Saturday, February 25, 2006
i always thought that reading on a moving bus was totally unhealthy for one's eyes.
because we learnt in Health Education in primary school that it is more difficult for our eyes to focus on the words when we're on a moving bus, thus straining our eyes. its like making our eyes perform strenuous exercise.
it surprises me to know that, few remember this.
and its not because everyone is reading on the bus to show that they don't care about their eyesight. but its cos i asked, and what we learnt as said above is no longer in their memory.
AND. an advertisement from the national library board (NLB) doesn't help. it wants to promote reading on the MRT by showing a picture of people reading on the MRT!! that is a moving train mind you! so anyway, based on the fact that people can no longer remember what they particularly learnt in Health Ed, i guess there's a higher probability that the NLB's advertisement worked for some people.
and they can use it to back themselves up. "if its bad for the eyes, why would NLB promote that?". because they are promoting their books. and never healthy eyes.
which brings me to think as well.. that what is the entire point of teaching kids things (other than daily living skills and basic survival skills) when they're really young, only to watch them forget all they've learnt later on in life due to the lack of reinforcement? anyway, only important things need to be reinforced i guess.
even if they do remember, will they look back when they grow up and think like.. "yea, i was exposed to block play when i was a little tot so that's why i'm good in mathematics and all those construction things as it lay the foundation for me?". but i guess that's not the whole point of an early childhood education - whether or not kids remember what it is in the past that made them what they are today. maybe its just about laying the foundation for everything so they can use it to move on to greater heights.
bee at 9:22 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, February 24, 2006
my first paper's a goner.
who would've known that the exam questions were the exact ones that were posted on the school's intranet? not me.
all along, i thought that ACTUAL exam questions are not allowed to be posted up anywhere or even given to students.
so i spent all my time studying and studying her notes, notes, notes. only to realise that all the questions came from the revision paper only. imagine how much time i wasted.
i guess u should know by now how much that helped.
compare a few sheets of model answers from the revision paper to an entire semester's (14 weeks) worth of notes!!!
bee at 7:13 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
SHARE THE PASSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i guess everyone out there already knows that i shop online.
its a craze that slowed down and then stopped for an entire semester and maybe even longer (yay!)... but now i find myself back on track... oogling ONLY at Juicy Couture stuff. well of course, NEVER to the extent that i will no longer step out of my house to check out what's on sale on the streets. because the main drawback about shopping online is that we can't try out the stuff before purchasing them so there's always that risk factor to consider real hard about.
i should be proud of myself anyway. having not touched online shopping in ages and making a comeback only in the last month, i've only bought a tee, a spag, a pair of vb crown jeans and my juicy couture bikini online. *applause!* that's less than 5 items!
i used to dislike this brand cos i thought its BHB and showy to tell everyone that u think u're juicy. but haha. that's no longer what i think it is. its not about the name of a label at all! cos people who are brand-conscious-extremists waste their money on a couple of words that serve no purpose unless people who know it notice it. its the style that matters most, and the way it is carried off. i always believed it would do everyone good if people could just stick to their own honest way of dressing (what they truly like) and not be wannabes (unless they totally love being one).
i just discovered and currently think they sell BEAUTIFUL and l33t stuff that most importantly - cannot be found in Singapore :) except the fakes. =P i guess this exclusivity of pretty Velour stuff tt makes me want to hop onto and oogle (no drooling involved!) at the Juicy Couture label... (like a skirted bikini bottom that is hard to find in SG at the moment!), as i see no point on shopping online if those pretty pretty things that r sold online can easily be found on the streets. the thing is, some of them can't be found at all. i mean, who wouldn't enjoy a street shopping trip with friends anytime?
to make things simple, exclusive has two meanings. one - the authentic label does not have a store in SG. two - i can't find something like what i see online on the streets (i'm short-sighted and blur remember?)
AND sometimes, i walk on the street and i can point out where some people bought their clothes from. maybe singapore really is too small.
i'm not interested in many things. just this bag.. that is being sold at such an unaffordable price (excluding all shipping charges from the states), but i think it is pretty and i want it. there are two versions: Daydreamer (School Bag) one.. and the Hobo one for Outings. haha :)
i think. i am so mad. and i am in a mad mood.
beauty is not measured by extravangance and the desire to show-it-all.
simplicity can be pretty.
bee at 8:04 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Monday, February 20, 2006
going past seventeen?!?!?!?!?!?!
i love mel. serene. pamela. ailay. they're old friends whom i rarely get to meet. but i treasure them the MOST anyway. because TRUST stays. and we probably know each other so well that we'll know what the other party'll say without even having to speak.
but after two years in a poly, i've come to realise that i don't know who i can trust anymore. don't get me wrong - this is not a realisation that happened 2 years ago, or anything within 2 years, but in fact, it just happened now. i never knew going past seventeen would be like staying within the age of thirteen to sixteen still.
