Friday, July 29, 2005
say hi!! :)
yippee :)
doodoo started the whole discovery of dumbo by bluffing me..
he told me to look in his store room for his thermometer..
i was thinking to myself.. "huh?? what would ur thermometer be doing in your store room?" but anyways, i opened the store room door and he said.. "no.. not the store room.. the room beside the store room..".
and.. i switched the light ON..
and.. the first thing i saw was..
i love those pretty eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the bib suggests that dumbo is a BABY elephant!! KYOOOOOTE!!! :D
after smiling like a dope for a WHOLE minute, the first thing i did was to take him into the bathroom for a shower..

*fresh from the bathroom!*
anyway, i'm in trouble - as usual.. i've got last minute work to be done again. :)
= 3 self-evaluations
= arranging my samples to be handed in and photos to be printed (i still have to make a trip down to the centire tmr to take a pic of the final product and add in the captions for the photos)
= my first draft for the 1500 "academic writing" essay on single-parent families.
all to be done by tonight! :) congratulations to me!
i'm so stressed... but thanks to doodoo who never fails to put a little laughter in my life (with DUMBO!).
there are so many projects to work on this weekend. actually there's only one - but my friday and sunday will be gone.. boohoo :( saturday will be FILLED to the brim too!!! in a way, that's good i suppose? but that'll leave me tired for Monday's field pract again..
my piano exam's in exactly 2 weeks' time. HELP!! :S
and i don't get it.. what's the whole big issue abt xiaxue being hacked? it boils down to the same point: she's happy because 1. she got her blog back because she got in touch with some biz guy and she's proud abt the fact that "yay! no one can bully me anymore!" and 2. free publicity!!! the more news she makes, the more the term "singapore's best female blogger" appears on the newspapers.
imagine what would happen if she didn't manage to get her blog back. will she still be able to brag on and on and on about it?
bee at 10:10 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
by now, everyone should've heard of the infamous
it is nothing but a mere copy of or sth like that.
feel free to sympathise with her.. but i am not one of those who feel that way.
the whole hoo-hah about the entire issue boils down to one thing.
singaporeans love to overreact and blow up every small little matter. WHY? u may ask - well. who doesn't love entertainment when we all suffer from a lack of it? we LOVE scandals, don't we? people just love creating pointless entertainment for themselves. at the expense of other people's feelings.
thus. the POINT is. singaporeans aren't open enough to accept this.
i hate to agree with someone that "if everyone does it, its right but if only 1 person in society does it, its wrong". which is precisely the reason why everyone dresses according to the trend, even though it makes them look fugly - because everyone is doing it.. and everyone follows that blindly.
but i don't sympathise with sarongpartygirl's "fame".
she wants it - honestly. who wouldn't claim that they don't want it? its all just a lie in the face of the media for those who say that don't want the fame. remember - good or bad publicity is STILL PUBLICITY! its just like one of those peeps who donate to NKF and win a condo and then say "i never expected to win this!". oh gawd. that is SO rehearsed. who in the right mind would say "i dialled so many times - of course i have to win it!".
and of course - as xiaxue says - its not art.
your body is an art because God created it. art is when somebody paints your body. art is when someone makes sth out of it.. and art is definitely NOT something that is posed..
yeah yeah.. some ppl might say.. "if u have it, flaunt it".. then why don't all those fatties out there with a low self-esteem tell themselves tt "hey i've got big boobs - let me flaunt it on the streets of orchard road by walking around naked!"? its because they know what shame is. they know the adverse effects they could bring on if one did that. these are the people who spare a thought for others and the feelings of others who cross their path - whether they're children or not.
if posing naked was an art. nobody would need fashion shows for people to show off their wonderous works of art on clothes anymore.
honestly. i don't think much of sarongpartygirl at all. if it wasn't for her naked photo, i would never have heard of her blog at all - because nobody has ever mentioned to me tt there was such a person known as SPG who writes well - so, if she wants ppl to appreciate her for her writing.. i won't think much of it - cos hey gal - open ur eyes and look at the world. people r looking at ur body.. not ur writing. who do u think u are? a xiaxue with a good body? i don't think having a nice body puts u to an advantage over xiaxue - because she's REAL in the face of her fans and does not resort to such cheapo ways to gain fame. u're fake because u admit it - u're nth more than a copycat of londoncallgirl!!!
oh god. where's the thing tt blog-readers have been searching for? an IDENTITY?
thats the most basic thing everyone needs to have.
and if your identity is copied, and fake. i just feel so sorry for you - if u just wanna be another cheap-ass call girl who goes after ang-mohs only. its sad if u can't find a beautiful local guy. maybe they're all taken cos u're not good enough for 'em. plus - sleeping around with ang moh after ang moh? what do u take ur body for?
the only time i visited sarongpartygirl's blog was just to see what exactly is this girl made of.
i wouldn't even say its disappointing because it takes much more to make me feel disappointed.
the only people who would sympathise with someone who wants all that attention are people who want all that attention for themselves but are not brave enough to go out and get it. thus, they sympathise with the courageous try-er who resorted to such fugly ways to gain fame.
fugly i say.
btw i'm not saying tt i'm some pro and famous blogger, because i don't even consider myself as one. BUT. my blog = my feelings = my topic = my thoughts.
bee at 1:28 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Monday, July 18, 2005
right. pink-earred sheepie is out of stock in the whole of SG. and i don't want the curly ear ones. ok lah. i just want a sheep. a big fattie woolie sheep. even if it has curly ears..
but. i saw sth better today!! unknown aka eric caught these..

