Saturday, August 13, 2005
You are 47% Virgo

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this explains a lot about me.
i took the test twice, about more than a week or so apart from each other (as long as i forgot what i chose the first time, i took the 2nd one). and both came up with the same answer.
i am only 47% virgo.
its pretty true.
i'm not as make-up-ey, girly, dress-up-ey as strong and pure virgos are.
my dressing is not as extravagant as theirs basically. neither am i obsessed with being pretty and i don't think i'm vain. (lots of pple disagree with this though - but THINK again - if u never knew me and u just stole a glance at me, would you think that i'm vain? from my dressing, NO.). that's because i don't stand in front of every mirror i walk past to look at my hair and touch-up my make up. :) and also, who doesn't like to look good? i'm picky when it comes to clothes and as long as i think it looks so-so, chances are i wouldn't buy it. but being picky doesn't necessarily mean i'm a vainpot.
AND. as much as i like certain things to be clean, i am NOT a cleanliness freak and there's hardly any order in the things such as my schoolbooks, clothes and blablablabla things u can find in my house around me. (except my schooltimetable and project deadlines and exam dates).
lastly, i am not a horoscope freak because i don't read daily horoscope stuff and believe them completely. how often do they come true?
apparently, there's this incident in sec4 whereby i was having a chat with Hartini while doing my Batik (Art). she was toking to me abt what different ppl r like based on their horoscopes. and after some time.. i was like.. "you actually believe in that kinda thing?". Hartini asked if i was Aquarius (NOPE!) and her 2nd guess was VIRGO. HAHA!
i was SHOCKED, APPALLED, whatever. "HOW DID YOU KNOW?". she claims that only 2 kinds of ppl would say that - namely the aquarius people and the virgoes. LOL.
i thought this episode was interesting, cos it was sth new to me, though not exactly funny to some extent.
because of my birthdate, which is at the very start (either 1st or 2nd day) of the virgo period and very close to the end of Leo, some may suggest that i am half a leo.
perhaps so, in certain ways - but i doubt its the arrogant and egoistic part - because i laugh at egoistic people and not myself. i think, its the "ALWAYS WANT TO WIN" and i am super stubborn when it comes to getting what i really really want :) BUT, the test results from where i got that 47% virgo thingey suggests that i am only 27% LEO!
haha :) we shouldn't trust the test results, but honestly, if these horoscope thingeys can be trusted, doesn't that mean that all those virgoes have the same character traits in some way or other? -.- that would be so weird.
its unknown's bday today :) and doodoo and i wrapped his classy Metal Gear Solid CD case (it doesn't look cheap kay!! and wasn't cheap oso la) in 19 layers of wrapping paper, 18 of which were newspapers. the 19th layer was a HOT PINK one with a super dooper cute wabbit on it n a cuddly cat too! =) chosen by me of course - who would pick such a gay thing for a guy right? HAPPY TEARING! :) we also decided to tell him that its a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle inside that was purchased from the PASAR MALAM. HAHA - which explains the laoya yellow A4-sized plastic bag. we're going 4 steamboat tonight and i don't like it =/ o well.
bee at 11:33 PM