Monday, November 06, 2006
my weekend was purely sickening because.. i was sick.
i woke up on Fri morning with a pain in my throat. i thought i was just developing a sore throat but as i started feeling tired in the early afternoon while i was at Taka with cheryl.. something was so wrong. i felt that i was starting to get weary and quiet. hmm. then tAdAA! i got a fever in the evening X_X.
then the thing just went on and off throughout Saturday, with of course, the sore throat becoming an inflamed throat. and on Sunday, i had both the inflamed throat and an inflamed right jaw. Today, it is the inflamed throat (it feels like there's a fishbone somewhere) and an inflamed right jaw AND an inflamed spot on my left jaw.
since i've been hooked on tea lately - Jasmine Green Tea and Crysanthemum (how do i spell this?) and Wolfberry NutriTea.. it got me wondering if there are Heaty Teas since there are Cooling Teas. just like how there's the overpowering Heaty Korean Ginseng and cooling American ginseng :D i can't think of anything else that explains the inflammation in me.. except for the lack of sleep :D i am guilty of staying up till the wee hours of the morning to bid on stuff on eBay. because it is so competitive. SO competitive beyond anyone's imagination.
anyway, doo and i went to Petite Nouilles for a jap-french dining thing on Sat evening.. and after that when we were walking off to the bus stop.. we saw a black-bodied kitty with white paws!!! sooooooo kyoooootE! it was a Kitten. :D then we walked on (cos it went to hide somewhere) and we saw another one! They were twins! and the 2nd one went into the bushes to look for the first one... SO CUTE........ their faces had a bit of white too. they're unlike the usual striped or spotted strays because of their white paws! i don't know why they chose to play hide and seek though. its so easy to find one another because of their white paws ;P its like everything's dark, green and black and suddenly u see 4 white paws that dingdingding and move along the path.. :D its so OBVIOUS!
i felt like a kid at macs before we went for dinner. that's cos we bought Green Tea from there.. and i started scratching the cover (i didn't remember that the cover could be scratched before? What a Discovery!). and so i drew a heart and showed it to him. he drew an "I Heart You" and showed it back to me! so kiddy >.
and as much as my throat hurt, i couldn't resist Crystal Jade. :X so on Sunday, we went for it! WOOHOO!
i just feel like a kid. i don't know why. perhaps its the way i complain about how life is. how cute i think the kittens are and that they're cute enough to take home LOL. and how i let Crystal Jade tempt doodoo and i and how we give in to temptation >.< i think he just knows that i wouldn't say no to Crystal Jade. haha. and how we discovered softdrinkcup-cover scratching. O_O!
and just a really minor thing that's become a major issue to me. i saw a tank top that i like at Zara. it comes in two colours. black with silver accessories and brown with gold accessories. the latter looks more expensive due to the gold accessories, and honestly i love gold more than ever now. but the black tank top is more flattering than the gold cos it makes me look slimmer and actually, when paired up with the silver accessories, it all fits pretty well together! :X. so i am stuck in this dilemma and its so frustrating that i am considering not buying any at all since i can't come to a single decision! if i bought both, i'll consider myself greedy. now i bet this is something that'll be on my mind throughout the entire day today in school. argh.
bee at 10:46 AM