ooh.. who do u think i am???

*takes a peek*


its me :) check out the adorable bib and my cutiepie friend piglet!!! ooh!! *squeals!* not forgetting my little yellow hattie!

loook at my butt!!! its firm & round & "qiao!!". - it definitely resembles bee's beloved doodoo's bootie (without my tail of course)!
i love my big floppy ears btw :) & i hope u enjoyed my SHOW-off time.
and here's a pic of piglet posing with a basket of i-dunno-wat & its blue apron:

back to bee:
please note that i am NOT the lucky bitch who managed to keep these stuffies :) i know they're so cute.. but they belong to the guy who caught them - ERIC - doodoo's goot fren :)
and i have no time to edit these pics and to snip away the backgrounds so they stay as they are for now. and most probably forever.
well that's all. good luck to everyone who's going to be assessed for field practicum tomorrow. including myself!
bee at 1:42 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
i just watched wet dreams 1 :) in case u don't already know, its a korean movie.
a thought came to mind.
can we really blame teenage boys for their horniness when they're pitifully battling their raging hormonnes and thinking to themselves "oh gawd! here i am battling my raging hormonnes that wouldn't listen to my brain fer nuts because my brain itself is listening to them!". now doens't that show the power of raging hormonnes? haha.
just a display of my blablabla lameless than hasn't gotten any better since sec 1.
ooh and initial D rocks :) actually i wasn't talking about the movie.. but i meant the GUY in the movie. ya know..? the guy with small eyes >_< and a shy smile *aww* and that boyish hairstyle with the fringe covering his forehead?!?!?!?! u noe u noe u noe? AHHHHHHHHH. haha. i want that poster of him looking out of the car!!!
call me crazy if u want. i can just go on and on about this. i can't help but love boyish-looking guys :) the kind with the boyish hairstyle - fringe covering face. but NO MOPPY HAIR PLEASE! ooh and the kind with a shy smile that never fails to melt my candy heart :) HAHA. will someone shout "kyooooote"?!?!?!?!??!!
i think i'm just exhilarated because of the term break. its like.. "when was the last time i had a break??? - beats me.".
the school basically ROBS us of our holidays! for example, national day = PUBLIC holiday. working class = do more work on the following working day. poly students class = have a make up lesson. WHAT IS THE WHOLE POINT OF HAVING A HOLIDAY. i think nobody in Singapore actually understands the ACTUAL meaning of a HOLIDAY. maybe they do, but they don't behave like they do. actions speak louder than words remember? wats the point of declaring a blablabla day a HOLIDAY when nobody actually takes a break? = no action = pointless.
the bottom point is. i am just lazy. PUREly lazy.
and cheryl just simply had to remind me today that it is the last day of our term break.. "holiday". how nice.
went for a BBQ today :) the class gathering was fun. i ate like 4 pcs of chicken meat (can u believe it?) and drank tons of coke. plus.. poking fun at the birthday gals made me laugh (i'm talking about the blindfold part..). LOL. i laughed and laughed and laughed until i got a tummyache. partly bcos of funai and her shy demeaneour (how do u spell that?).. aniwae she was so funny & cute at the same time.. gushing and blushing at her favourite guy and wondering how i got to know abt everything! LOL. shy girlie!!! but i was almost dead by 8pm.. x_X as in.. dead tired. this ______________________________________________ depicts my brain activity at 8pm and after. doodoo cooked 4 me and hardly ate. sweetiepie!
i blew $30 at the arcade on fattie woolie sheepie today. i refuse to give up and shall try again tomorrow. doodoo got upset with me cos he doesn't want me to spend so much on that thing. i think he feels my pain >_< i am crazy about fattie woolie sheepie and i don't need anyone to tell me off. i'm not saying tt people r telling me off but i'm just saying.. i don't need anyone to do so.
bee at 3:25 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Monday, July 11, 2005
can anyone believe this? apart from spending $$ on other stuff, there's also $300+ on an abercrombie & fitch spree. nothing but abercrombie and more abercrombie. i think i seriously need to change my nick to abbycrombie. HAHA. anyway, i managed to get my hands on these from the states!: A pair of khaki cargo shorts + a white woven belt, Bethany Cropped Jeans with pink stitching!!!, Patricia Twill Mini, Dominique Mini and the Spotted Belt from the Reid Cropped Jeans! :) i can't stop screaming "L-O-V-E-L-Y!". i know these look SO PREPPY, but are cute nevertheless :)

