to say spiderman, and him giving me a response and expression which indicated that no, he wasn't. when i finally understood what that word was, which was 'rubberband', his face lit up into one of the brightest smiles i've ever seen. he is the smileyest little boy i've ever met, but at that point where an almost expressionless face turned immediately into an extremely bright smile, i knew he was really, really glad. of all the smiles i've ever seen on his face, this was truly the brightest and i felt so happy too~ and at the same time a little bad, for all the times that i didn't take time to actually try harder to figure out what he was saying. it's as if his smile told me how much understanding that simple word he said meant to him.
which brings me to the late afternoon/evening when i caught the nanny diaries. i thought it was just another chick flick which men wouldn't ever want to be caught watching, but surprisingly, doodoo accompanied me (reason being there was nth else to watch haha). still, i appreciate the kind gesture. anyway, that show was good. enlightening. and is something i'd definitely recommend to all (not just parents, nannies, caregivers, but everyone). it just screams love your child. and love as in making him feel loved. who's to say wanting to send your child to a renowned school is wrong? or that making him follow a strict soy diet is bad? there isn't exactly a right way to love a child, i'd like to believe, but surely every child would like to simply be with his/her loved one, just like how we would, in that same way. and since that's one of the possible things that mean the most to kids, i suppose that's how we can make them feel loved. i'm not sure if that's what the show was getting at, but that's what i got out of it, and watching it did not make me crave for sex and the city. haha~ which means it was hardly the least bit boring! YAY~
7 weeks more to my dear, dear holiday.
in the meantime, i got to get decent CNY clothes and my application to the wheelock programme ready. i can't believe i'm bracing myself for a horrid chance to be with people who are a year younger than me X_X. yes i'm prejudiced to some extent.
oh and i so gotta mention that i was so touched by Jane's xmas pressie for me (and oh gawd i haven't passed the 3 girls their xmas pressies!). well, she gave me an organiser (my 4th for the year) and it was personalised with my name in ORANGE (yippee!) at the front, and poly photos inside. who cares that i look like shit in those photos? i'm so moved by her sweet gesture of actually taking the time and effort to include little notes of friendship along with those photos of us as a group. i genuinely miss those times. on most days i am practically friendless (though obviously NOT colleagueless) to an extent and i have to squeeze in friend time (can u imagine that?) because on normal days it is just work and sleep - i don't even know how i find the time to shit haha. ok this is getting crude :X but as much as work helps to organise my sleep-schedule, everything else just takes a back seat. still, i shudder at the thought of calling it quits at work. i still am, asking myself, how i am ever going to bring myself to do it. as of now, it is by force and with the help of my excuse: school, which i'm not exactly convinced it is a good excuse, considering the subject matter isn't directly related to what i'm doing right now.
well, i have 3 more months to go before i submit THAT letter so i want to enjoy the goodness of a politics-free environment in the meantime before i throw myself off it.
bee at 12:40 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
does HURS actually mean 'hers'? like GURL and girl?
had an extremely fun day with doo today despite my bugging flu. our first stop for the day was the skin clinic where i got 2 months' worth of medication :X we then went for lunch~ & then the shopping began. my first purchase was a pair of pink shorts with rhinestones and it was lovely, but only after purchasing it did i realise i already have a pair of candyfloss-pink shorts. then came my regret T_T!~
and oh goodnesss as i'm writing this my nose is bleeding -_-! but no worries~ it is taken care of with tissues.
well, back to where i was - after the shorts, we headed over to HURS! *YAY!* and i got my mini rounded suitcase! the leather trim is all tan, and the covers of the bag are lined with a cream based country-floral print. so lovely. and the material isn't rough canvas.. it's something else that's much nicer to the touch (an includes an overlay of embroidery) so it wouldn't scratch my clothes. =D Honestly, i would never buy a cream/white and vintage-inspired bag unless i love it loads (like the car bag) because it'll simply get dirty way too easily. With this one from HURS, i realised i couldn't let it go for fear that it'll get snapped up the moment i put it back up on display, and so i decided to get it. Plus it looked so good when matched with my white babydoll dress :X and i'm hoping that it doesn't only go well with that. I tried on a couple of other outfits with the bag when I got home last night and it did match some others, but nothing as well as the white dress. ah well.
i present to you~ my HURS bag..

