Monday, May 30, 2005
got this from a friend who wrote it for a girl who broke his heart. i love this loads i couldn't resist sharing it with everyone!
My hate towards youIts been 3 months since we knew each other
I regreted all the way
I fell in love with you in a short time.
People think i must be blind
In my mind I can't stop thinking,
how much you hurt me
about loving you so deeply
I was so stupid to do so
Deep in your heart you know
I hope you're not so naive to think that
I would wait for you till the end of time
Don't come find me
when you have you're feeling down
Don't for a second think that
I would hold you in my arms and be there for you always
cause I would not be there for you
Deep in my heart
you scar me so much that
you'll always remain..... Forever
In actual fact, he doesn't hate her. Remove the middle lines (2nd line, 4th line and so on).
Sweet right? If only someone wrote that for me.. haha i'll be so touched i could cry!
anyway, i tried a Cold Tiramisu Latte from the coffee club last night. it's actually a HOT drink, made lukewarm with vanilla ice cream in it. yummy~! It had a tinge of alcohol in it but it was so little i felt nothing! i got hungry and ordered a mango mousse too. wanted to eat more - like beef cubes with shallots and other stuff. maybe nextime.. i feel fat already.
i wanted a Vodka Mudshake from 7-11 initially, tried searching for it at 4 outlets, but none of them carried it. heard from a friend its out of production! darn.. i wouldn't get to try it then =/
and I WANT MY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Year 2 is tough T_T
oh well.. just went shopping with mandy today.. i am SO happy. bought my screen protector for zee k700i handphone by sony ericsson.. cost a freaking $12.00. but i bought it anyway - i was desperate for it! my phone had a scratch on the screen! then i chanced upon Tommy Jeans @ takashimaya. WHEE! they had the
tommy girl espadrilles i wanted! but when i opened the box to try, both sides of the shoes were the RIGHT side, there was no left side!!!! so i left the shop feeling SO disappointed =/
then amanda boarded bus 190 to Funan.. she wanted to visit her colleagues. After we passed just 1 stop, the salesperson from tommy jeans called to say they found the left side!!! whee! when we got off immediately, it poured like the whole sky was crying for god knows what. we took a cab to taka.. ($4.50) and were still wet anyway. cos from where we alighted, we had to RUN to reach the shopping centre and everyone was looking at us - we were COMPLETELY drenched from head to toe. yikes :(
i still bought
my lovely
Tommy girl espadrilles though! whee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they cost USd$60.00 on the Tommy Girl website! Mine are
pink as shown and i paid SGD$59.00 for 'em :)

bee at 10:56 AM