the best part is? mom doesn't know yet.. YET... and the good news is that when she does, i won't be getting any allowance at all for an entire month!
will someone please hold on to my wallet? :X $ seems to fly out. i think i have to marry a credit card.
my term break is finally here.. :D but i still have to go to school on mon, tues, thurs and fri.. not that i'm going for every lesson tho. heheheheh..
also, i'm sooooo happy because i'm mad about the ice-cream coin banks that i bought!!! they come in Mint, Strawberry and Vanilla flavours!!! And they're MADE IN JAPAN!!! doodoo and i intend to use 'em to save $1.00 coins :) but i think that'll never happen cos we'll just end up spending 'em all. HAHA.
i first saw the green one at one of the shops at Far east.. it was in this green display and the woman refused to sell it to me!!! she didn't tell me where i could find it either =/.. well nvm.. i have THREE now!!!!
It looks like this.. except that the ones i have are green, pink and white.

o ya.. if u can spare the time.. u oughta check out one of xiaxue's ( for those who don't already know) recent posts on her ah-lian past. i am startled by the ah-lian photos that made me laugh hysterically because i couldn't believe my eyes.. *okay i guess startled was just the initial feeling* they're worth a look if u feel like having an amusing start to your day :) i can't help but agree that i do get tickled by some of the stuff she says sometimes. LOL. toodles!
bee at 12:45 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Monday, July 04, 2005
Cherry Earrings!!!!
i had Cherry Earrings on my wishlist when i first started this blog.. (in May or sth?)... and i took 'em off cos i couldn't find 'em anyway and those on the net were so metallic.. the nice ones were going for SGD$45.. so i just told myself to "forget it". but wheehee! i actually got these today :) they ROCK my world. i LOVE them so. so i can finally add those back onto my wishlist! i bought extras too.. :) they're just one-of-a-kind. mom thought they looked pretty real :)
and doodoo got me a tigger for our anniversary yesterday. it was a BIG, huggable Tigger, wearing an apron + bandana + white tight-fitting baby tee AND.. he was holding a PINEAPPLE! a sunnyly-yellow pineapple! :D i was so shocked, and happy. shocked because i had completely forgotten about our anniversary. it just feels so good when someone does something for you.
i'm so tired i haven't studied for my DLE test tomorrow at all. and my music and movement plans? will someone please help me? i seriously have no clue or idea on how to start going about it? i'm completely blank up there. i wonder what are my brains for?
all i can conclude is.. girls love to be surprised. the feeling rocks. ok i can't stop using that rocky word but it just simply rawks at the moment. on the other hand, i just got reminded of the feeling i get when someone calls me an ah lian. it is RIDICULOUSLY funny in a way because its SO UNBELIEVABLE! but surprisingly, people have said that abt me - like hullo. i think i look more like a toot. even without my specs on. with specs, i'll be the ULTIMATE toot. and most ah lians don't have acne-prone skin like mine... and ah lians speak and understand and fight in hokkien (hokkien leaves me completely clueless btw). I'd smile politely when people speak politely in hokkien. i kinda just feel that it sounds kinda crude even when people speak nicely in hokkien, which seldom happens.
bee at 12:42 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Sunday, July 03, 2005
i agree with something that someone said. well obviously i don't rem'ber who that someone is.. maebe its shereen? but i'm sure it someone from ngee ann.. well anywayz, she said sth like "mass com ppl keep trying to be different and that's what makes them all the same". how true! i've heard so many things abt 'em.. bitchy.. fakey.. etc.
but one thing that i've found to be SO PREDICTABLE abt these ppl is that they're ATTENTION-SEEKERS = they don't just work in the media field, they make use of the media to gain fame for themselves.. even though they ACT (fakey) like they're not.
one such example? xiaxue.
well i have nothing much against her really, as in seriously.. i even think she has got pretty nice clothes (like that smocked & ruffled GREEN tube dress with tie straps from forever 21 - which is abt the only thing she wore that i am mad about >_<). BUT. one thing she did made me feel like.. "Bah.. just another TYPICAL mass com product".
i tried to put myself into her shoes.. esp when lianhe zao/wan bao posted her pretty pic up there and the words "Sarong party girl" were pointed at her. with all the words like "NUDE" and stuff out there, i fully agree its not sth xiaxue would like to be proud of - she has a physically clean image (plus the even tan) :P except for the mouth bit - which is aired on her blog.
but hey. isn't this kinda obvious and predictable?:
she sells her sad, frustrated, pathetic story to ALL of her fans who read her blog. they sympathize with her. she has that "i can't take it anymore" tone to show that "i am going to suffer from a nervous breakdown". everyone reads, believes and.. for once, she seems to be affected by the people who hate her, the things that are going wrong in her not-so-perfect life.. (perhaps to her, this kinda happens like once in a million years only).
so.. what i predicted before she updated her blog with the post-frustration entry was:
1. she's only acting sad/frustrated to gain MORE support from her fans.
2. because she's attention-seeking.
3. SPG has lots of attention now. Publicity, whether good or bad, is Publicity. Of course, many would still prefer GOOD publicity.
4. whatever i just said came true. she received 250 encouraging emails from fans. a few days later, she updated her blog with an entry that went like "BAH! nobody's gonna get me down".
5. voila. her purpose and mission is accomplished. to prove to the world that xiaxue is STILL the blogging queen even though she has won 2 blogger awards and her fan-ship has not sunk and that she is not threatened by the presence of SPG.
the truth is, she is already bothered by it all. if not, she wouldn't have started with the sad/frustrated/i-can't-take-it-anymore post.
well. what's more important is that this issue shows... her fans believed her. gullible and naive, they don't know what the fakey, "i-would-lie-to-get-what-i-want" world is like. so much for reading ppl's blogs because "they are real". in actual fact, we'll NEVER know how accurately true is anyone's blog in relation to REALITY.
hail xiaxue. her fans love it. she loves it.
i must say it is still amazing to have people who are HOOKED onto ur blog and with viewership that goes into the thousands everyday :)
anyway, updates abt today. i bought my 2nd rainbow umbrella!! 8 bright colours to shelter me from the rain! :) PLUS+++ peacock feather earrings! woohoo.
and i can't believe it! esplanade charged me $21 for a one-year membership that allows me to borrow CDs and music scores. T_T
bee at 9:15 AM
(0) hushy lil babies!
Saturday, July 02, 2005
FATTY SHEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
righty! its 2nd of July.. and its been an entire week since i last touched the blog...
i find it so hard to believe that i don't even have time to blog anymore? maybe i should stop doing last minute work. but i can't help it at all. no sense of urgency = i won't start studying/working. which reminds me - i have not done up my journals for Field Practicum for the previous two visits!!
yep- i've been busy because of field practicum.. *art lessons 4 the kiddoes - they're a buncha great lil things!* and tests *3 tests this week* and assignments *2 to hand in this coming week*. i can't even skip a day of school! *mumbles*
well anyway. something i do have time for: going to see my dearie woolie sheepie!!! oh god. its so round and fat and fat and fat and woolY!!!! i never liked the furry stuff (those that have fur that can come out with a slight tug) but this is different! it is WOOLIE! i have pics for illustration. SEESEESEE... *points downwards* SCROLL!