doo and i then headed over to vivo for a haagen daz fondue and a movie: Trade. i felt uncomfortable during the first part of the movie because the movie was good :X ahha. ok it's probably cos it's about prostitution and forced sex, not only involving adults but minors too - both girls and boys (which is so cruel). basically the show talked a lot about how society and maybe the people up there can sometimes be blind and deaf to all of these until it really strikes someone close to you, someone whom you seriously, really love. there were certain parts that made me shudder and tear~ i mean - how would it feel to be taken away from ur family and forced to beep beep and beep? or to leave your home, to bravely go out there to an unfamiliar country just to get taken away in a van (and god knows what those baddies'll do to you) and all you wanted to do in that foreign land was to earn more $$ via decent means for your son back home to lead a better life. omg. i guess this movie provides a scenario that is so real, but so far away from us. perhaps even if it is right in front of our eyes we wouldn't even know. who knows what scandalous stuff goes on in certain parts of Singapore unless you read the newpaper? :X and it also showed an ironic situation where the guy-in-between, who's supposed to be the one who ferries the victims across a border, actually prayed to the virgin mary for protection and blessings (even when he's doing illegal stuff). truth is i think these people are just in it for the $ and in places where people are poor, sometimes they'll do anything for the money.
anyway the show was well worth the $ and time~ so it's a good thing they brought it into Singapore (damn it, PS i love you still isn't it out and it was released on 27th December? HELLO?). okie, nvm~ i want to talk about something else now :X my first trip into pageone. i always thought that all bookstores were the same, so i never really bothered to step in into any for discovery and fun's sake, until yesterday of course. it started out as a purposeful, looking for a particular title kinda thing, but doo and i soon found ourselves wandering in search of the beautifully-covered horoscope books that were on display. we didn't find those and got distracted by another section instead :X the one which talks about men and women. haha. differences, and how to get to each other kinda thing. there was a book which we saw, entitled What Men Know about Women~ and my immediate comment was "shouldn't it be 'nothing'?". that's cos, the book looked like a real book, with the author's name, bestselling info, etc, etc! but open it and voila~ i was right. men really know nothing about women :X haha~ the book was EMPTY. pretty cool if you intend to use it as a notebook, but once you start writing things in there, it'd be nothing no more. there was also another book written by a guy about how strange women are to him and how he doesn't understand them. it is pretty in pink and is entitled "Girls are Weirdos but They Smell Pretty". i browsed through the first couple of pages and was convinced it'll make an entertaining read with a possibility that questions may flood our own girly heads (oh yea! like why on earth do i do this?) OR we may face another possibility where our brains may seek to justify why we girls do those certain things that we do and understand why we do them and that men don't understand at all. however, it wasn't a book i'd pay $20 for :X but i must mention it again: the cover is prettily pink :X
well doo got some boardies as well~ and dinner was at dian xiao er. i love the set up of the restaurant. it makes me feel like i'm in a chinese inn (in olden days) and there's rooms upstairs haha :X and what i love most about the restaurant is the duck. i LOVE herbal duck, but theirs is considered expensive for the mini portions which are never enough for me. we spent $60 there and i wasn't full :X well at least the duck meat was tender, unlike their other branch at marina sq, where i first tried their duck. in fact this visit to their branch at vivo was only my 2nd to dian xiao er, i suppose it took me a while to go back to them after trying out the tough meat at marina :X~
yesterday was happy saturday~ and today is moody sunday~ because tomorrow is back-at-work monday. :(
bee at 9:33 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, January 11, 2008
the weekly update
i detest running and so i was extremely grumpy when doodoo wanted to do so, until we started running and it was then that everything changed haha. i was laughing and we didn't run for a long distance but i felt happy joking with doo and seriously i don't know why running makes me feel younger, and of course lighter - the wonders of great company. doo thinks we should do this more often :X but the lazy me can't bring myself to!
ahh and now its the time for me to grab some peeps to help me with my application for my degree. it's such a drag to do it all over again and this time, i'm not sure if the same peeps'll write for me again because they already did last year. what if they think i'm such a big fat piece of trouble and give me BADBADBAD comments this time around? :( well i still have to thicken my skin and try.