its no fun when u're in a position where all your friends think that they're rotten eggs and that u're the only one who's "a friend of xxx". xxx is someone who's not in the clique. yes, things about cliques make me sick. point is, WHY ARE WE ROTTEN EGGS? if they're all rotten eggs and i'm excluded, that's sad to an extent. now seriously, the part that hurts most is that i am being labelled as "a friend of xxx" all the time. does this suggest to any extent at all that i am no longer a friend of the labellers that i've been with for God knows how long? and could this possibly mean that i've got to stop talkin to xxx to remain friends with my clique so they'll consider me as a part of them again? then what the hell is friendship all about, really?
as much as the people who perceive themselves as rotten eggs think they've done nothing, i think i've done nothing to deserve every bit of this too. i bet we've all got BIG question marks dancing to their own beat above our heads.
i have no idea why people love to perceive themselves in such a manner when nobody ever said they were so?! maybe i just don't get it.. or don't understand things from their point of view till they explain it. i am known for being b.l.u.r.
if they can't stand her, tell her.
everything has become so childish. why are people separating things into "you are her friend and i am not" kinda thing? it can almost sound like "i don't wanna friend you anymore!"? but that really is the way it is. I just hope that everyone bears in mind that we're 18-19-20 years old ALREADY. NOT 8 or 10 years old.
its even worse when you could possibly have other scenarios like having an absolute nobody come up to ur friends, tell them something, and your friends are told to keep it in the dark. or another possible version of this could be, someone spreading news around about people to other people and then telling them not to tell anyone who he/she (the one who spreads) really is. this sneaky sneaky kinda thing shows that u're nothing but a coward! if things are true, why be afraid? just what EXACTLY are your intentions as an absolute nobody? is this just attention-seeking? or have people out there almost guessed what your true motives are? i sincerely hope they did. when it comes to peeps like this that i detest, if they're not two-faced cowards, then i don't know what they are. thank God the purpose of this blog is not to shame.
just imagine this. when there's a possibility that a person is being kept in the dark by her so-called friends, (its not a case of whereby one no longer wants to be friends with others, but its more of whether or not those friends still want to befriend that one person), its difficult for her to get out of it. maybe not completely (kept in the dark), but partially. doors are closed, so are windows! how could anyone expect one to be honest about everything when everyone else keeps that one person in the dark? they themselves don't want to open up and its throwing that one person into an environment that she hates: The Dark. It is scary.
like what jiahui said, with closed doors and windows, one can't explain her point of view. in the end, conclusions are made without one's knowing until they're completely made, because of the same view that ppl have. "blablabla is xxx's friend". and when one finally gets to know of them, a realisation comes into place: everything evolves around negativity. now please. i need honesty from the people i trust most. that's the LEAST i'd expect from any friend. my life does not evolve around xxx only. so why make yours evolve around hers when it only makes everyone more upset?
EVERYTHING in this entry is written because EVERYONE thinks that i am nothing else but a friend of xxx.
i've made it a point before never to bitch on my blog about anyone because every second i spend bitching, i might as well think of all the lovely things i have around me and feel appreciated. but when things get out of hand, and i feel so threatened by whatever situation that some absolute nobodies out there are trying to create to get me out of sync, i just had to be honest with myself.
there is no right or wrong in blogging. and there is nothing stoppable about it. because i can't imagine anyone who has the right to criticise one's thoughts. except in singapore, where blogging about race/religion becomes a big hoo-haa. which of course can be understood by all, we're vulnerable in a sense.
FYI, i think blogs are a menance for many reasons, and i've been having this impression of blogs for the LONGEST time now. they're like poison.
to many, i'm just a worrier. but i just want to say that i could wash my hands off everything if u're nothing but an aquaintance. many people would've noticed that i'm not observant in class, especially of people that i am not close to. ever wondered what's behind my worries and why? its cos i don't give two hoots on what those people wear or do. they mean almost-nothing to me. so why care or worry about what people think of them?
everything is so frustrating and hurtful at the same time. i do not know of or understand the full situation, i can't stop people from thinking or saying what they wanna say, so why are people throwing their expectations at me? (ie. expecting me to be a know it all).
if i worry for you, and i worry for what would happen to us, it means i care.
this storm'll blow over. i just know it would. maybe i am reading too much into things, over-reacting, misunderstanding, exaggerating my viewpoint, letting my imagination run too far out and taking things too seriously.
that's all.
bee at 8:10 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, February 17, 2006
twin effects
it is so exciting. i've discovered that joey's camera can be used to take pics that can make me look as though i have a twin :D my clique and i explored it with glee! the pics look really L.A.M.E.. and i felt so dumb. but i don't get to do this everyday!
:D have u ever wondered what a tootsie looks like?
:D what in the world?!?!?!?!
