Monday, November 24, 2008
3D fest!
doo and i were at the singapore discovery centre for the 3D movie festival :)
we caught 2 shows - one about mummies, and another about sharks and dolphins. i liked the one about mummies more, but it was extremely irritating that the staff kept taking photos with flash within the theatre. X_X! we also got free popcorn and candy floss, which really rocked :D hehehe..
doo and i visited the army museum as well. it was cool - there was a show with effects that you'd get when watching a 4D show, and was more entertaining than the 4D ones at Sentosa's cineblast. Each time the tank in front of us let out a shot, i would shiver in shock haha.
after watching the shows and looking at the exhibits (OMG i saw what my dad's army uniform was like in the 60s), we went to the shooting gallery and had a few shots. for the first time, i held a gun!! woohoo. it's a nice experience, and i had no regrets giving shooting a try! there was also a station for us to listen to mr brown's podcasts - but there were so many clips to listen to, it was too tiring to stand and listen to all of 'em. i wish there were benches or cushy chairs.
i'm pretty glad we went for the 3D fest + the trip to the army museum. it was far better than spending it at the usual golden village cinema but i'm not certain i'd go there each time i want to catch a movie cos its so ulu :X
bee at 10:36 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
my shoe addiction is back
or maybe it never went away
i went to substance yesterday, and happened to see rebecca there. it's a pity we didn't get to chat for long =/ she looked like she was rushing off to somewhere else.
anyway, i ended up buying 2 pairs, one of which is a pretty high wedge - unique, but disliked by doodoo. i felt like i was getting a slap across my face when he simply said "i don't like it" - which confirmed the fact that i somewhat got psychoed to buy it X_X!
another was a navy pair - one which i thought looked rather common, but still bought it because they had it in my size and was comfy so i knew i'd wear it. that navy pair came in white-beige as well, and it was so tempting for me to get that too, but the material was stiffer (i'm not sure if that mattered actually). there was another pair that i wanted as well.. ahhh.. this will never end.
bee at 7:48 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
would you pay $300+ for a bag like this?

with a miniature version of the bag as a key fob.
bee at 9:31 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
purple is gay.
i have finally been able to open my mind to accept purple.
previously i've had a countable number of purple clothes, but i never ever wore 'em out.
finally, like seriously, i have been able to accept just a deep, royal purple and for the first time in my life, i am considering purple shoes. how amazing!
also, surprisingly, i think this miu miu bag looks most unique in this shade (with the black and grey being safe, but common colours).

and.. i would just like to add that i think this bag looks yummilicious at the store front. by yummilicious, i mean grabbable and huggable.
credits for the store-picture goes to the person who took it while shopping at Rodeo Drive at Beverly Hills.
bee at 12:43 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
i am back from my first salsa lesson with doo and Ailay!
and yes, i am not joking/kidding/lying/bluffing.
it was cool, and i had to be light, controlled yet relaxed, and balanced at the same time.
i don't know how to explain balance, but when that's the word that came to my mind when the instructor danced. he looked like he could control his muscles and balance very well. haha!
well, it was a lovely experience cos it's a case of "Men First", as opposed to the somewhat usual thought of "Ladies First". Apparently, the men lead, they initiate, and the ladies follow. it's fun to close your eyes and be led around. and interestingly enough, it feels like it's easier to dance with a partner than to dance solo.
also, i got lost whenever the instructor called out for a change of steps. whoops :X some practice needed there! whatever it is, salsa's fab and though i look like a wooden block, it's amazing exercise. haha. if only i could do this more often.
bee at 11:46 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!