while i'm trying to get myself back into studying, i actually find myself with more responsibilities at work so i knock off later and now that i'm sick and down with a fever i'm worrying about getting better the child who is starting to be less clingy to her dad finally, the child whom i want to continue to teach and be there so that she can continue to see me and thus be even less clingy to her dad (cos ultimately dad wants to go back to work on those days she has her lessons at our school) and also discussing about educational plans, my circle time practice. etc. etc. etc. it's no fun being sick with a burning head, "crappy bones" that are twice as heavy to lift as i walk and worrying about work all at the same time. i wonder if i'm getting hooked onto this job.
anyway, just a couple of days ago a parent of another child thought that i am the parent of the child whom i teach. OMG. i was so shocked i could hardly respond "no, she's my student". and my student's dad was there and he too, appeared APPALLED. haha. can i say flabbergasted? as i shared the joke with my colleagues, they laughed and said "and that's your husband!". i wanted to say "so do i look old or does he look young?" while i was still in OMG mode. the man looks very young even though he's born in the 1960s but certainly i do not look old enough to have a kid right? thankfully it's only one such parent with such a comment or i may have freaked out and fainted if anybody else agreed with her. :X
also, while i was at work, my lips swelled and formed a pinkish outline over them. that's cos i had forgotten to bring my lip balm and OMG. it took 2 days for the pinkish outline to ease off, but only to see that it turned into dry skin T_T
and over the past 2 days doo and i were trying to lay our hands on a 5x5 rubik's cube. he's so totally mad over the cube and can solve the 3x3 already. honestly, i am in disbelief. it is just totally unbelievable as to how people can just sit there and solve the cube. well i suppose if u're totally keen on something, your mind will have the determination and drive to complete it. anyway, the first branch we were at was sold out of the cube and so the lady at the info counter helped us to check with other branches. she said the suntec branch has stock for it and so we went down. when we reached, they told us it's out of stock. CRAP. so we had to go home empty handed. i was extremely displeased with the info counter staff at the first branch who helped us to check and provided inaccurate information which cost us like 2 hours of our time. then on the next day, doo and i went down to forum and got the cube from there instead, and now he wants the 4x4 :X which isn't out in toys'r'us yet.
8 more weeks to the trip!~!~
plus CNY's coming. but how do i get decent clothes in this too-decent weather? NO long sleeves for me. everytime i purchase a piece i have to fold the sleeves up so i won't look sickly.
bee at 10:23 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
hello 2008~ goodbye beautiful nails!
the small, short, square nails that i had from a previous manicure had grown out to be pretty lil things and i love them so. sadly, the start of 2008 was the start of a new year at work, and so the lovelies had to go.
here's me wishing domomomo a fabulous new year (with more furring and brown teeth to be noted).. i realised that i have the claws in our relationship. haha :X

and there. goodbye nails! see you again in march (for a week!) -yes you might've guessed that's domomomo trying to nibble on them because he's hungry and upset that i might be going to Japan in May to get a new domomomo and he'll be all left out- but i actually think i love this huge, soft domo to neglect him ever.
just abit about what i did on the last day of the new year. doo and i tried out a restaurant that's new to us, and the food's not bad except that we ordered one dish by mistake and so the bill shot up. we went to get the 5 M&M convertible cushions which unzip into fleece blankets as well and needless to say, it's a set of 5 because there's a total of 5 colours: red, green, yellow, blue and orange. they could only be purchased together with a shirt or a pair of pants each, so i bought like 5 baby tees along with the convertibles. of course now i have to crack my head to think of who to give them to. :X at present, i've only got 2 kids in mind.
anyway, so far the first week of work has been ok. i was dreading it like god knows what, even when i was on my way to work. all i could think about was sleeping and hiding in my bed, meeting up with doodoo and hugging him because i'm so fearful of starting the new term. well, now there's 9 more weeks to go and loads more circle times for me to lead T_T!~ & sadly its highly unlikely that we're gonna get 1/2 a day off on the eve of CNY, but thankfully it'll be an off in lieu, which currently i am intending to use it on the last day of school. everyone's been asking me if i've shopped for CNY yet but it hasn't been on my mind at all. it's only when they asked did it occur to me that CNY is just a month away. and argh :( one more thing about work: i still find that the longer i stay, the harder it is to quit.
and the one thing i cannot live without at this point in time is my lip balm. because i only get to put it on during certain times of the day (at work), i feel my lips flaminig up especially at their outlines, and it hurts. i can't help but stress them out with the incessant smiling that i do at work, and it doesn't help that the med i'm taking now only dries it up further. ouch. seriously.
bee at 10:44 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!