:D The Tootsie Twins
and i also realised, i've got this habit of screaming the word "WAIT!" when i want people to listen to what i have to say first and not interrupt my thoughts. i know its because i don't want to forget those happenings that i really really want to share with the person i'm speaking to as that's happened a thousand times, but i also think its kinda rude and selfish of me to do so. perhaps i should really think of this in another way: like what Jiahui said, its offensive only to the people who don't know me well. i know i've only done this twice so far, and it so happens to be in front of people whom i hope know be better than the rest. o well. what to do.. what to do.. am i picking a fuss over peanuts again?...?!?!?!
bee at 4:10 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Monday, February 13, 2006
its overrRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am so mad. each time i try to blog and i type out an ENTIRE blog entry, my computer gives up on me. this particular entry was not an exception. GRR!
anyway, i have a confession to make.
i spent $$ again. on a juicy couture eyelet bikini that i would never wear to the beach. but the set is soooo sweet and pretty that i simply cannot resist it :)
it is the last day of field pract today and i didn't manage to bid farewell to all the kids. she thought it was bad and so i felt bad. miss cynthia told reb and i to clear up our learning centre stuff by today and so i thought she knew it was my last day as i did mention to her before that i'd bring everything home on my last day.. but apparently, i only found out at the end of the day that she thought i had one more session to go, which was why she asked me to clean up the class when the kids were going home. so i was just totally kept out of sight and i never had my chance to announce it to the whole world. however, i did manage to say bye to some of the kids, but they were the ones who didn't really care. the ones who did, like Maria, Chloe and Dylan, had already gone home. T_T despite their weird moods and behaviours sometimes, getting hugs from them still felt great and i'd never forget that feeling. it made me feel so appreciated and it took me quite some time to get there, perhaps an entire semester at least of watching them hug only miss cynthia, who had naturally formed a super strong bond with them (they stick together like super glue!) since she was their primary caregiver since they were little toddlers. they turn five this year, in case anyone was wondering.
anyway, for our Advanced Speech Training assessment, we had to promote/sell an item/service to the class and i talked about rebonding @ Kimage, promoting its frizz-free and non-flat hair. i should've just gone back to them for my 2nd rebonding, rather than going to Haru Scene (a branch of thescene@wisma)! my hair's been flat for 4 months since my 2nd rebonding. :(
i'm talking abt this assessment, cos i discovered Manuka Honey from New Zealand during that session of AST. my classmate, Shahfi, shared about this wonderous product that improved the complexion of both her friend and herself. apparently, her friend's skin moved from imperfect to flawless. she also claims that this product can help people with gastric problems and stomach ulcers too. Manuka Honey has got several "grades" called UMF. the higher the UMF, the higher the activity of the enzymes in the honey and the more expensive of course! :)
Well i've got to try it SOMEDAY. even if it means having to get my hair all sticky n stuff when applying the honey directly onto my skin and then leaving it on for 20 to 30 minutes. so i guess the best time to do this would be just before bathtime, no? and if it doesn't work, i can just mix the honey with water and drink it all up! :)
bee at 2:51 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, February 03, 2006
imbiah lookout :P
went to sentosa on Tuesday wif my one and only doodoo!
had to squeeze into jampacked buses @ sentosa with those ppl who were just there for the free attraction: the flower display.
doodoo and i spent:
$30 on luge rides and chairlifts (3 each)
$20 on photo-taking
$6.80 on yoshinoya
$11 on subway (how could sandwiches ever cost so much?)
$6 on the sentosa entrance fees
*kachink!* grande total: $73.80 for four hours or so of fun and waiting with doodoo. the doodoo part matters most by the way :)
and i didn't manage to paddle boat as time didn't allow me to :( but going for a luge ride and a chairlift and another luge ride and another chairlift and a luge rude and a chairlift again wasn't too bad! but its OK. serene and i will go TOGETHER during the hols to try out paddle-boating! its $15/ half an hour.
i felt so cheated about the whole photo-taking thing. i only intended to purchase 2 photos to be sent via email ($5/email of 1 photo). but the lady printed the photos out before i agreed.. boo. buts it okay. doodoo said we haven't taken a picture in ages. and i really do mean ages. maybe its months or a year + several months ago. he said it was all worth it and never a waste (cos it was taken wif me. fwahaha!). i do not have a digital copy of us on the luge ride with the helmets and all though. but u could also see what the ride's like on the sentosa website. well in case u're wondering what the chairlift's all about, here's a pic of us on the chairlift anyway.

there was sth that made me a wee bit mad today.
i won't make a big fuss, or bear a grudge or whatever. but i just have to say...
some people have absolutely no right to discuss about the government's adherence to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children when they themselves do not respect the rights, and freedom of choice of others.
i felt so "forced" to speak-up. nobody likes to be forced to do things that they do not like, and also, as a matter of fact, NOBODY likes to be forced to speak about things that they know NUTS about. i might've said sth if i knew sth abt the whole topic, but the fact that i knew nothing meant that i was not keen at all to do what everyone else was not keen on doing! i just felt i didn't have to do what i did, but i didn't know why i did anyway. maybe cos that would save everyone's asses in some sort of way, or so they felt. not to mention there were people who thought they knew me well enough to throw things right in front of my face and sort of demand that i do the things they say. in what way was anything a freedom of choice? treat your friends as friends if you regard them as friends!
everything was just so ironic.
now i know why some people just choose to simply say "NO" all the way, refuse to help, stick to their stand and get what they wanted - to not speak up. because it benefits their selfish self. this is the world.
i was almost such a person today.
bee at 8:57 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!