Friday, November 17, 2006
happy, melly, day!
YAY! melly is back in SG.. and we met up with each other today!!! it has been TWO FREAKING YEARS.. and she still looks the same!
as she spoke about what NZ life was like.. i was under the impression that it was filled to the brim with balls, balls and more balls.. things like dancing lessons.. baking... and crazy friends that spice up any bland day. it really makes me feel like singapore life = no life... and the usual kinda lives people lead are: gaming. staying at home to slack. sleeping. clubbing.
anyway, i got an anna sui-inspired ring at forever 21.. mel had a top to exchange for another one that was NICE.. floaty.. and so suitable for swirling around. =) the peeps at f21 refused to allow an exchange unless we got sth that's $53 and above.. mel was short of a couple of bucks and couldn't find anything else, so she insisted i get that black rose ring, which i hesitated getting at first, cos i felt that black was a colour that was hard to be seen (for accessories especially, i wondered if the rose would look like a black blob of stuff if it wasn't viewed close up HAHA). anyway, i got to thank melly for being so nice.. she said i just had to top-up only the remaining amount.. because she didn't have anything else to buy to carry out the exchange anyway. :D THANKS MELLYPOO!
my legs hurt now.. after so much of walking. >.< but it was fun even though i must admit i was kinda quiet at times? i realised that i like shopping with mel cos we look at similar stuff.. so i can walk beside her while shopping and not feel bored. we also picked up the same top, and had the same comments about a pair of shoes! LOL. i can't even remember when i experienced something like that. i am gonna miss times like these when she has to go back to NZ again in Feb T_T!
i decided to stop updating my wishlist. cos there are too many things that i want, and i've been buying a lot of stuff lately (though not necessarily clothes at all, just tons of stuff that are for fun, laughter, peace and joy). i've been looking out for Red/White FLAT Peep Toes, and perhaps a cropped blazer =) and as usual, i feel like buying doubles of those things that i can't bear to wear, in case they wear out sooner than i want them to.. such as the super bling and big gold diamond ring, leather school bag with gold accents & ropes as handles, and my black patent leather loop nyc bow wallet!!! >.< my superego is trying to tell me to CONTROL myself and fight my urge for greed!
as i was speaking to melly about some stuff.. the word "neighbourhood" sprang up a couple of times :x i felt kinda uncomfortable and somewhat guilty.. cos it sounded so discriminatory even though i didn't mean for it to be that way :( i just wanted to get the meaning across that it was just simply out of town area. but i didn't know what other words i could use. "heartlands"? sounds like a friendlier but superficial way of saying it. argh. mel suggested "HDB people". but i can't possibly say "hey! i was at the HDB people area the other day..".. that sounds so weird too =/
i'm hungry already. off to dinner. toodles~
bee at 7:18 PM