Thursday, November 24, 2005
initially, i had thought that my holidays were boring. but i beg to differ now.
judging from the amount of nonsense i have to write on my blog from the time school started till this current moment, (which totals up to 0), its pretty obvious i had a much more enjoyable holiday than anything else i'm experiencing right now. well at least, despite idling everyday in front of the computer, i still had things to say and rant on and on about!
i DON'T like what's happening now:
i wake up feeling stressed and "kan chiong" and i don't even know why myself.
i am happy once it hits 12:30 on Mondays because i have another 6 days of the week to enjoy before the next Monday comes again. AND. i get sulky when i realise that time passes unexpectedly quickly once Tuesday comes.
and my old com still can't connect to my wireless network at home. so i can't enjoy maple as often as i wish to.
aniwae. here were the maple pics that i promised myself that i'd put up - for some reason or other.

mee @ level 40 to 47 with absolutely curly hair.

an exlusive bathtime snap

the look i want to achieve by level 50 :) yes - those are pretty strawberry earrings!
blimey. lots of ppl know about my blog and i never knew that they knew about it until they pointed out the fact that i am in love with Jay Chou's hair!
o well. and look at the time. if i didn't skip today's DPIP lecture, would i EVER have time to blog?
bee at 9:29 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, November 18, 2005
=) new undie-wear!
WAHAHAHA. look at zee cutie cutie elephanteeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
went to topshop @ wisma atria and shopped around for quite a while. shereen and i got undies and we bought 3 pairs of the elephant ones!! it is SO kawaii.
are boyshorts supposed to be worn fittingly? ie. r they supposed to hug your butt cheeks? cos i'm really not sure. sad to say, they're my first pair of boy shorts!
aniwae check out the pic. it certainly doesn't flatter or even justify the actual item!!! i'm thinking of buying another pair in the same size. gosh.

big fat elephantes!
bee at 10:04 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Friday, November 11, 2005
school is such a bore
the title of this post sums everything up. sch is a bore so i've not been in the mood to blog at all. sch is a bore and still is a bore so i've got nothing to write about it. school is a bore and i detest it. school is a bore AND a drag. school is a bore and it makes me feel more tired than ever. and. i am not looking forward to field practicum.
i worry like nobody's business for it even though i look as though i never do.
problem is, i'm having all sorts of problems in teaching.
big problems. sigh. which obviously can't be solved so easily.
aniwae, i've had nothing to blog about basically until today :)
oh. another reason for my absence of writing on this blog is that i've gone back to my old die-hard habit of online gaming :X woops! after hunting around for hmm. a year or so, i've gone back to good ol' maplestory. :) the only difference is that i'm now on maplesea (which stands for maple south east asia) instead of the past mapleglobal :D
will post up some pics of my char soon :) when i feel like doing so.
time for my all time favourite - tong xin yuan! haha.
bee at 10:52 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!