Front view of sheep with Pink Ears

Front view of sheep with Curly Ears

FATTY Side view of sheep with Pink Ears

Side-front view of sheep with pink ears
yay! now if u see a smiley girl in the photo.. that's pretty jiahui who is suffering from the exact same illness as i am.. we're BOTH equally crazy over these fatty sheep with short limbs.
i love the silly sheep. it looks so "ben ben" and dumb and squatty. short and fat. just the way i love it. HAHA. if stupid wasn't rude i'd say it looks stupid! but so huggable nevertheless.
and i want this sheepo so much i've added it to my wishlist!!! i hope doodoo will be able to get it for me :( when jiahui and i tried to get it.. the sheep kept slipping off the kiap-kiap claw.. and even if the claw caught it, the sheep would just fall back down because it was too heavy to be lifted! the only way to grab it is to drag it to the hole.
and.. it took me so long to realise that... STEPPING INTO A MANGO STORE DURING THE SALE IS SO BAD FOR ME. WHY? cos i buy the stuff that's hardly discounted. i bought a sparrow birdy tee.. (well nobody knows what kinda bird that is but i think its a sparrow k?). the sparrow tee only had a $6 discount?!?!?!?! so i ended up paying $29?!?!?! and this is a sale?!?!?!?! ok i must admit the tank tops that were going for only $9.00 each were good.. i loved the orange colour of those but i duno why the armholes are so big ?!?!?! ooh and i bought a pink jacket. oh yeah - u didn't read it wrongly.. its a JACKET. beebee who is too lazy to carry a jacket to school actually bought a PINK JACKET. haha. and it silly-ly says MNG & YOU at the front -.-
i NEED to start saving. AGAIN.
bee at 11:08 PM
(0) hushy lil babies!