Wednesday, May 31, 2006
so many things to say.. but so little time.
a couple of days ago i was supposed to try out griller @ tbp with doodoo. but rebecca told me that it was not too good... so we went to the food fair @ expo instead. it was just like every other food fair in sg in my opinion.. just that this one resembled a supermarket more than others that i've been to before. in fact, it looked like a mega supermart with tons of people promoting their frozen food by selling the cooked versions. it was also a cheese dogs galore. haha. my fav brand Kelly's was there.. but they weren't selling what i loved most - the cheese sausages that went well with deeelicious mashed potatoes and pineapple. instead, they had cheese sausages with spaghetti -.- how common.
olivia and i had an "SMS chat" the other day about maple.. and then relationships. she claimed that she was having problems.. and that she's amazed at how some couples can stay together for years. in my opinion, (i told her), that trust, tolerance, give & take and respect are super important things to keep us going. of course we can't expect all of 'em to be there all the time - cos no relationship is perfect - which is precisely why relationships & marriages need to be worked at constantly. but ah. nothing seemed to help. she said that once trust isn't there, giving and taking becomes so difficult - one party would end up giving more than what he/she received. so sad. i just didn't know what to say to her after that. it sounded somewhat miserable.
i also watched the da vinci code the other day.. with eric, doo n ailay. people have said that it's boring and all.. but hey. i felt that its one movie that just kept me going. there were certain parts of it that i couldn't understand initially - and i was only able to piece them together upon clarifying my doubts with doo, but at least it was a movie that didn't put me to sleep. the events in the story just kept progressing into deeper stuff.. so i couldn't help but want to know what's it all about. all in all, its probably just a story book thingy - a fiction one. but i'm just wondering why leonardo da vinci painted the last supper in the way he painted it? with the M and all? or are we humans of today reading too much into it and believing too easily what has yet to be proven?
i came across this shop that sold tidbits and sweets.. and just had to go into it. BIG mistake. doodoo and i ended up finding old skool stuff like nerds which we couldn't resist. we never knew they were made by nestle usa and imported from there. cool! and also.. there were those magicdust lollies. poor me - i opened up the pack that i bought - which i thought was mango flavoured. little did i realise it was mango PLUS chilli and it burnt my tongue. haha! i guess i was too caught up and excited by the fact that there was a picture of a cartoon mango printed on the cover that looked so fat and juicy that i just didn't notice a plump chilli was just beside it as well. i felt so blinded and stupid. LOL. urgh. oh! i was surprised that its made in korea! O_O!
oh.. and HAHA! i am also mad about this lip balm 10g, handcream 30g and cleanser 85g that comes in a
mandarin orange tub. it is super duper cute!!! and expensive :( due to shipping cos it comes from japan/taiwan. it is the crappy packaging stuff that attracts girls like me and earns these companies their $$! but nevertheless, HOTHOTHOT item :D! cos its ooh-so-cute lala :)
not forgetting dairy queen lip gloss keychains in an
ice cream cones! :) so pretty. i want strawberry and vanilla flavours.. sooo nice. comes in
chocolate too - with a felted tip to make application easy :) the vanilla one smells like vanilla.. and the strawberry one smells like strawbery and so on!
i visited the childcare that i'm attached to for this semester. no aircon :( and guess what? the only choice i had was nursery/playgroup. i chose the older ones BEFORE knowing that there were 32 of 'em in one big, huge class. HELP!! :(
and i do know that the GSS has started.. so i SHOULD be shopping.. but hey. doesn't anyone remember that it is ALWAYS crowded at places with sales?!?!?! its not like the GSS has bargains for me to die for. so why should i suffer and squeeze with the rest of the world? i am counting myself out like every other year. because i just wonder - is it really worth my time? maybe next year.
bee at 8:11 PM