Friday, April 06, 2007
ever since i got my pay.. i've been spending like crazy. but before i even got it, i was already spending like crazy cos i kept telling myself that more $$'s coming. haha!
purchased a couple of F21 stuff (incl a dress that mischa barton wore for a keds commercial).. joined tons of sprees.. almost too many to keep track off. but i love the feeling of it. anticipating the arrival of new stuff that will be delivered directly to my doorstep! YAY! and i'm so thrilled with a necklace i purchased recently - a miniature black/silver old-school camera that lights up (that's supposed to be the flash) with a push of the button! how cool! now i can go tikam-tikaming with it :)
the madness is called indulgence actually. i can buy a particular top in all its available colours. the same thing goes for vests.. and dresses. and its tempting for me to do so with even more dresses =/ especially when the fit is good. actually, that's what i'm doing with doodoo's tops too. oh dearie me! i have to keep reminding myself that i need to be contented with what i already have.. and that over-indulgence should be thrown out of the window! :X
my addiction to domo hasn't stopped either.. its always comforting to hug it and toss it up and down after a full week of work. the dressing up of domokun continues as well.. :X hmm, did i just hear it say "somebody help me!!"? some pics for ya'll to see the lovely domokun once again. i wanna go to Japan during the June hols (yes! no work most of the time!) so i can grab some supportive and flattering Japanese bras PLUS more Domokun goodies like bedsheets, bags, handphone dangles, plushies.. and everything else that they have at the NHK store!!! :D muahahahahaha~

there's good news too~ i was offered the position of a special needs officer by MOE which i already rejected due to several reasons and a place in Ngee Ann's early childhood degree programme by Wheelock College. also, things from NTU sound good as well (based on what i was told at the end of the interview for the BA in English). its just that 4 years is way too long for me in my opinion (inclusive of direct honours which i view as useless unless i work for the government and at the same time, secure first-class honours). what if nobody employs me due to the lack of working experience after i graduate? :( and i might just turn into an English Geek Goddess yea? haha. not pretty greek goddess at all! i'm waiting to hear from NUS, and i don't know if i should apply for SMU (i love its location, seriously.)
bee at 8:34 PM